Friday, May 31, 2024

UNSC Rubber Stamp Election As UN Fails from Gaza to Ukraine Now Pakistan and Somalia Join

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

UN GATE, May 28 – Mozambique took over the UN Security Council presidency on May 1, 2024 - while Inner City Press is still banned from the UN, despite its June 19 application.

  Mozambique four weeks later has accomplished almost nothing. It is set to be replaced - by Somalia. Also slated for uncontested election are Pakistan, Panama, Denmark and Greece. The "election" is set for June 6. Will any of these be better?

On April 20, Inner City Press wrote to the Mozambique Mission: This is a timely request that you allow Inner City Press to enter and cover, and/or provide the WebEx  pass code(s) to access Mozambique's UNSC Presidency press briefing by your  Ambassador Pedro Comissário Afonso on May 1.

Then Inner City Press asked UN Spox Stephane Dujarric and the Mission, "On Mozambique itself.

Still no answer from the Mozambique mission, four weeks later, as the Council fails worldwide and UNSG Antonio Guterres bans the Press. A fish rots from the head.

 Watch this site.

 Inner City Press on June 19 applied to the UN for access, as it gives 100s, to cover the UNGA week. Inner City Press has a NYC Press Pass, is covering the Trump trial and writes about the UN. 


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