By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon
BBC - Guardian UK - Honduras - The Source
SDNY COURTHOUSE, April 23 – Alexei Saab, charged with providing aid to Hezbollah, had a proceeding before U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Judge Gardephe on June 15, 2020. Inner City Press covered it, as it did another hearing on April 7, 2021, here and below.
On July 15, Saab's trial was set, for January 10, 2022: "ORDER as to Alexei Saab. Subject to COVID-19 protocols, trial is scheduled for January 10, 2022, at 9:30 a.m. in Courtroom 705 of the Thurgood Marshall U.S. Courthouse, 40 Foley Square, New York, New York."
On March 11, a new date was announced: "ORDER as to Alexei Saab. The Court has received confirmation that a pandemic-approved courtroom will be available for the trial of this matter beginning on April 20, 2022. The Court will use a jury questionnaire as part of the jury selection process. The questionnaire will be distributed to the venire on April 20, 2022 at approximately 10:15 a.m. in the Jury Assembly room in 500 Pearl Street. The Court will distribute copies of the completed jury questionnaires to the parties that same day."
And on April 20, Inner City Press covered it, live tweeted thread here:
it's jury selection for Hezbollah support trial of US v. Alexi Saab. Many of the jury questionnaires cite 9/11/01 and say, I could not be fair in a terrorism trial. This might back a while.
One juror's written reason to get out of this Hezbollah jury spoke of hating North Korea. Another wrote he has problems with dates and times. Juror excused! [But who might be the Hezbollah Scotty David? ]
Another prospective juror, a doctor at Mount Sinai, asked about the legality of military presence in Lebanon.
The AUSA urges that he be questioning further, if he could accepted that as irrelevant
Alexi Saab's lawyer says he will move for a change of venue as early as tomorrow, since so many jurors in SDNY pool said they couldn't be fair. 17 of 90 had been excused so far.
On Saturday April 23 Saab's lawyer Marton Kirton filed proposed voir dire of the remaining jurors, citing to a previously filed list of article about this case - including, in full disclosure, by Inner City Press. Kirton wrote: "The Defense proposes that the Court ask the remaining venire the following questions: 1. Whether or not you have read, seen, or heard any news accounts of this case? If yes, please detail. The Court should ask follow-up questions after the juror’s answer. Can you be fair and impartial to Mr. Saab even though you have read, seen, or heard news accounts of this case? 2. Have you ever visited any of the New York City landmarks referenced in this case? If yes, please detail. The Court should ask follow-up questions after the juror's answer. Even though you visited these New York City landmarks, can you be fair and impartial to Mr. Saab? 3. Do you, a family member, or a friend work at any New York City landmarks referenced in this case? If yes, please detail. The Court should ask follow-up questions after the juror's answer. Can you be fair and impartial to Mr. Saab even though you, a family member, or a friend work at these New York City landmarks?" Full letter on Patreon here.
Ironically, the one of Inner City Press' (so far) 15 articles on the case cited mused, "if Saab is so connected with Hezbollah, why Nasrallah couldn't whip up a more extensive legal team." Inner City Press will stay on the case.
Back on December 20 the US filed its motions in limine including that Hezbollah related materials on Saab's electronic device should be admitted. Then there is a redacted argument IV under III about Saab's expert.
On November 29, Saab's lawyer wrote again to Judge Gardephe, asking for an extensions because filing motions in limine would be difficult if not impossible given the number of issues outstanding. The letter attaches a transcript for the proposition that Saab has the right to fully brief any and all Section 4 CIPA issues.
On December 10, Judge Gardephe denied Saab's motions in limine and then issued this: "The application is denied. In an opinion issued today, the Court has addressed the Defendant's pretrial motions. The Court will address the Government's application pursuant to CIPA Section 4 in a separate order. As the Court stated on the record at the September 18, 2020 conference, the defense will have an opportunity to respond to that order if the defense deems it necessary. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Paul G. Gardephe on 12/10/2021)." Watch this site.
On May 24-25, Saab's lawyer filed a technically untimely motion for bail and to declassify certain information partially disclosed to the defense.
Annexed is an affidavit from Anthanasios Cambanis, disputing that Saab know or would have thought that the person he was allegedly ordered to shoot at was an Israeli spy. Thanassis Cambanis calls it a training exercise. Watch this site.
Back on June 15 his lawyer said Saab, aka Rachid, has no access to law library.
Judge Gardephe asked if the parties have been discussing resolving the case by plea.
But the talks stopped when Saab filed motions. His lawyer Marlon Kirton says remains open to resolving it, but "it's leaning more toward a trial now."
Assistant US Attorney Jason Richman said that with his Office it's fine to provide an update in 30 days, with motion and trial schedule. He said disposition is "unlikely... Things are trending toward a trial." He mentioned the Classified Information Procedures Act, and Section 4 brief.
Judge Gardephe said, There is a lot going on in this case. We'll give you another 30 days to take stock.
There was another status conference on September 18. Inner City Press live tweeted it:
His lawyer says Saab hasn't accessed the MCC law library since March, and no access to hard drive for discovery.
Saab's lawyer: We are going to make a motion to dismiss the indictment. It's hard because the SDNY has not pattern jury instructions.
Judge Gardephe: He's proposing briefing through February, with a hearing on or after March 22. Is that acceptable to the US? Yes
Deputy: Thurs, April 1?
Judge Gardephe: I don't want it the first day in April. How about April 6, 10 am? AUSA: I'm supposed to be out of town. But a colleague could do it.
Judge Gardephe: April 7, then - hearing or oral argument. Shall we exclude time? Yes.
And on April 7, Inner City Press again covered it and live tweeted, here:
Saab's lawyer is questioning why the FBI got search warrant for immigration issues when they immediately told him, this is about Hezbollah.
Defense: It raises questions that the [NJ Magistrate] Judge was presented with incomplete information to sign the warrant. Judge Gardephe: If there are misrepresentation in the search warrant application, they might be relevant. But I'd have to read the affidavit
Judge Gardephe: I'm in chambers, let me see if I can find my calendar. Four weeks to file- how about a hearing on defendant's motions on June 21, 10:30 am? I hope we can do it in person. Adjourned.
The case is US v. Saab, 19-cr-676 (Gardephe).
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