by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack
SDNY COURTHOUSE, Aug 29 – After a United Nations legal official was filmed saying those in the UN are terrified of a possible second Trump term as US President, a formal complaint against him was filed with the UN Ethics Office by a staff who, fearing retaliation, sent a copy to Inner City Press, banned from the UN by SG Antonio Guterres:
Date: On Thursday, 29 August 2024 at 4:48 PM Subject: Report of serious misconduct by Mr. Jorge Paoletti Martinez (P2 1510 ASSOCIATE LEGAL OFFICER, Index Number 10086542)
To: oioshotline, SERPASOARES@UN.ORG, ALFORD, swanson1, schultz2, ndiaye, lopez22, thanabalasingam,
Dear OIOS and OLA Colleagues By now you would likely have seen the article in the New York Post published today: The United Nations is “terrified” at the prospect of a second Trump presidency, according to a leaked conversation with a senior official at the global agency. “I’m not sure the United Nations is going to survive a second term from Donald Trump,” Jorge Paoletti, an associate legal officer at the UN Office of Legal Affairs in New York, said
This conduct is a violation of Staff Regulations 1.2(f), 1.2(g) and 1.2(i), Staff Rule 1.2(t), as well as Section 4 of ST/AI/2000/13 Staff Regulation 1.2(f) “staff members shall ensure that their views and convictions do not adversely affect their official duties or the interests of the United Nations....
Staff Rule 1.2(t) “Staff members shall not, except in the normal course of official duties or with the prior approval of the Secretary-General, engage in any outside activities that relate to the purpose, activities or interests of the United Nations. Outside activities include but are not limited to: (i) Issuing statements to the press, radio or other agencies of public information; (ii) Accepting speaking engagements; (iii) Taking part in film, theatre, radio or television productions...
Given what was done to Kennedy for losing sensitive data later published by Inner City Press and to Emma Reilly for talking to the press, this "senior official" (P-2 lol) must be sanctioned for bringing the organisation into disrepute.
Just because he works for our offices in OLA should not give him preferential status.
I have submitted this report anonymously for fear for retaliation.
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