by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon
SDNY COURTHOUSE, March 24 – After a circus-like civil case involving Guo Wengui in SDNY, which Inner City Press closely covered, here, March 15, 2023 saw the unsealing of a criminal indictment.
Not mentioned was another, related arrest on March 15, of Guo's chief of staff Yanping Wang, aka Yvette Wang. Inner City Press live tweeted her presentment when the prosecutors offered release on $5 million bond, but only with two co-signers they approve.
On March 22, Inner City Press was again the only media in the SDNY Magistrates Court when Yvette Wang and her two lawyers showed up, complaining that a proposed suretor with a $2.5 million property was rejected. Afterward Inner City Press asked Wang's lawyer Alex Lipman to confirm it is or was Steve Bannon. He said, "We're not going to answer." Inner City Press' vlog, and live tweeted thread here:
Wang's lawyer: We have a person well known in the US willing to put up $2.5 million property.
Judge: The US turned down the $2.5 offeror?
Wang's lawyer: Yes, he has some legal problems.
AUSA Murray: This is premature. There is a process. I don't want to get into the names, but the person offering the $2.5 million property was involved in Guo's frauds
Judge: I won't direct the US to accept miscellaneous John Does. You need to provide the more info about Mr $2.5M
Wang's lawyer: The turned down the $2.5M man because they don't like him.
They are trying to keep her in to pressure her to be their friend.
More on Substack here
On March 24 after 11 pm Wang's lawyer, trying to get out of representing Jen Shah, proposed eight names - letter on Patreon here.
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