By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Maxwell Book
SDNY COURT EXCLUSIVE, Jan 24 - In the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York on December 2, a detention or bond proceeding was held by Magistrate Judge Stewart D. Aaron on a man charged with selling guns to two men already in state custody for plans to "shoot up a synagogue," Christopher Brown, 21, and Matthew Mahrer, 22.
Presented in Federal court on December 2 was defendant / gun-seller Jamil Hakime, who works with detained youth at the NYC Administration for Children's Services. Inner City Press was present, the only media (and only non-involved person) there. Live-tweeted thread (more on Patreon here) vlog here
Jumpt cut to January 24, 2023: the case has been indicted, and wheeled out to Judge Analisa Torres. She held a proceeding, and Inner City Press attended. Discovery is ongoing; the AUSA said the phones of the two co-conspirators are being reviewed and Hakime will get some but not all of it.
The Federal Defender said the proposed protective order is disputed; he will abide by it while Judge Torres considers the issue. Inner City Press will continue to cover the case.
From December 2, the thread:
The case is now US v. Hakime, 22-cr-699 (Torres)
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