Saturday, July 9, 2022

Woman in Capitol Case Said She May Have Been Sexually Assaulted, Pro Se Bid Sealed


By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Maxwell Book
BBC-Guardian UK - Honduras - ESPN NY Mag

DDC COURTHOUSE, July 8 – Victoria Charity White is charged with being in the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

On June 22, 2022 she appeared before DDC Judge John D. Bates and said that her appointed Federal Public Defender is a grifter and that she may have been sexually assaulted in the Capitol passageway. Inner City Press, covering these cases, live tweeted it here and below.

On July 8, White appeared again before Judge Bates and was, it seems, approved to go pro se - the problem was, Judge Bates then took the proceeding sealed, and never returned with a report of his decision. Inner City Press will remain on the case. July 8 thread here:

Victoria White has hired her assigned lawyer and wants to represent herself (it's catching).

DDC Judge Bates asks, Do you know the Federal Rules of Evidence?

White: Exculpatory evidence?

Judge Bates: In my opinion, you'd do better with a lawyer. I urge you strongly not to try to represent yourself. Do you understand my advice? White: I do.

Judge Bates: I understand you were unsatisfied with your last lawyer. Is this what you want to do? A: Yes.

Judge Bates: Have you ever been treated for mental issues?

White: You are asking this in a public proceeding?

Judge Bates: I'm not going to ask more - just, are you still in treatment? White: I'm OK. Judge Bates: Turn off the public line. Or wait a minute.

 Judge Bates: Are you under the influence?

White: No. Judge Bates: You could have stand-by counsel  [Note: Like Josh Schulte, case now before the jury in SDNY,  booklet coming] Do you want one?

White: Yes I do.

Judge Bates: I want to speak privately with you. But first, we have a trial in January. I'd like to get back with you in a status conference on Oct 14 at 11 am. 

AUSA: I've been on military leave but I've looked, there should be adjustments to the protective order

Judge Bates: OK, we're now going into closed session

From June 22: "now Jan 6 case of Victoria Charity White, accused of entering the Capitol, she is pro se just called her appointed lawyer a grifter, says she may have been sexually assaulted in the tunnel. Judge shuts her down. 

The appointed Federal Public Defender said he could not share the discovery material with Ms. White because of DOJ's protective order. She cut in and called him "human garbage." 

DDC Judge John D. Bates suggests a next conference of July 8 at 12:30 pm. "Ms. White, are you nodding?" 

A: Yes, your Honor. 

Judge: Mr McBride, keep that date open, we'll let you know if you should attend. [Or if White will continue representing herself - a trend]

 Judge Bates: It is your right to go pro se. I just want you have to full information, to hear from another lawyer. Try to hear what you are being told. Adjourned."

   From DOJ's "statement of facts," this:

"on or about January 7, 2021, WHITE posted the following comment:

'A friend said Delete FB stuff. . . . I stated I’m not scared i was in the capitol DETAINED and they took my social security # name address they are coming for me. I am not afraid of them or anyone!! There I said it Come get me, You don’t know the story, it’s not what you think.'

" Law enforcement reviewed additional information on social media and the Internet, which further implicated WHITE’s involvement in the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021. For example, on or about January 7, 2021, The Black Conservative Preacher posted a video on its YouTube channel that showed Capitol rioters attempting to smash the glass over an entrance to the Capitol building near the lower west terrace."

The case is US v. White, 21-cr-563 (JDB). 


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