Saturday, March 9, 2024

Guilty Verdicts on JOH Honduras Ex President now Narco Presidentes Book by Inner City Press

by Matthew Russell Lee, Substack

LITERARY COURTHOUSE, March 8 – In the closing arguments on March 6, AUSA Tarlow said that narco trafficking had grown under JOH. On March 7, out of the hearing of the jury and for then the Press, JOH's lawyer Stabile said he'd heard different overnight.

  From who?

  The defendant's wife he said.

  Was this just a play for a mistrial?

Judge Castel concluded it was, and denied Stabile's motion, Order on Patreon here.

Later on March 8, the verdict, here- soon a book

1:18 pm Eastern - Inner City Press heard through sources that there's a verdict in US v. JOH

Now 1:26 pm- All rise! Judge Castel: I have note from the jury that "We reached a verdict"  Judge Castel: I want to remind those in the courtroom, there will not be anything said regarding what the verdict is. Please stand for our jurors entering. 

 Jury entering!

 Judge Castel: Mr. Foreperson, has the jury reached a verdict, in this envelope? Foreman: Yes. Judge Castel: Please take the verdict. Clerk: Count 1, Has the government proven 5 or more kilos: Foreman: Yes 

Clerk: Count 2, does it involve machine guns? Foreman: Yes. Clerk: Count 3, how do you find? Foreman: Guilty [on all three] - and destructive device. [JOH GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS CULPABLE DE TODOS LOS CARGOS

 Judge Castel: Any objection to discharging the jury? No. Judge Castel: Many of my jurors, if they choose to speak, do not mention what any other juror said. We will stand for you. [Jury leaves] Story - and book - coming Articula y el libro están por llegar

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