Monday, May 13, 2019

On Cameroon Belated UNSC Session Ends With No Outcome EU Likes Monthe Who Trashes Social Media

By Matthew Russell Lee, CJR PFT NYP

UNITED NATIONS GATE, May 13 – As the UN Security Council began a belated session about Cameroon, albeit an informal one with no expected outcome and notably not co-sponsored by veto holding colonial power France, hypocrisy and cover up of the UN's failure are evident. 

The meeting ended without any outcome, after Paul Biya's longtime Ambassador Tommo Monthe lashed out at social media as UNSG Antonio Guterres does. Monthe told Inner City Press, as it asked about Biya cutting the Internet in the Anglophone zones, that Inner City Press could get thrown out of the UN. And it was, by Guterres, now 313 days and counting.

  In the meeting, China said the Biya can impose law and order - Xinjiang style, some wondered, through Guterres' alliance with China is even larger, including as their CEFC China Energy tried to buy the oil company of Gulbekian Foundation which paid Guterres. France's Francois Delattre said his country will work with Biya. 
The EU's João Vale de Almeida, who tweeted a selfie with Monthe before the meeting assuring him the EU would be support, came through. He and the EU Mission have done nothing about Guterres' open censorship. These people are killing the UN.
   Inner City Press, banned from entering the UN for the 313th day in a row, asked UK Deputy Ambassador Jonathan Allen when his country expected to get out of the meeting. He said, "Hello Matthew" but just like his Mission, no substantive answer. Video here.
  Inside the meeting, he expressed surprise that the UK is viewed as pro Paul Biya, ignoring that his minister Liam Fobragged about UK-based New Age's oil deal with Biya. Germany's speech was even less focused; they have not answered Inner City Press'Cameroon's questions, or done anything about the UN's censorship of the Press.
 (Inner City Press went and began interested at the Ambazonia / Southern Cameroonsdemonstration in the 47th Street park, in the rain, video here.)
The head of the UN, Antonio Guterres, took a golden statue from Paul Biya in his last interaction, and cut a deal of silence for Biya's support in the UN Budget Committee which Biya's Ambassador Tommo Monthe chaired.
 The UK's Liam Fox bragged about UK-based New Age's hydro carbons deal with Biya, just as another example. Sycophant media which ignored than dismissed the killings now mechanically mis-report this "Arria formula" meeting, essentially to rehabilitate the remaining credibility of the UN and themselves, like Human Rights Warch which told Inner City Press Cameroon was not a top 90 problem to be included in HRW's 2018 World Report.
  Don't believe the hype. In 2009, for example, after the UNSC belatedly held such sessions on Sri Lanka, the lack of outcome emboldened the Rajapaksas to go ahead and "finish off" the Tamils in what's called the Bloodbath on the Beach. The UN system has not held anyone accountable; Guterres representative Singer was smiling with Mahinda Rajapaka this year. The only thing missing was a golden statute. 
Will what Guterres accepted from Biya beseen, or even mentioned, in the May 13 meeting that Inner City Press for reporting on it cannot even enter to cover in personbannedfrom entering the UN for the 313th day by Guterres, with similar inaction by the UNSC members? Watch this site.