Tuesday, May 31, 2022
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Saturday, May 28, 2022
UN Staffer Admitted Raping 13 in Iraq & US but UN Guterres Kept Him on Payroll for Years
By Matthew Russell Lee Patreon Periscope Song
BBC - Decrypt - LightRead - Honduras - Thread
SDNY Courthouse, May 28 – UN former staff member Karim Elkorany was arrested then freed on $500,000 bond on September 2, 2020 in connection with drugging and raping women in Iraq while working for the UN in 2016, then allegedly lying to the FBI about it in 2017.
A superseding indictment belatedly unsealed on October 29, 2020 said Elkorany raped a UN contractor, in the US and Dohuk, Iraq. And still the UN did nothing.
On May 24, 2022 Elkorany pleaded guilty: "KARIM ELKORANY, a former communications specialist with the United Nations (“UN”) in Iraq, pled guilty before United States District Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald to sexually assaulting an internationally protected person and making false statements to cover up another sexual assault. In connection with the plea, ELKORANY also admitted that he drugged and/or sexually assaulted seventeen additional victims. U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said: “Karim Elkorany admitted today to drugging at least 19 victims, and sexually assaulting at least 13 of them while they were unconscious after he drugged them. He committed many of his heinous crimes while employed by the United Nations." He raped while employed by the UN - AND THE UN DID NOTHING. In fact, the UN helped him flee and do it again.
Credulous UN insider media reported, "the woman Elkorany assaulted in 2016 informed the UN at the time, and the organization investigated his conduct. When the UN concluded its own investigation, it referred the case to US authorities, Stéphane Dujarric, the UN spokesperson, said. The FBI began its probe in 2017 and Elkorany resigned from the UN in 2018."
So even by this apologist account in Bluewashing media giving the UN a Pass, the UN kept paying him after it knew he raped. And never answered the detailed questions of Inner City Press which Guterres banned. The UN is totally corrupt, and USUN in now complicit. We'll have more on this.
On November 9, 2020 another brief status conference in the case, which Inner City Press live tweeted, below.
On August 17, 2021, Elkorany's motions to try to suppress evidence against him, gathered with search warrants, were denied, order on Inner City Press' DocumentCloud here.
On January 28, 2022 the US Attorney's Office asked for yet more delay in the UN rape case, to February 28. But it did say "if the parties are unable to reach agreement on a pretrial disposition within that time, the Government expect to ask the Court to set a trial date, citing 18 USC 3771(a)(7) for the proposition that victims have the right to proceeding free from unreasonable delay. Yeah.
On February 28, 2022, the US wrote in again, saying a trial date should be set - but not too soon; one or both defense counsel are unavailable June 9-10, June 14, July 23-August 6 and October 7-21. Oh.
On April 19, yet another conference in the UN rapist case. This time the US Attorney's Office said it is trying to settle the case - with the victims knowledge? - and asked for a date of May 4. That way, they said, if a plea is not reached the case can be reassigned to the trial judge and a request put in by the May 15 deadline to request a large courtroom for a trial. Or if the deadline is missed, more delay. Inner City Press asked, in April: what about the victims? Why is the UN and its rapists treated with such kids-gloves?
On May 4, the US Attorney's Office wrote in to cancel the day's proceeding, saying " The Government has not to date extended a formal plea offer to the defendant and intends to consult with the victims in this case before extending such an offer. Nevertheless, the parties believe that it is likely that a pretrial disposition will be agreed upon in the next two weeks and therefore respectfully request that the Court set a date for a change of plea hearing on May 20, 2022 at a time convenient for the Court. The Government respectfully requests that the change of plea hearing be held in-person. The Government understands the defendant may seek to request to have the hearing via video conference." Photo here. Watch this site.
From November 9, 2020: AUSA Richenthal says the US is reviewing more electronic devices.
Elkorany's lawyer Dawn Cardi asks for 90 more days' delay, since some of the discovery is marked "Restricted."
Judge Buchwald: In the times of COVID, to maintain social distance between lawyer and defendant, 90 days is not unreasonable. We are heading into the end of the year period, very different this year. I ask you to make sure that the 90 days is all the time needed
And so February 9 at 10:30 am was arrived at. And Inner City Press again covered it, here and below (Podcast here)
Now on May 17, Elkorany's lawyers say they "have provided to the government defense counsel's pretrial motions... we intend to confer with the government about its view as to how to proceed in terms of filing and/or redacting and/or seeking the Court's permission to file under seal certain documents." Secrets about UN rapes - but this is a public process, despite the UN's routine cover ups.
And delays: on July 23, a request was made to exclude time under the Speedy Trial Act, which is not only for defendants but also the public, from July 30 to October 28. Where is this case going? More immunity and cover up?
From February 9: Elkorany's lawyer wants to delay 90 days.
The Assistant US Attorney says given the victims in this case they want to move faster.
Elkorany's lawyer says she has some state trials so she need more time.
Now AUSA says 30 days to respond to defense's motions. That would be June 10. And see here.
Inner City Press, which has asked the UN in writing for comment, will continue to cover it.
The US Attorney for the Southern District of New York stated that Elkorany, "a former communications specialist with the United Nations in Iraq, was charged in an Indictment in Manhattan federal court with two counts of making false statements to special agents of the FBI in an effort to conceal his drugging and sexual assault of multiple women while he worked for the UN...In or around December 2016, Victim-1 reported the sexual assault to the UN. The UN initiated an investigation, through which ELKORANY was notified of the substance of Victim-1’s allegations against him."
The UN claims it has a zero tolerance and blacklisting policy for sexual abuse, but despite a victim complaining to the UN in this case, on Wednesday Elkorany was leaving freely in New Jersey when he was arrested.
The superseding indict which was intially wrongly kept under seal says Elkorany raped Victim-2, a UN contractor, in Dohuk, Iraq and in the US. So the UN's inaction contributed to the rape of a UN contractor - and still NOTHING from the UN of Antonio Guterres. We'll have more on this.
On September 16 the US Attorney's Office, already under fire for withholding information, filed a Protective Order to withhold from the Press and public information about this UN official's "names and/or other identifying information or photographs of individuals alleged to have been sexually assaulted and/or drugged by the defendant or with whom the defendant had a romantic or physical relationship; (b) non-public nude, semi-nude, or sexualized photographs," if it has been " provided to the Government by the United Nations." So the UN has been producing pornography, and is not itself indicted, only this Elkorany? We'll have more on this.
On September 2 after 6 pm, as exclusively reported by Inner City Press which has been banned from the UN for its questions, was released on a bond to be signed by his father and brother, but allowed to leave home to work from 8 am to 6 pm.
There was another proceeding on September 10, before District Judge Naomi Reice Bulkwald. Inner City Press live tweeted it, here:
Elkorany's lawyer has not responded to the US Attorney's proposed protective order. Note: little in this case should be withheld or sealed - it is about spending public's money for a UN staffer to drug and rape women in Iraq, then have the UN cover it up.
AUSA Pomerantz: There are cell phone and laptops that the FBI is in the process of extracting. [What will they show about the UN of @AntonioGuterres ? ]
Since the cell phones and devices are being extracted to produce discovery, next date is November 9, 11:45 am. Inner City Press will continue to cover this case and the UN.
Then in the docket, this: "Pretrial Conference as to Karim Elkorany held on 9/10/2020. Initial conference as to Karim Elkorany held by telephone on 9/10/2020. Lara Pomerantz, Amanda Houle and Daniel Richenthal for the government; Dawn Cardi for the defendant; Defendant Karim Elkorany; court reporter present. Conference scheduled for November 9, 2020 at 11:45a.m. Speedy trial time excluded until November 9, 2020."
Inner City Press also covered the September 2, 6:20 pm presentment of Elkorany, here:
Elkorany is represented by Dawn Cardi of Cardi & Edgar LLP of 99 Madison Avenue.
Judge Cott: I take it you are retained, Ms. Cardi?
Cardi: I am.
Judge Cott: Mr Elkorany, if you are a citizen of another country you may have a right to consular notification.
Cardi: He pleads not guilty.
Judge Cott: First, confirm you are waiving a public reading.
Cardi: Correct.
AUSA Houle: "The parties have a proposed bail package. A $500,000 personal recognizance bond co-signed by his father Awny ELkorany and brother Nor Elkorany. Surrender of all passports by five pm tomorrow. Home detention at parents' home.
AUSA Houle: He can leave 8 am to 6 pm for work.
AUSA Houle: Refrain from any contact with victims. Drug testing and treatment as directed by Pre Trial Services. Release today provided he is fitted for GPS which we understand Pre Trial is prepared to do.
AUSA Houle: Dan Richenthal has confirmed they can do it. Richenthal: Officer Trale (sp) told me it would be possible to 5 pm. So I'm not positive.
Judge Cott: What do you want to do? Cardi: I am proposing he return home and return tomorrow morning.
Cardi: The suretors probably can't sign today either.
Judge Cott: When was he arrested?
AUSA Houle: 6 am this morning.
Cardi: My client does not have his phone and no money to get back to New Jersey. Can someone lend him the money?
Judge Cott: I cannot deal with minutia like this right now.
Elkorany was listed as a UN "Communications Specialist" -- Fleming's forte -- on press releases about Toyota, here. He was interviewed on UN Radio, here. But of course, UN Spokesperson Staphane Dujarric claims he knows nothing about it and that Guterres has a "principled position."
Inner City Press is asking the UN, On UN staffer Karim Elkorany, indicted in SDNY for lying to FBI about drugging and raping women while working for UN in Iraq, immediately state what the outcome of the victim complaining to the UN was - and why Elkorany was back at liberty in New Jersey.
This is specifically asked in the context of this statement: "UNDP participates in a joint project with other UN agencies to maintain a system-wide database called "Clear Check" to ensure that former personnel involved in substantiated cases of sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse with one entity in the UN system cannot be employed by another entity." So what did the UN actually do, other than transport a rapist from New Jersey to Iraq then bringing him home to live free?
The case is US v. Elkorany, 20-cr-437 (Buchwald). Watch this site.
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Feedback: Editorial [at] innercitypress.com
SDNY Press Room 480, front cubicle
500 Pearl Street, NY NY 10007 USA
Mail: Box 20047, Dag Hammarskjold Station NY NY 10017
Reporter's mobile (and weekends): 718-716-3540
As UN Bachelet Whitewashes the Uighurs China Purchase of SG Guterres Pays off in Lisbon Link
By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Maxwell Book
BBC-Guardian UK - Honduras - ESPN NY Mag
SDNY COURTHOUSE, May 28 – The United Nations has hit a new low, with its supposed human rights commissioner Michelle Bachelet whitewashing China's genocide against the Uighurs during a stage-managed trip to the country.
At the end, in a press conference dominated by scripted questions from Chinese state media in response to which she read from prepared notes, she said she was unable to access what is happening in Xinjiang. Defund the UN.
Some say they are surprised by this outcome. But a fish rots from the head. The head of the UN system is Antonio Guterres, and the reasons for his silence on China's abuses is more sinister.
Before being selected - by China, which like Russia could have vetoed him - Guterres took money from the Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon. The China Energy Fund Committee, whose Patrick Ho was convicted of UN bribery involving UN President of the General Assembly, offered top dollar for Gulbenkian's oil company.
Guterres omitted the money he took from Gulbenkian from his financial disclosure form.
And after Inner City Press, which had aggressively reported on Guterres' predecessor Ban Ki-moon from inside the UN, asked about it, Guterres had Inner City Press roughed up and banned from the UN ever since. Very Xi.
In the run up to Bachelet's trip, Inner City Press put written questions repeatedly to Guterres' spokesman Stephane Dujarric, who daily takes three of more questions in his noon briefing from Chinese state media. But to Inner City Press, no answer.
Likewise, when pro bono law firm Quinn Emanuel wrote to Guterres' head of media accreditation Melissa Fleming asking for Inner City Press to be allowed to re-enter the UN and ask its questions, she refused to response, as did the supposed UN Correspondents Association, on whose Executive Committee China has a permanent seat.
So how is it surprising the the UN covers up for China?
But where if the US Administration and US Mission to the UN under Linda Thomas-Greenfield on this? They praise the UN and their work there, amid all the failures and censorship.
There is no accountability mechanism for today's UN. Defund and decamp. Watch this site - and this book by Inner City Press, "Belt and Roadkill." (Also, Genocide Games of Guterres)
Your support means a lot. As little as $5 a month helps keep us going and grants you access to exclusive bonus material on our Patreon page. Click here to become a patron.
Literary UN Gate: Uighur Whitewash Tale As Defendant Declaims He was Paid to Kill Someone by the UN
By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Maxwell Book
BBC-Guardian UK - Honduras - ESPN NY Mag
LITERARY COURTHOUSE, May 28 – "You better get over here, Michael. There's a defendant talking crazy and Federal Defenders don't want to take the case."
Michael Randall Long was half way through a motion for acquittal or in the alternative for a new trial for one of his other clients, who had insisted he was not guilty and still did, now awaiting sentencing.
So a new case in the SDNY Magistrates Court sounded better than rehashing the same old, same old.
"I'll be right over." It was easy enough. Long's office was just down Worth Street from the courthouse, on the second floor over the Ali Baba fruit stand.
It was late May and the flowers were in bloom in front of the Columbus park playground, where the basketball courts had been taken over by skateboards. Didn't these kids go to school?
Long used his hard pass to swipe in, and commented about the weather to the Court Security Officer, who'd used to work up in the Mag Court. Not to hot, not to cold, they both agreed.
Long took the elevator up to the 8th floor, past Probation and the Press Room where he felt sure Kurt Wheelock was working, hunched over the PACER terminal.
On the eighth floor he walked past the painting of Justice Sotomayor, alumna SDNY was proud of, and looked out over Chatham Green and the two bridges. He used to smoke cigarettes out on that terrace. When he used to smoke. Now he avoid both like the plague, or black lung. He took the other elevator down to the fifth floor and walked into the Magistrates Court.
One of the Marshals held out his glove fist, to bump it. "Your client is in there," he said, gesturing at the door to the lock-up.
"Though we can all hear him out here." Long put his laptop down on the defense table, along with his phone, and went in.
"I'm Michael Randall Long," he told the bearded man in the orange WCDOC jump suit. "I'll be representing you if you agree."
"I wanna talk to the prosecutor!" the man said. "I don't think that's a good idea," Long said. "At least not at this point."
"I have info that can get me out of here," the man continued. Long winced, at least inside. He didn't usually like representing cooperators. The Assistant US Attorneys always lorded it over him, like, We know that all of your other clients are guilty too.
"Why don't you tell me about it first?" he asked. "You're right they sometimes give a deal. But you have to present it right, and not give away the information for free, or for less that it is worth."
"When they hear it I'm gonna need, like protection," the man said. Long nodded. The guy didn't look like a drug dealer, at least not on the street.
"What is it?"
"The UN," the guy said. "They paid me to kill someone."
To be continued...
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Feedback: Editorial [at] innercitypress.com
SDNY Press Room 480, front cubicle
500 Pearl Street, NY NY 10007 USA
Mail: Box 20047, Dag Hammarskjold Station NY NY 10017
Kevin Spacey Charged With Raping Rapp Seeks Discovery From Vary Who Wants Clarification
By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Stand-up
BBC - Guardian UK - Honduras - ESPN
SDNY COURTHOUSE, May 27 – Anthony Rapp's lawsuit against Kevin Spacey was removed to Federal court in November 2020, and an anonymous co-plaintiff C.D. was added.
Spacey wanted to make C.D.'s name public, to order to conduct discovery, he says. C.D.'s lawyers opposed it, letter on Patreon here.
On May 26, 2022 U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Judge Lewis A. Kaplan held a hearing, with Spacey testifying, on Rapp's motion to remand the case. Judge Kaplan at the end said it is his present intention to deny the motion to remand, and that the trial will start in October. Inner City Press attended then tweeted here.
Upshot: the case will stay Federal, with trial in October. Inner City Press will cover it (now, out to Worth Street to try to Q Spacey [Video here]
Back on September 9, 2021, Judge Kaplan held a proceeding about 60 new names, and sealed affidavits. Inner City Press live tweeted it here and below.
On December 9 at 4:30 pm, six hours after the US v. Ghislaine Maxwell trial was paused at least for one day due to an ill prosecutor, Judge Kaplan held another proceeding in Rapp v. Spacey (or Fowler) and Inner City Press live tweeted it here, podcast (including on Maxwell and UN) here.
On December 10, Rapp's lawyer wrote to Judge Kaplan and asked that his forthcoming protective order including an order prohibiting disclosure of names of those alleging abuse by Spacey - full letter on Patreon here.
On March 10, 2022 a trial date was set: "ORDER, This case is set for trial on October 4, 2022 at 9:30 a.m. subject to any changes warranted by pandemic circumstances."
On March 14, digging in Miscellaneous cases, Inner City Press came upon satellite litigation between Spacey and Adam Vary, who citing the First Amendment and shield laws declined to answer questions at a deposition.
Judge Kaplan ordered Vary to answer the subpoena by May 31. On May 23, Vary's counsel asked for reconsideration or a two week stay in order to appeal.
On May 27 Vary's counsel filed another letter, including "nearly all of the materials contain unpublished newsgathering information that we maintain is privileged and shielded from production, but we acknowledge was not provided or obtained subject to promises of confidentiality. However, there are a handful of source names and information that was provided pursuant to promises of confidentiality. Our understanding is that the confidential sources corroborate Mr. Rapp’s account, but do not want to have their information exposed. Although we maintain that both non-confidential and confidential unpublished newsgathering materials are privileged and shielded from disclosure, there are special protections and considerations for confidential source materials." Full letter on Patreon here.
This case is Fowler v. Vary, 22-mc-63 (Kaplan)
Inner City Press will continue to follow these cases.
From back on Dec 9: now in Rapp v. Kevin Spacey (for rape of 14 year-old), a proceeding in SDNY by phone, in a case which Inner City Press has been reporting on and will, in haitus from #MaxwellTrial which has no call-in line, live tweet:
Spacey, defending himself from claim he raped Rapp, wanted get discovery into all of his past relationships.
Spacey's lawyer: He's only alleging that Mr Fowler [that is, Kevin Spacey] picked him up and dropped him. It's essentially child abuse, not sexual assault.
On January 10, 2021 Spacey's lawyer wrote to Judge Kaplan to preclude Rapp from calling Justin Dawes as a witness, including portions of his December 28, 2021 deposition. They argue that Dawes withheld information, the name of an "unnamed friend."
On January 12, Rapp's lawyers filed a 5 page letter including that "Mr. Dawes, he agreed to voluntarily, without a subpoena, testify about how Spacey made an inappropriate sexual advance on him when he was a minor... " at one point his hand was on my leg. You know, I thought it was mildly uncomfortable. I did not, you know, feel threatened, but I thought it was a kind of, you know, probing of a sexual nature to see how comfortable I was with that.'" Full letter on Patreon here.
Watch this site. Inner City Press will stay on it - podcast
Watch this site.
From February 23: Lawyers for Kevin Spacey are arguing to strike testimony of Doctor Seymour H. Block. Spacey is being sued civilly for sex abuse.
Judge Kaplan: You are asking me to make an important decision, in a country that values public trials as much as we do, in the unique circumstance of a person who sued and also went to the press with it. In advance.
Plaintiffs lawyer: When my client gave the interview before this case. So there was no attempt to influence the jury. In fact, when my client spoke to the press this case would have been barred by the statute of limitations.
Judge Kaplan: But if disclosure would harm him, why did he go to the press? Plaintiff's lawyer: They did not reveal his name. Judge Kaplan: But he couldn't know it would work. The publication checked his account with others. There was a chance he would be ID-ed
Judge Kaplan: What's that case you're citing? Defense: Doe, 241 FRD 154, 159 (SDNY, 2006). And another one by Justice Brennan, about how public trials bring in more witnesses. CD made his decision. We have our due process rights. [He calls Spacey "Mr. Fowler"]
Judge Kaplan: On a proper showing, the pleadings need not contain the name of a party, no? Defense: They have to meet the Doe factors. And CD has not met his burden. Plaintiff: Doe v. Colgate, the plaintiff went to the press and was still anonymous.
Judge Kaplan: I'm going to wait until you make your expert disclosure. Plaintiff's lawyer: There is a person beyond Mr Rapp who is aware of this. And Mr Rapp is not seeking to withhold his name.
Judge Kaplan: You need to file the relevant piece of the deposition.
The proceeding ends, just like that.
From February 2: Spacey's lawyer says it is unfair for C.D. to proceeding anonymously. "While it is true we have C.D.'s name, only if we make it public can others come forward with evidence about him... this is the right to due process."
C.D.'s lawyer: The sealed plaintiff versus sealed defendant factors weigh in our favor. We are talking about the rape of a minor. The declaration by his therapist shows he would suffer harm if his name is made public.
Judge: If it happened it's abhorrent. But I don't have to be reminded of what Mr Spacey is accused of in every sentence. CD's lawyer: Spacey said, as to Rapp, that if it happened he was sorry. But here he is denying it entirely.
Judge: You're not getting anywhere.
Judge Kaplan: Get me your papers, and you'll get a decision promptly. Until then, don't disclose the name to third parties - except to Mr. Rapp, subject to sealing.
Spacey's lawyer: Every day is lost time.
So Rapp's deposition will go forward, with C.D.'s real name said at it but reported in the transcript as C.D.. Inner City Press will continue to report on this case. More on Patreon here.
The case is Rapp et al v. Fowler, 20-cv-9586 (Kaplan)

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