Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Monday, December 30, 2024
Saturday, December 28, 2024
Friday, December 27, 2024
NYC Homeless Sweeps Are Sued With Survival Belongings Being Confiscated Is Cited in SDNY
by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack
SDNY COURTHOUSE, Dec 27 – The City of New York's "homeless sweeps" have been sued, and gave rise to a court hearing on December 27 before U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Judge John G. Koeltl. Inner City Press' reporter was the only media - the only person - in the courtroom gallery, thread:
Judge: I got papers at 7 on Dec 23. One of the affidavits is from November. This is no way to proceed. Litigation is not a game. There are significant interests on both sides.
Judge: The State AG has written in asserting the 11th Amendment. The City hasn't answered in any way.
City's lawyer: We give 48 to 96 hours notice for a standard clean-up, 14 days only for "perenniel encampments." There's been a typo in our policy.
Plaintiffs' lawyer: 50 people died in December a couple of years ago - Judge: You may be preventing DHS intervention Plaintiffs' lawyer: The City should not be confiscating survival belongings.
[Judge took a 15 minute break that turned into 35 minutes
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Feedback: Editorial [at] innercitypress.com
As Giuliani Fights Giving FLA Condo to Plaintiffs They Insist on Sanctions & Contempt
by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack
SDNY COURTHOUSE, Dec 27 – In Ruby Freeman's and Wandrea' Moss' ongoing attempt to collect from Rudy Giuliani, a proceeding was held on September 27 before U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Judge Lewis J. Liman. Inner City Press was there; thread
Caruso: Can I have 3 more days?
Judge: No. Judge: Your client owes money. This should move quickly. Adjourned
And on October 8, a motion to intervene by Andrew Giuliani: "Amongst that property are '3 Yankee World Series Rings.' However, the Mayor gifted those World Series rings to his son." Filing on Patreon here.
On October 22 Judge Liman wrote that Giuliani is "ordered under C.P.L.R. 5225 to transfer all personal property specified in the list below at pp. 16-18" - full list on Patreon here
On November 6, Giuliani's lawyer wrote in that "Plaintiffs contend that the apartment was “substantially empty[]” when they arrived last week. ECF 81 at 1. Full letter on Patreon here
On November 7 Inner City Press live tweeted the proceeding, Thread here.
On November 13 Giuliani's lawyers asked Judge Liman for permission to file undescribed documents under seal, with even the memo of law unavailable. 3 page letter on Patreon here.
On November 14 the plaintiffs' moved to compel discovery from three: Dr. Maria Ryan, Mr. Ted Goodman, and Mr. Ryan Medrano, motion on Patreon here
On December 26 the plaintiffs reiterated discovery demands, letter on Patreon here
On December 27 the plaintiffs insisted that sanctions are necessary: "accepting Mr. Giuliani’s representation would also mean accepting that Mr. Giuliani does not possess any of the emails or text messages that are surely on the phone (and perhaps other electronic devices) that Mr. Giuliani currently possesses, including the iPad which Mr. Giuliani has used during conferences before this Court." Filing on Patreon here
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One of these cases is Freeman, et al. v. Giuliani, 1:24-mc-353 (Liman)
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Feedback: Editorial [at] innercitypress.com
UN Spox Stephanie Tremblay 7 Days Stealing Public $ No Answers Only Harneis on Yemen
By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon
UN GATE / SDNY COURT, Dec 27 – The United Nations under SG Antonio Guterres turns people into thieves and censors.
This week's example is Stephanie Tremblay. Back on September 30, 2021 she got paid, over-paid some say, to be the UN's spokesperson.
She held the UN noon briefing and pretended to answer all questions posed. But she didn't, not then and not in the hours and now 39 months after.
Stephanie Tremblay lied.
Jump cut to December 23, 2024 when Inner City Press asked Tremblay in writing about the UN's new failures, on Gaza (UNRWA - including the lawsuit the UN is claiming immunity on in SDNY), Ukraine, Syria - once again, softballs, no answers, thefts of public funds. Is a litmus test coming in 2025?
More than two days later, still no answers from Tremblay.
Then on December 27 a four correspondent softball session with Julien Harneis, here. No answer on where Guterres is, nor at what cost to the public. This is fraud.

Stephanie Tremblay, 30 Sept 2021 UN briefing, banned Inner City Press
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Lame Duck USUN Runs Out Clock in UNSC No Word on Syria No Press Reply on UNRWA
by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack
UN GATE, Dec 26 – The lame duck US Mission to the UN took over the UN Security Council presidency on December 1, 2024 - while Inner City Press is still banned from the UN, despite its June 19 application.
On November 27, Inner City Press wrote to USUN: "This is a timely request that you allow Inner City Press to enter and cover, and/or provide the WebEx pass code(s) to access to the USUN UNSC Presidency press briefing by Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield on December 2, 2024. I have questions to ask on what you will do this month about Gaza, UNRWA - including lawsuit by American victims against it in SDNY - UN corruption in Colombia, Libya, DRC and Sudan, Ukraine, DRC and Rwanda, about the SDNY indictment involving Turkey's Mission to the UN as well as the coups in Gabon and Niger and the conflicts in Ukraine, Ethiopia, Cameroon, Yemen and Libya - and on ongoing cases of sexual abuse and exploitation by UN peacekeepers, and Missions' abuses in NYC, on many of which Inner City Press first reported
Please note that Inner City Press and I participate in the WebEx briefings of, for example, the IMF: March 31, 2022 and since with new IMF spokesperson Sept 28, 2023:
The USUN did not answer. Nor after Christmas, when Slovenia and French asked for a UNSC meeting about Syria, did USUN send anything out. Running out the clock.
Watch this site.
Inner City Press on June 19, 2024 again applied to the UN for access, as it gives 100s, to cover the UNGA week. Inner City Press has a NYC Press Pass and writes about the UN. From Sierra Leone and its UN Mission, nothing.
Watch this site.
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Feedback: Editorial [at] innercitypress.com
Suing Sean Combs for Rape at 13 Jane Doe Named Jay-Z Now Judge Criticizes Jay's Spiro
by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack
SDNY COURTHOUSE, Dec 26 – In May 2024 Crystal McKinney sued Sean Combs for sexual assault under the NYC Gender Motivated Violence in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.
The suit recounts Combs inviting McKinney to Cipriani Downtown - in 2003 - then to his studio on West 44th Street where he drugged and assaulted her, according to the complaint.
On October 20, Jane Doe sued Combs alleging she was raped in 2000 at the age of thirteen. On Sunday, December 8 she / the Buzbee firm filed an amended complaint that
"Defendant Sean Combs (a/k/a “P. Diddy,” a/k/a “Puff Daddy,” a/k/a “Diddy,” a/k/a “PD,” and a/k/a “Love”), along with his longtime friend and collaborator Shawn Carter (a/k/a “JayZ”), drugged and raped a thirteen-year-old girl at an afterparty following the 2000 Video Music Awards. Another celebrity stood by and watched as Combs and Carter took turns assaulting the minor." Amended complaint on Patreon here
On December 9, Quinn Emanuel's Alex Spiro put in a notice of appearance for Sean Carter / Jay-Z - and opposed any continued anonymity for Jane Doe, on Patreon here
On December 10, after another letter alleging a shakedown, Buzbee fired back, filing on Patreon here
On December 13 Spiro wrote in that a TV "interview outs plaintiff’s allegations for what they are: a sham." Giling on Patreon here.
On December 18, Spiro filed again, including two complaints against Buzbee and a story about accusing former baseball player Scott Erickson. Buzbee, not in the docket, appeared to say he had evidence of improper outreach to his clients. Spiro memo of law on Patreon here
On December 26 Judge Torres allowed continued anonymity and criticized Spiro: "Carter’s lawyer’s relentless filing of combative motions containing inflammatory language and ad hominem attacks is inappropriate, a waste of judicial resources, and a tactic unlikely to benefit his client. The Court will not fast-track the judicial process merely because counsel demands it.... Carter’s motion to strike the amended complaint under Rule 12(f) is DENIED. By January 10, 2025, Plaintiff shall file her response to Carter’s motion for an order directing the preservation of evidence. By January 17, 2025, Carter shall file his reply, if any." Order on Patreon here
This case is Doe v. Combs, et al., 1:24-cv-7975 (Torres)
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Feedback: Editorial [at] innercitypress.com
Sean Combs and Roger Smith Hotel Are Sued for 2006 Assault of Radio Contestant Grayson
by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack
SDNY COURTHOUSE, Dec 26 – At 4:30 pm on September 16 Inner City Press was told by its SDNY source to expect "the big one" - Sean Combs - the next day in the courtroom here.
At US Attorney Damian Williams' press conference Inner City Press asked if his office would be seeking detention - Yes, he said. Detention memo on Patreon here.
In the run-up to the 2:30 pm hearing Combs' counsel file a bail proposal, with $50 million bond - filing on Patreon here.
[Inner City Press published book / audio book Diddy Do It? on Sept 20 on Amazon here - book 2 is still pending]
On mid October a slew of cases were filed in SDNY by the Tony Buzbee Firm, including one by a then-Brooklyn college student for sexual assault, including against Marriott for its alleged role. That complaint on Patreon here.
On December 20 plaintiff Latroya Grayson sued Combs, the Roger Smith hotel, Delta Airlines and others for a 2006 assault. It sprung from a contest on an Oklahoma radio station. Airplane tickets are part of the complaint.
On December 23 the case was assigned to new SDNY District Judge Jeannette A. Vargas, and notices were sent to counsel.
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This case is Grayson v. Combs, 24-cv-9857 (Vargas)
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Feedback: Editorial [at] innercitypress.com
Bob Menendez Asks to Delay Sentencing To Attend Nadine Jan 21 Trial sans Press Coverage
SDNY COURTHOUSE, Dec 26 – Amid reports of investigation against Sen. Robert Menendez for taking gold bars, Inner City Press' sources on September 21 it to expect on Friday, September 22 an appearance in Federal court in Manhattan by Menendez and his wife Nadine Arslanian. This scoop was true.
Later a superseder was unveiled, including charges of bribes to act for Qatar.
On January 10 Menendez filed a motion to dismiss, arguing "the government shockingly fails to disclose the exculpatory fact that [REDACTED]." Full filing on Patreon here
On February 1, Judge Stein granted some unsealing - including of some of the material in the vault which Inner City Press requested. Order here.
Jump cut: Menendez et al were convicted; Inner City Press published a book, here.
On December 26, Bob Menendez asked to delay his sentencing past Nadine trial, to avoid press coverage he says would be prejudicial - letter on Patreon here
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Feedback: Editorial [at] innercitypress.com
UN Budget Committee Overspends While Complains US Pays Too Little as Press Banned
by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack
UN GATE, Dec 24 – How corrupt is today's United Nations? Well, on Christmas Eve 2024 as the UN Fifth (Budget) Committee rubber stamped overspending, one complaint was that the US does not pay enough.
The outgoing Administration's represented appeared as a slacker, in a sweater, no jacket, next to Tanzania's representative in a full suit.
The outgoing rep of Australia cried that she is leaving the UN. Argentina spoke against the overrated "Pact for the Future."
There is no oversight, no accountability. It was while covering the Budget Committee in 2018 that Inner City Press was roughed up and ousted from the UN on orders of Secretary General Antonio Guterres.
There has never been an appeal allowed, no explanation given. No answer to pro bono letters from the law firms of Quinn Emanuel and Duane Morris.
Will 2025 bring reversal and accountability? Watch this site
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Feedback: Editorial [at] innercitypress.com
As Alexander Brothers Indicted for Sex Traffic Transit to NY Is Opposed by Tal US No Position
by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack
SDNY COURTHOUSE, Dec 24 – Amid the news of the arrest of the Alexander brothers in Miami on SDNY sex trafficking charges, in the SDNY Magistrate Court on the morning of December 11 the superseding indictment was "wheeled out" to District Judge Valerie E. Caproni. Inner City Press was there, and tweeted / X-ed it out.
At a press conference probably his last as SDNY US Attorney Damian Williams was asked the underlying first indictment - it is still not public - and about if the brothers will be brought to SDNY. Yes, he said, adding that the mechanics are "not worth getting into."
But on December 24 Tal Alexander filed say he will oppose transfer to SDNY - and that "the government takes no position on Tal Alexander's motion to stay removals." Why not? Notice of motion on Patreon here.
Publicly, the US Attorney's Office for the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York said the ALEXANDER BROTHERS worked together and with others to engage in sex trafficking, including by repeatedly drugging, sexually assaulting, and raping dozens of female victims.
The ALEXANDER BROTHERS, who reside primarily in New York and Miami, Florida, have considerable social and financial connections, including through OREN ALEXANDER and TAL ALEXANDER’s positions as prominent real estate agents focused on ultra-luxury markets. The defendants were arrested this morning in the Southern District of Florida and will be presented in federal court in Miami, Florida
This case is USA v. Alexander, et al., 1:24-cr-676 (Caproni)
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Feedback: Editorial [at] innercitypress.com
Stock Fraudster Sterling Bancorp Bid To Sell Bank with Weak CRA to Everbank Shirking NY
by Matthew R. Lee, Patreon Substack
FEDERAL COURT, Dec 24 – Sterling Bancorp, which settled with DOJ on securities fraud, it trying to sell its Sterling Bank & Trust including in New York, where it has a need to improve CRA Investment Test rating to Everbank. Fair Finance Watch with Inner City Press on the FOIA has filed a timely first comment on, the Applications
This is a request for a full copy of, and a timely first comment on, the Applications of EverBank to acquire Sterling Bank & Trust (with a rare Needs to Improve CRA rating on Investment Test in New York), and not scandal plagued Sterling Bancorp. Sterling Bancorp was recently prosecuted by DOJ; EverBank purports that by buying the bank portion it is not touched by the scandal. But what is the showing that the criminal conduct at the Bancorp was entirely insulated from the bank and those who work there, and its practices? As a CRA matter, militating for a hearing, Sterling Bank has a rare Needs to Improve rating on the investment test in NY.
On December 24 Everbank wrote in to the Fed stating that "EverBank maintains the following two office locations in New York, neither of which is a “branch”... Islandia, NY: Located at 11 Oval Drive, Suite 107, Islandia, NY 11749.11 This location consists of an approximately 31,000 square-foot facility... EverBank notes that its lease for the Islandia, New York location is due to expire in 2025, after which EverBank expects to move the back-office operations currently conducted at that location to another non-branch office location on Long Island, New York." Needs to improve...
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Feedback: Editorial [at] innercitypress.com
Luigi Mangione NYS Arraignment for Terrorism Raises Perp Walk and Eric Adams Questions
by Matthew Russell Lee, Substack
SDNY COURTHOUSE, Dec 23 – Luigi Mangione was presented in Federal court on December 19 on four charges, one of them death penalty eligible, for the killing of UnitedHealth CEO Brian Thompson. Inner City Press was there, covering the case toward a book, Lone Wolf.
On December 23 Mangione was bought shackled into state court for arraignment, in a red sweater and white shirt just like his lawyer. Inner City Press live tweeted it, last step toward Lone Wolf Book 1. From thread:
Mangione's lawyer: He is being treated like political fodder. It was the biggest perp walk I've ever seen. What was the NYC Mayor doing there? These staged perp walks are unconstitutional
Mangione's lawyer: The Mayor should know about due process, given his own problems. I think he was there to try to take away from those issues. He wanted to show symbolism. But my client is not a symbol
Judge Carro: I have very little control of what happens outside these doors. We will carefully select the jury. But yes, expedite discovery.
Next state date is February 21. Lone Wolf coming
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Feedback: Editorial [at] innercitypress.com