by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack
SDNY COURTHOUSE, Dec 11 – A man with 11 months left of supervised release following conviction in a 2015 drug case in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York was arrested on April 30, 2024 in North Carolina.
Then he became "lost in the system" it was said on December 11, including two weeks in the MDC Brooklyn jail without seeing a judge.
Shaquille Dewar was part of a multi-defendant case that Inner City Press has been covering, initially before now Second Circuit Court of Appeal Judge Alison J. Nathan.
After his arrest in North Carolina, Dewar's route to face violation of supervised release charges in SDNY went through jails in Atlanta for one week, Oklahoma for 10 days, and finally arriving in MDC Brooklyn on October 30.
But he was not brought to court. On December 11 the Assistant US Attorney said that the notice was emailed to AUSAs no longer at the office, and apologized.
District Judge John P. Cronan said now that Dewar is about to be transferred again, to face bank fraud charges in Utah, he wanted to get to know more about the case, to not let it linger.
The overall case is USA v. Burrell, et al., 15-cr-95 (Cronan)
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