Friday, April 15, 2022

Bitcoin Ventures 2020 Sued Stojanovich But No Show On April 11 So $1000 a Day Contempt


By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Maxwell Book
BBC - Guardian UK - Honduras - ESPN

SDNY COURTHOUSE, March 26 – Bitcoin Ventures 2020 and others sued Chet Stojanovich for scamming them out of hundreds of thousands of dollars for cryptocurrency mining equipment. Now Stojanovich disappeared mid-deposition and the plaintiffs want criminal contempt.           

        On March 25, U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Judge Lewis J. Liman held a proceeding. Inner City Press covered it.

   Plaintiffs' counsel described a deposition and Stojanovich stepping out to his rental car to get documents but never coming back. They said he should be arrested by the Marshals. 

  Judge Liman pointed out that a hearing was necessary, and convened one for April 11 at 10 am.

 He asked if Stojanovich understood the risk of criminal contempt (Stojanovich appeared by phone, citing weak 3G service, strange for a crypto miner).

On April 11, Inner City Press went to Judge Liman's courtroom - but Stojanovich did not, instead calling in and speaking at length over a speaker phone about his allergies and the brand of his cell phone.

  Judge Liman, fresh off the US v. Larry Ray trial, ordered Stojanovich to pay $1000 a day to the Clerk of Court for contempt, to provide all requested information and to appear on May 3 at 3 pm. Criminal contempt and arrested by Marshals (although no street address is given) are in the air.

  Stojanovich asked how to email in the material he says he had provided to the plaintiffs. Judge Liman said his chambers does not accept anything by email except in an emergency - including, it appears, press challenges to parties' unilateral demands to seal their filings. There is a proposed bill pending in Congress that would make sealing more difficult, and make it easier for the press and public to challenge sealing. We'll have more on all this.

The case is Holmes et al v. Chet Mining Co, LLC et al., 20-cv-4448 (Liman)


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