Saturday, December 3, 2022

UN Corruption At UNISFA UNanswered As UN Says Inner City Press Banned From PGA Event


By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Maxwell book
BBC Honduras - CIA Trial book - NY Mag

UN GATE, Dec 2 – How corrupt is today's United Nations?

Well, while the UN refuses to answer Inner City Press' written questions about corruption in UN Missions, it bans it from entry into the UN to ask. Inner City Press has asked Antonio Guterres' spokespeople Stephane Dujarric and Melissa Fleming about this whistleblower email:

"Dear Matthew, I would like to tell you something about UNISFA....A camp of slaves and poor international idiots uncapable to contract the best for the UN. As you must be aware, UN Contractors are becoming more and more from Arabic countries in view of the power some of their protectors are having in the UN. In this case IMDAD, a Jordanian company, got the contract for the camp services in UNISFA. Well.... at what price? the women are all from Dinka and are having sex with anybody for less than 20 usd and lastly thy have no holidays, no medical coverage, etc. Just slaves. Everything is under control of the CMS Kirkwood who was only interested in building his shelter in front of his accommodation in order not to dirt his feet... I would like to ask: is really benefit for the UN to contract all services and give flip flop money to poor people who are, most of the times sexually harassed  by their managers?" No answer at all.

For a United Nations "Civil Society Town Hall" meeting on December 2, Inner City Press was invited and had its RSVP confirmed - but on First Avenue, was told it is "banned from the UN." Tweeted audio here.

When it asked the basis of the ban, since none had ever been expressed, it was told by a UN Security officer at the door of 801 First Avenue that a supervisor would come and explain. None came, for 40 minutes and counting.

  Inner City Press e-mailed the spokesperson for the President of the General Assembly Csaba Korosi, whose event it was, and Melissa Fleming of the Department of Global Communications, who sat on stage and heads UN Media Accreditation. Fleming did not answer, as she has not answered a July 2021 letter about Press access from the pro bono law firm of Quinn Emanuel, here.

 But Paulina Kubiak came onto First Avenue, to her credit, and went into to speak with the UN Security officer. She emerged to say, You are banned but they tell me there is an appeals process, you are to write to the Investigations Unit and the Police Chief.  

Inner City Press expressed skepticism, including in light of Fleming's non-answer, but asked the PGA's office to follow through. Kubiak said she would go into UNHQ, to UN Security / DSS in the basement, and get Inner City Press the addresses to appeal to. 

 But she later wrote to Inner City Press, "Hi Matthew,     I’ve spoken with a number of people on the issue of your access to UNHQ, but unfortunately, was unable to get any useful information.     Best,  Paulina."

 Inner City Press wrote back, " Paulina -    You told me there is an appeals process, and that you were doing inside to DSS in the basement to get me the address that I, or the Quinn Emanuel law firm, should write it with the appeal. So what is the address?  Thanks."  

   But there has been no answer, even as Kubiak held a questionless session in the UN Press Briefing Room.

  Prior to that, Inner City Press asked UNSG Antonio Guterres' spokespeople Stephane Dujarric and Farhan Haq, and the Indian Mission to the UN as UNSC President, "Immediately explain both the basis for UN Security at 801 1st Ave on the morning of Dec 2 tell me I am "banned" from entering the UN despite confirmed invitation to UN PGA Town Hall, and (2) the "appeals" process that DSS told PGA Spokesperson about to, conveyed to me. What is the "Inspections Unit" and "Police Chief" email address an appellee is to write to? Why did USG Fleming not respond to the July 2021 Quinn Emanuel letter with information about this appeals process, if it exists? How many people are on the UN's "banned" list? On what bases? On deadline." No answer -

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