By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Maxwell Book
BBC - Guardian UK - Honduras - Vlog
SDNY COURTROOM EXCLUSIVE, Dec 15 - In the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York on December 15, Batise Boyce was for up sentencing on charges of being a felon in possession, and of having a gun in a school zone.
But there was much more too it.
In the courtroom, where Inner City Press was the only media, was one of Boyce's victims, Jerry Brown. On August 3, 2020 Boyce had an argument with Brown in a bodega, then shot him in the street. Since then, Brown has had his leg amputated.
A second victim, a 23 year old shot in the head by Boyce and described at the sentencing as having been involved in crime, survived but was not present before Judge Lewis J. Liman. Inner City Press thread:
1st up is victim Jerry Brown. He says, "The animal who shot me...took my life away...colostomy bag...I work all my life."
There's also a 23 year old victim shot in the head by Boyce. As charged / pled, 15 years max.
Federal Defender: We request nine years, then he'll try to be a positive influence. Brown shakes his head, No.
Federal Defender: He's been in Rikers, then MDC where the food is inedible. Brown audibly scoffs. Boyce: I have 2 daughter and 2 grandbabies. I have my college degree. I want to become a peer counselor.
Judge Liman: I impose the 15 years, minus the 26 months you've served
Afterward, Boyce raised objections to the consecutive sentences, and cited a recent Supreme Court decision to argue that the statute about gun in a school zone was not longer Constitutional. Judge Liman explained the first, and said there was no motion before him on the second. Boyce was remanded.
The case is US v. Boyce, 21-cr-777 (Liman)

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