Saturday, January 7, 2023

SBF Wants His Sureties Kept Secret Like Ghislaine Maxwell But She Was In MDC, Insider Tale


By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Maxwell book
NY Mag
 Song 1

LITERARY SDNY, Jan 3 – The day for Sam Bankman-Fried to appear before Judge Kaplan had arrived. And hours before, his lawyers had put in a letter asking to seal and keep secret the names of his co-signers. Kurt Wheelock immediately tweeted it out, drawing a slew of replies about Kevin O'Leary and various members of Congress. 

  At the courthouse, he prepared a letter to Judge Kaplan seeking to unseal the co-signers' information. It was the first issue in the proceeding, after SBF pled not guilty: what about the sealing?   Judge Kaplan said he would grant the sealing, pending any application by the news media. Kurt hit send, an email to chambers and Assistant US Attorney Nicolas Roos, and Mark Cohen.

    To try to keep Bankman-Fried's co-signers secret, an analogy was made to Ghislaine Maxwell, who got partial sealing (and no call-in line for her trial, despite COVID restrictions and Kurt's repeated requests). But Maxwell had not been released on bond, like Bankman-Fried got. It had been said that SBF had so much notoriety he could neither flee nor continue sketchy crypto business. Maxwell was notorious and hadn't been released.  She had been deemed a flight risk. But wasn't SBF? 

 There were two U.S. Marshals in the courtroom. Kurt wondered if it meant SBF might be remanded. But it was for security, or crowd control. SBF sat twitchy at the defense table. Remand never came up; the prosecutors didn't mention, much less ask for it. 

  The rest went by in a flash - discovery was being produced, there was a schedule for the defense's motions, and a trial date of October 2, 2023. Kurt tweeted it, then ran down to the lobby to await Bankman-Fried's exit. There had been a scrum on the way in, and a larger one awaited. 

  A Patreon supporter Kurt had spoken with before was in the lobby, said he'd asked SBF on the security line how he intended to plead. He said SBF replied, F*ck you. Great public relations. Co-signers secret and let them eat cake. 

 When SBF came down the elevator Kurt ran outside, and was shunted to the side by security. He nodded with SBF's security guard, the same guy who'd done it for Ghislaine Maxwell and her family. He filmed the scrum into the car - no questions were possible, unlike with Kevin Spacey or even more so Michael Avenatti - then did a stand-up. 

   Upstairs there was talk about the sealing. More on Patreon here.

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