Tuesday, January 4, 2011

In Iraq, UN Negotiates to Take Over USAID Site, Ditch Bunker, Malcorra Confirms

By Matthew Russell Lee, Exclusive

UNITED NATIONS, December 20 -- Contrary to previous UN plans to build a mega facility in Iraq, dubbed the bunker, the new plan is to take over a USAID site in Baghdad once the US leaves next year, UN official Susana Malcorra confirmed to Inner City Press on Monday.

Inner City Press reported last week, when US Vice President Joseph Biden was at the UN for an Iraq meeting, that the UN's Advisory Committee on Administrative & Budgetary Questions had urged that the UN stop paying on a $5 million contract with an architectural consultant hired for the bunker.

Ms. Malcorra on Monday said that negotiations to terminate the contract are ongoing with UN Procurement, and that she would not comment further on it. But she did answer Inner City Press's request for confirmation of the plan to switch to the USAID site. This was discussed in closed door ACABQ consultations, but not mentioned by USAID name in their report. Malcorra said yes, USAID.

Still unconfirmed by the UN are reports that US troops now provide security to SRSG Ad Melkert. Watch this site.

Footnote: Ms. Malcorra declined to answer Inner City Press' request for an update on the negotiations by Ibrahim Gambari in Darfur to turn over five sheikhs in Kalma camp supportive of Fur rebel Abdel Wahid Nur to the government of Omar al Bashir, indicted for war crimes. We will keep asking.