Thursday, August 31, 2023
Wednesday, August 30, 2023
Tuesday, August 29, 2023
Monday, August 28, 2023
Sunday, August 27, 2023
Saturday, August 26, 2023
Bashiru Ganiyu Is Detained in Romance Scam Conspiracy Ghana Linked but Co-signer at JFK
by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack
SDNY COURTHOUSE, Aug 25 – Bashiru Ganiyu was indicted on charges ranging from wire fraud and mail fraud to money laundering, as part of a romance scam conspiracy.
On July 6, 2023 Ganiyu was arraigned before U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Magistrate Judge Jennifer E. Willis. Inner City Press was there.
The indictment puts the value of the scheme at $5.2 million. The earlier complaint describes lonely victims targeted over dating apps. Ganiyu pled not guilty and was detained on consent.
On July 26, Bashiru Ganiyu was back before Magistrate Judge Valerie Figueredo, seeking release on bond. Inner City Press was there - it was right before the US Attorney's Office agreed to bail for UK billionaire Joe Lewis. But they opposed release of Ganiyu, citing his ties to Ghana. And he was ordered to remain detained.
The trial, if it happens, has been set for April 16, 2024.
On August 24-25, Ganiyu's lawyer asked Judge Kaplan to schedule a bail hearing, citing possible co-signers employed by Towne Nursing LLC, Pulse 4 Pulse, Onsight Diagnostic Testing, the NYC Board of Education and Dnata Airport Services at Building 66, JFK Airport.
The case is US v. Ganiyu, 23-cr-331 (Kaplan / Figueredo)
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Lakeland Bank DOJ Deal Left Disparities in NY So Protest now Fed Asks of DOJ Settlement
by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack
SOUTH BRONX, NY, Aug 26– When the US Department of Justice sued and immediately settled with Lakeland Bank for fair lending violations, it announced a proposed merger with Provident Bank.
As if to sweep it under the carpet.
And when Fair Finance Watch looked into it, it found that the DOJ settlement did not address in any way the banks' disparities in New York. So on December 1, the FDIC's comment deadline, it filed a protest, with Inner City Press on the FOIA.
Jump cut to March 15, 2023, when Provident's Deputy General Counsel filed a letter with the New York Fed, cc-ing Rodgin Cohen - only on New Jersey, nothing on the disparities in New York.
On August 22, the Fed asked the banks: "Department of Justice Consent Order (“Consent Order”) 1. Provide an update to all action items included in the Consent Order, reflecting those items which have been completed and any other pertinent updates." As of August 26, no response received from these banks...
Watch this site.
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Bankman-Fried Complains of Slow Internet in SDNY So Wants Release and Google Docs
by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack
SDNY COURTHOUSE, Aug 25 – Sam Bankman-Fried of FTX on August 11, 2023 for tampering with witnesses in the upcoming trial against him was ordered remained to jail.
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Judge Lewis A. Kaplan heard from prosecutors that in Putnam County Correctional Facility, SBF could be given access to discovery material over the Internet.
Kaplan replied that he assumed the defendant would be in the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, like fellow crypto-fraud defendant Miles Guo and others.
On August 12 Inner City Press, which published the first book about SBF's remand ("Crypto Creeps," here, sample on Substack here) found the Bureau of Prisons notice, listing SBF in the MDC.
On August 14, the DOJ prosecutors docketed their superseding indictment against SBF, with Count 8, Campaign Finance, dropped ostensibly at the request of the Bahamas. Inner City Press immediately published the superseding indictment on its DocumentCloud here.
On August 25 SBF's lawyers wrote in again, saying two days a week in the holding cell with a laptop is not enough, "We do not believe that anything short of temporary release will properly address these problems and safeguard Mr. Bankman-Fried’s right to participate in his own defense. At the very least, however, we respectfully request that the Court reconsider its previous decision and order the Marshals to produce Mr. Bankman-Fried to the proffer rooms at 500 Pearl Street five days a week." Full letter on Patreon here
On August 22, SBF was arraigned by SDNY Magistrate Judge Sarah Netburn. Thread
More August 22 details on Substack here
More book sample on Substack here. Extended on Patreon here.
Book here

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Stock Fraudster Craig Auringer Freed on Signature in SDNY after Extradition from Milan
by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack
SDNY EXCLUSIVE, Aug 25 – Craig Auringer who was indicted for a $100 million pump-and-dump stock fraud was extradited in from Milan and immediately released on his own signature, an ICE detainer that was mentioned suddenly disappearing.
Inner City Press was the only media there and live tweeted:
Craig Auringer was set to be presented here in SDNY Magistrates Court and argue for bail- but there's an ICE detainer. Now his lawyers are trying to make it go away. There's still a lot of rushing around about the ICE detainer - which Team Auringer seemed to be disbelieving or denying the existence of
DOJ previously said (no word on today's ICE detainer) that CRAIG AURINGER, a citizen of Canada who resided in the UK, participated in multiple “pump-and-dump” schemes including by coordinating stock promotion campaigns...
From whispered talk here in Mag court it appears they are agreeing to bail conditions with Auringer. But will he, like others are, be immediately picked up by ICE? His lawyers are looking at the courtroom clock. 4:15 pm...
Auringer has been brought out by US Marshals, in white dress shirt with collar. Lot of whispering about this defendant and his detainer. If he was arrested in Milan and extradited, why would he unlike others have release on bail agreed to?
Now AUSA and defense lawyer are being taken back into robing room.
They're back. All rise! Judge: Time of arrest?
AUSA: August 24. Judge: You are charges with 9 counts... AUSA: He shall be freed on $1 million bond, secured by $100,000 cash Defense: Those are the conditions we approved.
AUSA: He will be released today on his own signature. No mention of the ICE detainer which was waived around
The case is US v. Auringer, 22-cr-155 (Engelmayer)
More on Substack here
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Defendant Who Called Judge Rakoff Evil Faces Gun Trial With Ankle Bracelet Coming Off
By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Maxwell book
SDNY COURTHOUSE, Aug 25 – A defendant on home confinement awaiting trial on drug charges sought to modify his conditions to a curfew, and have his ankle monitor removed.
On February 15, 2023 U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Judge Jed S. Rakoff held a bond hearing. Inner City Press went and covered it.
The defendant had written a three and a half page letter to "Mister Rakoff," saying that he was ignoring his oath and not upholding the Second Amendment right to bear arms.
Judge Rakoff read from the letter, and mused if it might be bear on the factors on bond.
The Federal Defender said it was covered by the First Amendment, and that the ankle monitor was an irritant.
Judge Rakoff, remarking that life can be an irritant sometimes, nevertheless directed the parties to draft a new bond order, with a curfew, albeit in the early evening.
He said, It is my job to apply the law, it does not matter to me if a defendant hates or loves me. Then, deftly, Valentine's Day was mentioned.
On May 30, a suppression hearing was held. Inner City Press was there. Threadette here:
Now Federal Defender cross examines Officer Smalls about his testimony in People v Adams. Judges doubts relevance. Defense tries again... In Adams, gun was suppressed - before Smalls told grand jury in this case that he saw a bulge
Judge: Would a heavy-looking bag be enough? AUSA: Yes. The caller identifed the defendant as her friend.
Judge: Former friend. I can't believe the Supreme Court decided the Bruen case the way it did. But I am bound by it
Judge Rakoff said he - and not ChatGPT - would read the cases, review and video and give at least a bottom line ruling in 10 days, given the August trial date.
On June 8, this: "ORDER as to Steven Perez: Following full briefing and argument on defendant Lucha El Libertad1's motion to dismiss the indictment and full briefing, argument, and an evidentiary hearing on defendant's motion to suppress the results of a 6/23/21 search, the Court hereby denies both motions."
On August 25 there was a final pre-trial conference, and Inner City Press went. Judge Rakoff read into the record a pro se letter the defendant had sent him, calling him evil and a representative of British colonial law. Judge Rakoff cited a recent Second Circuit decision against hybrid representation.
Judge Rakoff said he will refer to the defendant as Lucha El during the trial, but will hold off under the Monday beginning of the trial before authorizing the removal of his ankle monitor, noting that he's had two defendants flee and not be found.
The trial's set to start on August 28.
The case is US v. Perez, 22-cr-644 (Rakoff)
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UN Censorship Threepeat By Florencia Soto Nino Spins Mali Base to Wagner Silent on Rape
By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon
UN GATE, Aug 25 – The UN has been corrupted by Antonio Guterres has Secretary General. He arrived and immediate refused to answer, even pretended not to hear, questions by Inner City Press, about Cameroon and his own link to CEFC China Energy.
Then he had his spokesman Stephane Dujarric get Inner City Press roughed up by UN Security Ronald E. Dobbins and others as it covered one of Guterres' speeches, here, and the UN Budget Committee, video here.
Guterres' designated censor Melissa Fleming, who uses public money for a vanity podcast, has kept Inner City Press banned even from UN briefings on WebEx / Teams / Zoom of the kind it asks questions on at the IMF and attends at WHO. The UN is corrupt.
Dujarric promised on camera that Inner City Press' written questions would be answered, here - but then stopped, and blocked Inner City Press on Twitter, and on WhatsApp on which he claimed to take questions.
Guterres' Deputy Spokesperson Farhan Haq deleted or leaves Inner City Press' questions as soon as he gets them on WhatsApp.
Associate Spokesperson Florencia Soto Nino Martinez has joined Dujarric in blocking Inner City Press on WhatsApp. But on Aug 25, 2023 she was the spokesperson in charge - she was again taking public money. For that, she spun the turn over of the UN's base in Mali to the Wagner group.
She refused to answer any of Inner City Press' questions, including
On UN staff member and now convicted rapist Karim Elkonany, questions by Inner City Press on whom each of you has refused, what today are the comments and actions if any of SG Guterres (and on cc-ed USUN since this UN staffer raped US citizen(s)) on Elkorany's refusal to pay the lost wages of the journalist he raped, as reflected in the filing in SDNY court Inner City Press has reported today?
Again on Zimbabwe, what are the comments and actions if any of SG Guterres on that election observers from southern African countries have criticised the conduct of the poll in Zimbabwe where votes are being counted.
No answers at all. So who is Florencia Soto Nino?
She has no problem trying to promote herself. On Medium she describes her bike ride from Brooklyn to the UN; she puts a photograph with Guterres on Tumblr.
On Twitter she calls herself a "Digital strategist & communicator at @UN" -- while having less then 600 followers.
One of her few public quotes is "to take the necessary precautions to ensure no sensitive content is public,” U.N. Spokesperson Florencia Soto Nino-Martinez said" -- apparently she thinks any answer about UN rapes and corruption, the UN in Western Sahara, or Burundi, or Cameroon, is "sensitive content."
How much has she taken in public funds during this time, while refusing to answer a single question? Watch this site.
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UN Staffer Got 15 Years For Raping 13 Women Now Won't Pay, Elkorany Protected By UNSG
By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon
SDNY COURTHOUSE, Aug 25 – Into a courthouse periodically enflamed by sex abuse scandal cases, from Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell to the quieter echo of Kevin Spacey, UN rapist Karim Elkorany came in quietly, indicted and quickly released on bond.
On October 27, 2022, after a soft plea deal and the testimony of victims including about how Elkorany while a UN "Communications Specialist" drugged and raped them, including in the US, Elkorany was sentenced to 15 years in prison.
Inner City Press live tweeted it, here - and immediately sought comment, again, from the UN and its spokespeople Stephane Dujarric and Melissa Fleming. None has been received.
On August 25, 2023, counsel for Elkorany's Victim-1 wrote in to say that Elkorany and his counsel have refused to pay restitution for the lost wages of the victim, a freelance journalist. Letter on Patreon here.
So a UN staffer raped a journalist, and now won't pay.
The perpetrator was himself ostensibly an aid worker, or Communications Specialist, for the United Nations under Melissa Fleming?
Fleming, who had been Elkorany's boss, refused repeatedly to answer email questions about the case, as did UN Spokesman Stephane Dujarric. They banned the questioner, and refused to answer Inner City Press' June 19, 2023 application to enter to cover UNGA Week.
Like Elkorany, who flashed his blue UN "passport" to get security to allow his to keep raping, they had immunity. That Elkorany, allowed to return to the US by UNSG Antonio Guterres, raped Victim 2 here too made no difference to them.
Despite the graphic description of penetration and surgeries, the text messages with a big-name journalist / UN Correspondent bragging about grinding up Zanax and causing pain, little was done.
What went wrong? More on Patreon here.
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Indicted Art Fraudster Faisal Khan Pleads Guilty with Sentencing Set for Nov 29 in SDNY
By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon
BBC - Guardian UK - Honduras - ESPN
SDNY COURTHOUSE, Aug 25 – Back on September 22, 2020 Erdal Dere and Faisal Khan were arrested for wire fraud related to art and antiquities. Inner City Press live tweeted it.
On October 20, 2020 U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Judge Loretta A. Preska to whom their cases have been assigned held a proceeding. Inner City Press covered it.
First, the background:
ERDAL DERE of Fortuna Fine Arts and FAISAL KHAN were presented before Magistrate Judge Sarah Netburn on September 22. Judge Netburn: Have you agreed on a bail package? AUSA: Can we have a minute?
Judge Netburn: I can put you in a separate room. Assistant US Attorney returns, says SDNY US Attorney is offering bail - just wants to know which of defendant's two Upper East Side properties is the $3 million one. It's the 78th Street address.
AUSA: Release on his own signature today, two weeks for the rest. The agents already have his passport.
Judge Netburn: I approve the proposed bail conditions. $500,000 bond, one co-signer, secured by residence on 78th Street.
On October 20, 2020 Dere had attorney Elliot Sagor, and Khan had attorney Michael Tremonte. The next conference was set for January 20, 2021, with time excluded under the Speedy Trial Act for the production of discovery.
Jump cut to August 25, 2023 - Inner City Press was in the Magistrates Court, again presided over by Judge Netburn, when Khan came in to quietly plead guilty to a single count. Sentencing is set for November 29 before Judge Preska, but the AUSA did not know the time. There were cordial greetings all around. Antiquities are a different type or pedigree of crime.
The case is US v. Dere, et al., 20-cr-501 (Preska)
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Harlem Man Detained For Selling Ghost Guns and Meth on 124th Street, Faces Seven Years
by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack
FOLEY SQUARE, Aug 24 – Aaron Isler was arraigned on August 24, 2023, for selling nine firearms, including two ghost guns, to an undercover officer over six months in Harlem.
Inner City Press was present for the arraignment.
The prosecutor said Isler also sold over 250 methamphetamine pills to the officer, which were marketed as ecstasy, and cocaine.
Before he was called forward, Isler sat in Courtroom 1333 with his co-defendants, handcuffed. He had a pony tail and a neck tattoo, and wore a sweatshirt that said "Hustle."
His defense attorney consented to detention, at least through September 5.
The prosecutor said this all happened in 146 West 124th Street in Harlem, that Isler sold drugs every day in the lobby, and ran a gambling room in his apartment. He faces mandatory minimums of seven years. He was led out into custody.
Inner City Press remains on the case(s) and asks, Why are some such cases federalized and some not?
Later, DA Bragg's office said Assistant D.A. Lauren Di Giovanni of the Violent Criminal Enterprises Unit is handling the prosecution of the case under the supervision of Assistant D.A. Christopher Prevost (Chief of the Violent Criminal Enterprises Unit) and Executive Assistant D.A. Lisa DelPizzo (Chief of the Trial Division). Investigations Coordinator Felix Poley is also providing valuable assistance in this case. D.A. Bragg thanked the NYPD, in particular the Detective Bureau Manhattan North, especially Detectives Matthew Sgambati and Rhyan Nelson, Deputy Inspector Daniel Campbell and Deputy Chief Brian Gill
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For Six Armed Carjackings Pedro Reynoso Who Hears Voices Is Sentenced to 7 Years in SDNY
by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack
SDNY COURTHOUSE, Aug 24 – Pedro Reynoso committed six armed carjackings in November and December 2021. He was been in detention since.
On August 24, 2023 Reynoso up for sentencing before U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Judge Paul G. Gardephe. Inner City Press was there, the only media in the courtroom.
It was a notably short sentencing. Seven years was the mandatory minimum, and it was requested by the AUSA, Probation and the defense.
Judge Gardephe recounted that Reynoso hears voices and has tried to kill himself.
There was a Psychiatric Evaluation by Dr. Eric Goldsmith, filed under seal. Reynoso was sentenced to seven years, and Judge Gardephe strongly recommending a Federal Medical Center.
The case is US v. Reynoso, 22-cr-70 (Gardephe)
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