Saturday, April 8, 2023

For Bogus Belize Business Earl Ingarfield Gets Trial Delayed As SDNY Declines to Seek 302s


By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon

SDNY COURTHOUSE, April 7 – Earl Ignarfield is charged with securities fraud in connection with the acquisition of two Belize international business companies.     

       On November 24, 2021 U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Judge Ronnie Abrams held a proceeding. Inner City Press covered it. 

  There was talk of producing discovery on a hard drive, and the set-up of a next status conference on January 28, 2022.

 Counsel asked in advance that it be virtual. Judge Abrams said that would depend on virtual criminal proceedings still be allowed.

Why wouldn't they be, as civil cases will going forward? Has the Federal court system, or SDNY, learned nothing during the pandemic?

Jump cut to April 4, 2023 in the run up to a pre-trial conference, Ingarfield through counsel has argued that the prosecutors have made it impossible to know "the true scope of CW-1's criminal conduct," and that the prosecutors have not heeded "the serious warnings from the Nejad case."

 On April 6 Inner City Press went to the final pre-trial conference. Ingarfield's counsel argued that all Giglio material is Brady material; Judge Abrams asked for the factual not legal basis of the argument. The trial, she said, would be delayed but only slightly.

 The April 11 trial was canceled, and time excluded to May 1. The US Attorney's Office on Apri 7 put in a letter saying it does not agree to "voluntarily seek records from entities outside the prosecution team," citing "all FBI 302 reports regarding CW-1's cooperation in the Bandfield case." Watch this site.

This case is US v. Ingarfield, 20-cr-146 (Abrams)


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