Thursday, May 30, 2019

UN Guterres Uses Public Money To Fly Spox To Charlemagne Prize For DW Propaganda on Deaths in Portugal Not Cameroon

By Matthew Russell Lee, CJR LetterPFTracker

UNITED NATIONS GATE, May 30 – Amid his complicity in the killing of civilians in Cameroon and his refusal to even audit UN briber CEFC China Energy to which he is linked, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has used public money to fly himself and his team, including spokesman Stephane Dujarric from New York, for himself to receive the Charlemagne Prize of Aachen. 

 There is no showing of benefit to the UN, much less the people it it supposed to help. There have been no answers by Dujarric to banned Inner City Press' questions including: "May 29-3: On the use of public funds, and transparency, given that you've only said SG will "travel on to Aachen in Germany, from 29 to 30 May to receive the International Charlemagne Prize, an honour which has been awarded anually since 1950 for efforts made in the service of European unification.       The Secretary-General will be back in the office on Monday, 3 June" - where will the SG be from May 30 to June 3, separately, at what cost to the public including security costs?"
   And, tellingly, there is a propaganda story about Guterres on Deutsche Welle, complete with inaccuracies.  Debased DW, or maybe just the bylined David Ehi, reports: "When he did not stand for a third term as UNHCR chief in 2015, rumors swirled that he held ambitions for the UN's top job. Guterres was initially regarded as an outsider, as many people would have preferred to see the first female UN secretary-general, preferably from Eastern Europe." No, there is a system of geographical rotation. And Guterres begged Ban Ki-moon for a one year extension at UNHCR and was turned down. 
  Still, even the propaganda recounts that "In the second term of his minority government, however, he came under increasing pressure due to an unbalanced distribution of EU funds: Large chunks flowed into ambitious projects such as the 2004 European Championship in football at a time when rural infrastructure in the country was crumbling. The collapse of a bridge that left more than 70 dead and the poor PS results in local elections finally spelled the end of the Guterres government in December 2001." To try to save the UN, and lives, Guterres could not be dumped from the UN fast enough.
   But DW (or Ehi) calls Guterres a "guardian," despite the deaths he distractedly oversees, in Cameroon and elsewhere. Who is writing this stuff?
  Visible in the photo, not on the UN website, of Guterres at the Charlemagne podium is Dujarric himself, flown over for the occasion. Maybe he too will use this junket to go home, to Paris. To this has the UN, and coverage of the UN, descended.
Earlier in the year Guterres told the world, on video, to join the UN for an "urgent" Earth Hour and turn off the lights between 8:30 pm and 9:30 pm on 30 March 2019. But at the UN itself, the lights were ablaze through the entire hour, as live streamed by Inner City Press here. And up at the empty $15 million mansion Guterres sometimes lives in, on Sutton Place and 57th Street, the third story lights were on, and even a UN Security car in front: pure waste. Periscope here
  Now on Monday May 27, the mansion has been empty since Saturday, video here, but the UN won't say where Guterres has been for two days. In fact, Guterres' lead spokesman Stephande Dujarric who has refused to answer the written questions of Inner City Press whom he has banned proudly displayed the prosciutto pizza he ate on May 27, tagging (CNN) relative Federico S. Quadrani, here
  Tellingly, Dujarric displaying his pizza to the sycophants he spoon feeds in the UN Press Briefing Room garnished Likes from the long time Voice of America correspondent Margaret Besheer with whom Dujarric worked to get Inner City Press banned, here, and for example another Dujarric crony Jon Banner now working as EVP of corporate Pepsi. Bon appetit! We'll have more on this.
  Since the UN not only conceals Guterres' use of public funds to loll around his house in Lisbon but doesn't even provide any real schedule or read outs when Guterres is ostensibly working, here's from the public schedule of Austrian "Federal President Dr. Ing. Alexander Van der Bellen - Monday, May 27th  - 3.30 pm: Conversation with UN Secretary-General António Guterres (Presidential Chancellery)." We'll have more on this. And on this, in Vienna: Uyghurs: China's Concentration Camps in a Mute World, 28 May 2019 from 18:30-20:30. Guterres, of course, is fully in the pocket of China, including after UN briber CEFC China Energy's bid to buy the oil company of Gulbenkian Foundation whose payments to Guterres were omitted, intentionally it seems clear, from Guterres' financial "disclosure" covering 2016.
On May 24 banned Inner City Press asked in writing: "May 24-4: As the SG heads to Vienna, please immediately state his position on the many UN sexual harassment issues at UNOV, on which banned Inner City Press has previously asked you (without repsonse) and reported on e-mails leaked it it for example: "Mr Zabaar said the #Metoo Movement is in conflict with the UN code of conduct" and "Ms Kuleshnyk compared the name of the Club with an hypothetical Club named Osama Bin Laden." A cover letter recites that " Mr Guterres had a staff meeting in the VIC on May 14, 2018, and Monica publicly asked him for his support in a question. Mr Guterres reserved his reply." What is the SG's position? And provide in writing updates on and read-out from this most recent trip.  May 24-4a: Separately, state today whether the SG is stopping over in Lisbon either on his way to UNOV or thereafter, and if so at what cost to the public, including security costs."

  But of course, from the corrupt spokesman of Guterres Stephane Dujarric, no answer at all, just jokes with his scribes about the New York Mets. The mansion is empty. After his "executive time," Guterres in Vienna is said by Inner City Press sources there to be headed to the ultra expensive Hotel Sacher. Here's his public schedule: "27 May to 2 June 2019      The Secretary-General will arrive in Austria on Monday, 27 May to attend a number of meetings around the 40th anniversary of the UN presence in Vienna.  He will also attend the annual meeting of the R20, an organization that brings together leaders from around the world of politics, business and the private sector who are focussed on fighting climate change.  He will travel on to Aachen in Germany, from 29 to 30 May to receive the International Charlemagne Prize, an honour which has been awarded anually since 1950 for efforts made in the service of European unification.        The Secretary-General will be back in the office on Wednesday, 3 June." So wait - after he spends public money to get a bogus prize - Kid Charlemagne - where is he going? Guterres is corrupt, he steals public money and has roughed up and censors the Press that asks. #DumpGuterres.