Monday, July 6, 2020

Jay Street $6M Curtain Wall Dispute Triggers SDNY Suit By Whitestone Construction

By Matthew Russell Lee, PatreonBBC - Guardian UK - Honduras - The Source
SDNY COURTHOUSE, Nov 27 – Whitestone Construction had a contract with the New York City University Construction Fund for the curtain wall at 285 Jay Street in Brooklyn.
They subcontracted to Chicago-based Yuanda USA Corporation for nearly $6 million but were unhappy with what arrived, including the WT-3 Clerestory System. They sued.  
On July 6 U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Judge Gregory H. Woods held a proceeding. Inner City Press covered it. 
   The proceeding was delayed when Yuanda's lawyer first did not appear, then came on late. He said he had been in a telephone conference with a District Judge in the District of Rhode Island and it went long.  
 Judge Woods gave his standard admonitions about deadlines being real.
The parties estimate a five day trial - but when? Experts on the remediation of clerestory and facade work are expected.

The case is Whitestone Construction Corp. v. Yuanda USA Corporation, 20-cv-1006 (Woods)