by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack
UN GATE, Sept 12 – With UN General Assembly week approaching, a former president, a former UN Deputy Secretary General and a former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights spoke on a panel across First Avenue, at the International Peace Institute, on September 12. Inner City Press was there and tweeted, here and here.
It began with new President of the General Assembly Dennis Francis reading a speech - this as he and his spokesperson Monica Grayley have refused for two days to answer the Press why they have not complied with the minimal reform the UN committed to after PGA John Ashe was indicted in SDNY court for bribe taking.
Then former Deputy Secretary General Mark Malloch-Brown summarized a report that was available on the way in, and gently mock New Yorkers who will complain about the traffic the UN brings.
What about the impunity, for example the Ambassador who not long ago raped a woman and then flew out of the country, entirely legally immune?
Former Liberia President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf mentioned AI, as did current Costa Rica Ambassador Maritza Chan, citing a meeting about autonomous weapons held in Trinidad and Tobago, the homeland of PGA Dennis Francis.
There are other connections between IPI and the SDNY court, where Ghislaine Maxwell was convicted at trial and her partner / IPI donor would have been - but it is not our purpose here to go there.
In fact, going to IPI from a full day of court coverage wasn't easy, but IPI is to be commended for at least not simply falling in line with the thin-skinned censorship regime of UNSG Antonio Guterres.
But shouldn't they, and their CEO with human rights credentials, do more? Watch this site.
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