Friday, August 16, 2024

In Suit Against Cairo Amman Bank For Hamas Briefing Due on Supreme Court Twitter Case

By Matthew Russell Lee

SDNY COURTHOUSE, Aug 15 – Julie Averbach sued Cairo Amman Bank for allegedly helping Hamas, by transferring its and its leaders' money through JPMorgan Chase, BNY Mellon and Standard Chartered Bank; it had a correspondent banking relationship with Citibank. 

On January 19, 2023 U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Magistrate Judge Katharine H. Parker held a proceeding. Inner City Press covered it. 

 The complaint describes a Hamas bombing in Jerusalem.

On January 19, Judge Parker ordered that the plaintiffs must provide the defendants with an updated chart of transactions.

Jump cut 20 months forward to August 15, 2024, another conference, which Inner City Press covered, thread

Judge: It has been raised how the Twitter decision on aiding and abetting impacts this case.

Cairo Amman Bank's lawyer: We anticipate the plaintiffs' filing a third amended complaint. Judge: Discovery? CAB's lawyer: One of our experts has a death in the family Cairo Amman Bank's lawyer: Some we need to reach are in areas that are hard to reach right now... Plaintiffs' lawyer: We prefer to brief the Twitter v. Taamneh issues just once, on a Rule 56 motion.

Judge: File a proposed new schedule next week.

The case is Averbach et al v. Cairo Amman Bank, 19-cv-4 (Woods / Parker)


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