Friday, May 24, 2024

Trump Trial Evidence Ends With Costello Objected to and Sustained Now Full Week Off

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, May 21 – In the Trump Trial, evidence ended on Tuesday more with a whimper than a bang, none of the previous day's side eye from Bob Costello - and then Justice Merchan said the case was be off for a week. Thread:

[Trump is here, blue suit, tie of yellow or gold. Some GOP Congressmember in row behind him; at least one Dem Congressmember in back of the overflow.] 

All rise!

...Prosecutor Hoffinger: In this email, Michael Cohen says to stop contacting him. And the header is about Accounts - were you sending him bills? Costello: I think that was the billing department. Prosecutor: Did Rudy Giuliani go to your wedding? Costello: He did 

Prosecutor Hoffinger: You wrote to Jeffrey Citron, Reason for Cohen to hire me, my connection to Giuliani. That's your email? Costello: Correct... There are surrounding circumstances I'd be delighted to explain for you. Prosecutor Hoffinger: That's alright 

Prosecutor Hoffinger: Let me read another email ... We must reverse the Avenatti effect, -Bob. You wrote this? Costello: Michael Cohen has been complaining, incessantly Prosecutor Hoffinger: As you said yesterday, the email speaks for itself. Costello: Sometimes   Prosecutor Hoffinger: You wrote that you'd been played? Costello: I'd like to explain it. Prosecutor Hoffinger: No. You felt you were being played because you hadn't been paid?

Costello: Now you do want me to explain. Prosecutor Hoffinger: No, I don't.  Prosecutor Hoffinger: You thought Michael Cohen was also playing President Trump? Costello: I don't think that's correct. Prosecutor Hoffinger: People's 512H - your email to your partner Citron. You forwarded Mr. Cohen's text and said, He is slow playing us  Prosecutor Hoffinger: You wrote, he is playing with the most powerful man on the planet - this speaks for itself, doesn't it? Costello: It does. Prosecutor Hoffinger: On May 15 didn't you go to Congress about Michael Cohen?

Costello: I was requested to testify  Prosecutor Hoffinger: It was your attempt to intimidate Michael Cohen? Costello: Intimidate Michael Cohen? Ridiculous. Prosecutor Hoffinger: No further questions.


Trump's lawyer Emil Bove: When Cohen said you never represented him- Costello: False   Trump's lawyer Bove: Let's look at this exhibit Ms. Hoffinger put in yesterday, email to your son. You quote Michael Cohen from April 2018, it will be an honor to have you on the team. Costello: That's what he said. Bove: And Cohen called you for 30 min? Yes  Trump's lawyer Bove: What did you mean when you wrote about being played?

Costello: Jeff Cintron gave him the retainer agreement. Cohen put it in his briefcase, then always evaded our questions about it. He claimed he was paying MWE - he wasn't.  Trump's lawyer Bove: You wrote, Privileged and Confidential, Attorney Client - did Cohen tell you no, you're not my lawyer? Costello: No. Bove: Cohen couldn't be surprised you communicated with Rudy Giuliani? Costello: Michael Cohen asked me to 

Trump's lawyer Emil Bove: Who initiated communications - Prosecutor: Objection! Beyond the scope. [sidebar ensues; Costello looks away from the bench] Justice Merchan: The objection is sustained. Bove: GX 208. Page 2, you said whether you communicate is up to you  Trump's lawyer Bove: Every document we've looked at, you provided to these guys a year ago? Costello: Yes. Bove: You met May 3?
Prosecutor Hoffinger: Objection, beyond the scope Justice Merchan: Sustained.

Bove: What was your purpose in subsequent meetings?   Prosecutor Hoffinger: Objection Justice Merchan: Sustained. Trump's lawyer Bove: The prosecution has known of your relationship with Michael Cohen since last year? Prosecutor Hoffinger: Objection Justice Merchan: Sustained. Bove: No further questions.  Prosecutor Hoffinger: Did Michael Cohen ever sign the retainer? Costello: No. Prosecutor Hoffinger: No further questions.

 Trump's lawyer Blanche: The Defense rests.

Justice Merchan: Jurors, you are now off until next Tuesday. You may begin deliberating Wednesday  Justice Merchan: On next Tuesday, we may have to go past 4:30. See you in a week.

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