Tuesday, March 5, 2013

On DPRK, UN Draft Has Exemption for Diplomats' UN Travel, Zeroes in on Yachts, Jewelry

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, March 5 -- Two hours after US Ambassador Susan Rice circulated a draft resolution on North Korea's February 12 nuclear test to UN Security Council members, a self described “Security Council Diplomat Familiar With the Negotiations” (or Text) described and answered questions about the text.

The diplomat, dubbed SCDFWN or, here, “ScudFawn” said among other things that the draft resolution has precedent setting travel elements -- to kick out of countries anyone working for particular entities -- as well as banking provision based on Iran sanctions.

ScudFawn said the draft deals with North Korean diplomats “who abuse their diplomatic privileges.”

Inner City Press asked ScudFawn if this might apply to Democratic People's Republic of Korea diplomats at the United Nations, and how that could be consisted with the UN's Host Country Agreement.

ScudFawn, familiar with the text, answered that the draft has a line on this issue, stating that nothing in the travel bans or kick out of territory provisions can be read as impacting North Korean diplomats' travel to UN headquarters.

But once in New York, it seems, violations of the Vienna Convention such as abuse of diplomatic pouches could result in expulsion.

In provision likely to be widely reported, ScudFawn said the draft is more specific about luxury goods, listing for example jewelry and yachts.

One imagines, too, joked about the trip of Dennis Rodman. At last night's Council on Foreign Relations session with Michael Posner, reported by Inner City Press, Posner was asked about Rodman's trip. Posner said he liked Rodman when he was with the Chicago Bulls, that's it. Rim shot, no rebound. Watch this site.