By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon
BBC - Guardian UK - Honduras - The Source
SDNY COURTHOUSE, March 21 – Stuart Finkelstein filed Americans With Disabilities Act lawsuits in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, allegedly without actually representing or even contacting his putative clients.
On December 3, 2019 Finkelstein appeared in SDNY Magistrates Court before Magistrate Judge Barbara Moses on mail fraud and aggravated identity theft charges. He was allowed to remain free on $150,000 bond with travel restricted to SDNY, EDNY the Southern District of Florida and three districts in or the entire state of Tennessee.
Assistant United States Attorney Rushmi Bhaskaran proposed to also include the District of New Jersey, but Judge Moses said if this was only to fly through the airport in Newark, Finkelstein should not "hang out" in New Jersey. He agreed.
Judge Moses asked, Why Tennessee. AUSA Bhasharan replied that Finkelstein's son live there. But in what district? And why was the underlying US Attorney for the SDNY press release not sent to or received by the Press?
In a November 25 letter to Magistrate Judge Katharine H. Parker, AUSA Bhashakan corrected the complaint's summary by Mason Posilkin of the ADA based on information she "provided to the former U.S. Attorney's Office Special Agent Posilkin (Mr. Posilkin is leaving [the] Office to join the FDIC)."
Apparently, now the law no longer requires that to allege past injury a plaintiff must make some effort to visit the public establishment that is being sued. Inner City Press, the only media in the Mag Court when Finkelstein was presented, said it would stay on this - and has.
Jump cut to September 2, 2021. Assigned District Judge Paul G. Gardephe said Finkelstein's lawyer Brian John Griffin had a conflict, and gave Finkelstein until September 17 at 11:30 am to find another lawyer. Then he requested a financial affidavit.
On October 1 in a proceeding that Inner City Press once again covered, Judge Gardephe approved Finkelstein for a taxpayer-funded lawyer, and set the next conference for December 3, with time under the Speedy Trial Act excluded.
Jump cut again to March 21, 2022, with Finkelstein represented by CJA counsel and now, if it does not plead out, facing a trial before Judge Gardephe on October 11. Judge Gardephe set a status conference for April 21 at 4:30 pm. Tick tock.
The case is now US v. Finkelstein, 21-cr-217 (Gardephe).
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