Saturday, June 3, 2023

In US v Doe Inner City Press Was Told to Leave As It Asked for Docket Number Now Affirmed

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, June 1 – A defendant was processed for fifty minutes in a sealed proceeding on May 25, 2023 in the Magistrates Court of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.  

Inner City Press, the only media in the SDNY Mag Court, asked that the docket number and basis for sealing be put on the record.

The answer was, "No."  

   Others remained in the courtroom -- two Assistant US Attorneys, who before the sealing were discussing "suretors," implying that that defendant was being charged and released on bond, and at least one lawyer beyond the one who represented the defendant. 

   The lawyer who represented the defendant loudly explained why he had not yet effectively filed pro hac vice papers, that the state at issue required five days to give a certificate of good standing.

  Only Inner City Press left, and the courtroom door was locked behind it.   

The proceeding was not short.

It took fifty minutes, during which time in the hallways outside the courtroom Inner City Press struck up a conversation with the defendant in the next case, and witness what seemed to be a controversial celebrity emerge from the US Attorney Office's doorways down the hall.

More detailed on Substack here.

On the morning of May 26, Inner City Press wrote to Magistrate Judge Gabriel Gorenstein requesting the docket number, basis of sealing - and who requested the sealing. Past 6 pm, Judge Gorenstein ruled: "The Court made findings, in a sealed transcript, justifying the sealing of the case name and docket number and the closure of the courtroom in accordance with the requirements of case law. See Waller v. Georgia, 467 U.S. 39 (1984); US v. Alcantara, 396 F.3d 189, 200 n.8 (2d Cir. 2005). Accordingly, the relief requested in this letter is denied. SO ORDERED, Gabriel W. Gorenstein, US Magistrate Judge, May 26, 2023."

Letter on Inner City Press' DocumentCloud here.

Inner City Press submitted an appeal to the Part 1 Judge then on June 1 received a response, in Order form, from the District Judge who it turns out is presiding over this US v. Doe without public docket number. The order among other things implies that Inner City Press should have gone further than asking for the docket number and basis, and said "I object" or more. Order here

Not only who requested sealed remains unknown - how the Press or public will know when this sealed proceeding and case are subsequently docketed is not specified. And it seems impossible to appeal to the Second Circuit, without a docket number. We'll have more on this.

The case, for now, is US v. Doe, xx-cr-xx (Marrero)


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