by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon
SDNY COURTHOUSE, April 14 – After a circus-like civil case involving Guo Wengui in SDNY, which Inner City Press closely covered, here, March 15, 2023 saw the unsealing of a criminal indictment.
Not mentioned was another, related arrest on March 15, of Guo's chief of staff Yanping Wang, aka Yvette Wang. Inner City Press live tweeted her presentment when the prosecutors offered release on $5 million bond, but only with two co-signers they approve.
On March 22, Inner City Press was again the only media in the SDNY Magistrates Court when Yvette Wang and her two lawyers showed up, complaining that a proposed suretor with a $2.5 million property was rejected. Afterward Inner City Press asked Wang's lawyer Alex Lipman to confirm it is or was Steve Bannon. He said, "We're not going to answer." Inner City Press' vlog, and live tweeted thread here.
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On March 24 after 11 pm Wang's lawyer, trying to get out of representing Jen Shah, proposed eight names - letter on Patreon here.
On Sunday April 2 the prosecutors provided an update: "The morning of March 31, 2023, in advance of the scheduled 10:00 a.m. bail hearing before Judge Lehrburger...." Full letter on Patreon here.
On April 10, after the April 4 bail hearing Inner City Press reported on, and filings, Judge Lehrburger docketed more questions: "the Court has some follow-up questions to the bail hearing held on April 4, 2023. By April 12, 2023, the Government shall submit to the Court: 1. The documents referenced in the four bullet points on page 2 of the Government's letter dated March 31, 2023 (Dkt. 22). 2. Any support that the application for an account with a bank in St. Lucia in the name of the BVI-registered company owned by the defendant (a) culminated in actual opening of an account, and (b) that such account contained assets as of the time of defendant's arrest. 3. The date(s) that Defendant was interviewed by Pretrial Services and asked to disclose assets, and, if answerable, an answer to, and support for, the following question: what exactly did Pretrial Services ask Defendant to disclose with respect to assets?" Full questions on Patreon here.
After a first, on April 14 a second letter from the US, including "on April 12, 2023, a Bank-3 representative informed the Government that the defendant appeared to be the controlling manager of three open business checking accounts at Bank-3 that held funds. (Dkt. 42 at n.3). Yesterday, a different Bank-3 representative orally informed the Government that it appears that Bank-3 accounts controlled by the defendant, Yanping Wang, are in fact closed. The Government is still awaiting documents" - full letter on Patreon here.
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