Monday, July 6, 2020

As UN Bans Inner City Press 734th Day It E-Asks Spox Dujarric of UN Sexploitation Cover Up by SG China Cameroon UN Rape Covid S Sudan Fleming 4000+ UNanswered

By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon IMFBBC - Guardian UK - Honduras - CJR PFT
UN GATE / SDNY COURT, July 6 –  Inner City Press on 5 July 2018 was banned from entering the UN, two day after it was physically removed from conducting interviews outside meeting about the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres' $6.7 billion budget.
  Then Guterres' Department of Global Communication, run by Melissa Fleming, issued a letter banning Inner City Press from the UN - for life. With no due process, no right of appeal.  Guterres has put the UN in the US Press Freedom Tracker, here. Guterres' Spokesman Stephane Dujarric falsely promised on camera that he would be answering banned Inner City Press' questions - but see below.
     On July 6 after Guterres again refused to answer but the IMF did answer, here, and before an amateur UN noon briefing by Stephane "French Whine" Dujarric, previously the face of UN lies on cholera in Haiti, Inner City Press submitted yet more questions (blocked by Dujarric's screener Florencia Soto Nino on +1 917 226 7816 and Dujarric himself on +1 917 622 7652; he directed some favored scribes to Eri Kaneko on +1 917 208 8910, who now blocks Inner City Press on WhatsApp as well) including on the basis on which it continues to be lawlessly banned from entering to ask questions in person. Now also on the basis for withholding publicly funded UN video from the Press. There was no answer from Farhan Haq on +1 917 592 4591, not even a confirmation of receipt, and now UN official like Hua Jiang, Eri Kaneko, now on screen Jennifer Confilio, Adam Smook, Marisela Rivera and others to be named taking public money for a UN briefing blocking email questions about the UN's spread of Covid 19 - May 21 Inner City Press video with commentary here and here, edit hereJune 16 video of Kaneko who had briefing go dark and never returned to explain here and here -- who will be held accountable? June 17 here, June 19 here, June 22 here, June 24 here, June 30 here, July 1 here, July 6 here, Inner City Press asked:
July 6-1: Immediately respond to and explain this leaked audio, exclusively published by Inner City Press, of OIOS' Ben Swanson here
 July 6-1a: On the reported disciplining of two at UNTSO, explain why you have not named them; confirm or deny they are as Inner City Press asked you in June Michael Antoine and Ray Milan; disclose previous complaints regarding Antoine and any actions taken, and confirm that Administrative Leave without Pay allows for payment of education grant and insurance, and is not a disciplinary measure. Also state when further actions are expected. See here  (as of noon July 6 with more than 165,000 views on Twitter, more on other platforms) 
Felatedly, confirm that the "Luminate" mentioned by USG Fleming on June 29 is Pierre Omidyar's foundation, here  
On Cameroon, what are the comments and actions if any of SG Guterres on that dozens of youths have been arrested at Mile 16 Buea on July 6, More than 50 of them, they are currently at the CBC primary school at mile 16?
On censorship and Egypt, what are the comments and actions if any of SG Guterres and separately USG Fleming on that The Egyptian security services are reported to have detained a young woman who has a big following on TikTok in the latest arrest of a female social media influencer. 
On UN bribery what are SG Guterres' comments and actions if any on the US Supreme Court's denial yesterday of UN briber Ng Lap Seng cert petition, thereby rejecting that the McDonnell doctrine applies to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act? What has SG Guterres done on those still in the UN implicated in the Ng Lap Seng / South South News corruption (including in the press corps and UNTV) and Patrick Ho? 
On Ethiopia and censorship, what are the comments and actions if any of SG Guterres and separately USG Fleming on the cut off of the Internet in Ethiopia? And on the murder of Ethiopian singer Hachalu Hundessa, who was shot dead on Monday, a symbol for the Oromo people who spoke up about the political and economic marginalisation that they had suffered under consecutive Ethiopian regimes  Since you didn't answer on June 30 - and no one you let in asked, what now of " At least 50 people have been killed in Ethiopia after the death of a popular singer sparked huge protests in the Oromia region, a local official said...
as well as on the June 22 admission by Sri Lanka former PR Kohona that his country led a campaign to get Inner City Press ousted and banned from the UN after it reported on mass killings in Sri Lanka, as Inner CIty Press was also doing as to Cameroon when your UN banned it now for 721 day. What is the appeals process? On deadline."  
What are the comments and now required actions by SG Guterres and USG Fleming on the June 22 admission by Sri Lanka's former ambassador to the UN Palitha Kohona, accused of war crimes in connection with the White Flag Killings, that he and his government used the UN and its Correspondents Association to get Inner City Press thrown out? See and now, after Inner City Press' first June 22 request, belatedly respond to this including Kohona stating that "at the UN in New York, a blogger had made it his mission to discredit the Government of Sri Lanka... He was also known to exchange information with diplomats at very important missions, some of whom had excellent sources within Sri Lanka. He was also a useful tool to some to embarrass the former Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. Subsequently, he began undermining Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.  But we mounted a quiet campaign against him... he fell afoul of the President of the United Nations Correspondents Association (UNCA), Giampaolo Pioli, who commenced proceedings to take him to court. Then he began to spar with a number of respected journalists who were beginning to approach us for information on the man. Eventually, full of hot air and empty confidence, he clashed with the Alison Smale, UN Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications, who declared that Lee’s “conduct has consistently breached” the UN’s media guidelines and “does not meet the established professional standards required of all correspondents granted access to United Nations premises.” As a result, his accreditation to cover the UN was withdrawn consistent with the terms of the US – UN Head Quarters Agreement (Agreement Between the United Nations and the United States Regarding the Headquarters of the United Nations, Signed June 26, 1947, and Approved by the General Assembly October 31, 1947). The UN proceeded to evict him from the room that he was occupying and eventually from the UN itself" -- now more than 728 days, by Melissa Fleming, no appeal, no responses -- for alleged war criminal(s).  
 On UN corruption (and racism), please immediately and on deadline describe the recruitment process for the P4 Political Affairs Officer in the secretariat Branch of SCad and whistleblowers' complaints to Inner City Press that it is destined in advance for Hirofumi Goto  
In Honduras, President JOH talked up hydroxychloroquin - what does SG Guterres say about that, and about JOH named today in narco-trafficking complaint in SDNY against former Honduran National Police Chief Tigre Bonilla? 
More here.