Saturday, April 9, 2022

On Burma UN Guterres Rep Says Talks to Coup Junta Despite Their Slaughter of Civilians


By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Complaint
BBC - Guardian UK - Honduras - Song/video

UN GATE, April 4 – After the Burma coup regime fired its New York-based UN ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun for his speech in New York in the usually scripted and now COVID positive UN General Assembly, UN Sec-Gen Antonio Guterres, bragged about the session and grabbed five more years.

And Guterres then-envoy on Myanmar, Christine Schraner Burgener, bragged at a stakeout Inner City Press was banned from that the people in Myanmar all know her and she would give them hope. She didn't, and her UN successor is worse.

It was stage-leaked on March 20, 2022 that on March 21 the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, will declare Myanmar's slaughter and targeting of the Rohingya to be genocide. It's belated, and the Administration has yet to act on the fact that not just the UN Security Council with China on it but UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres will never do anything against Burma's China-supported government. Inner City Press, banned from the UN by Guterres for such questions, will follow the issue - watch this site.

 In January 2022, the junta arrested employees of the Dawei Watch news website. During the night of January 18 to 19, authorities arrested Dawei Watch reporters Ko Zaw and Ma Moe Myint and web designer Ko Thar Gyi at their homes in Dawei, the capital of the southern Tanintharyi region. Ko Zaw was seen being taken from his home in handcuffs. From the UN? Nothing. And the US State Department and US Mission allow the UN to censor the Press, right in NYC.

On December 6, 2021  from the UN "High Commissioner" who has done nothing about Guterres banning Inner City Press from the UN since 3 July 2018, this: "UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet on Monday deplored the conviction and sentencing of Myanmar’s State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi to four years of imprisonment by a military-controlled court, and called for her release." The UN is full of it and cannot be believed. They issued canned statement to try to keep the money flowing to them, to live in Lisbon and Chile and ban and retaliate against all critics, similar to what the Burma junta does. Birds of a feather.

Then this from US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who has yet to act on UN corruption and censorship: "The Burmese military regime’s unjust conviction of Aung San Suu Kyi and the repression of other democratically elected officials are yet further affronts to democracy and justice in Burma.  The regime’s continued disregard for the rule of law and its widespread use of violence against the Burmese people underscore the urgency of restoring Burma’s path to democracy.  We urge the regime to release Aung San Suu Kyi and all those unjustly detained, including other democratically elected officials.  We join the people of Burma in their aspirations for freedom and democracy and call on the regime to end the use of violence, respect the will of the people, and restore Burma’s democratic transition."

Back on November 10, under Mexico which refused Press questions about Burma on November 1, just as Niger did on December 1, this whisper from the UNSC: "The Members of the Security Council expressed deep concern at further recent violence across Myanmar... They encouraged complementarity between the UN Special Envoy and ASEAN efforts." The pro-junta UN Special Envoy?

In October, with Guterres still silent and still banning Inner City Press, he has named "Noeleen Heyzer of Singapore as his new Special Envoy on Myanmar." Inner City Press previously, before being banned by Guterres, reported here that "ESCAP chief Noeleen Heyzer has made comments viewed as favorable to the still military dominated government of Myanmar."

And now she's done it again, in a meeting with strongman Hun Sen, saying that Min Aung Hlaing should be spoken with, here.

Guterres is killing the UN.


On August 6 this: Criminal complaint on Inner City Press' DocumentCloud here: the arrests of PHYO HEIN HTUT and YE HEIN ZAW for conspiracy to assault and make a violent attack upon Myanmar’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations [Kyaw Moe Tun].  HTUT and ZAW were charged in two separate complaints...   Between at least in or about July 2021 through at least on or about August 5, 2021, HTUT and ZAW, citizens of Myanmar currently residing in New York, conspired to injure or kill Myanmar’s Permanent Representative to the UN."

Inner City Press exclusively live tweeted Zaw's detention hearing, here, story here. Now, song / video here. But the UN of Guterres and Stephane Dujarric and Melissa Fleming refuse to answer any of Inner City Press' written questions - and when asked orally by another, Dujarric confirmed receipt of the Quinn Emanuel law firm's letter but said no change of status and so far no reply, video here.

Now with Inner City Press banned, Guterres on September 10 had a closed briefing promoting his no-vax, honor system UNGA week and dodged on Burma:

Q: on Myanmar. The situation there is still very, very volatile. And can you comment on their representation at the UNGA upcoming? And have you had dialogue with ambassadors here or your envoy with the junta? How can the UN... how does the UN see what it can do to... ongoing?                 

Secretary-General:  It is a matter that is strictly in the hands of the Credentials Committee and, of course, we will abide by what Member States decide in the Credentials Committee or eventually, if necessary in the General Assembly. This is an area where the Secretariat has no power whatsoever.                             

Spokesman:  We'll go to the screen Elena Lentza, Lusa. Elena.                             

Question:  Hello. Thank you so much for having me. Condolências pela perda do seu amigo, Senhor Secretário-Geral.

  And so it went.

Guterres removed Burma's or Myanmar's army from the UN "list of shame" for recruiting and using child soldiers, despite more than 200 cases. Emboldened by corrupt Guterres, they are recruiting and using even more. Now a call for Guterres, trying to steal a second term, to reinstate them on the list - but from a group which seems to join Guterres in banning Inner City Press from (its) press conference.

  After Guterres and his spokespeople dodged about who is Burma's ambassador -- eager to get China's support for a second term, taking the US for granted -- this from the US Mission: "Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield met virtually this afternoon with Ambassador Kyaw Moe Tun, Permanent Representative of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar to the UN. Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield commended Ambassador Kyaw Moe Tun for his courageous and compassionate statement at the UN General Assembly informal meeting on Burma last week and expressed the United States’ support for the people of Burma and the restoration of the democratically-elected government."

  Dujarric, while taking public money to work for the UN, says he is the spokesman for the incumbent, like part of a political campaign. We'll have more on this.


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