Monday, July 4, 2016

In Haiti, Ladsous Takes Only 3 Questions, Cristina Gallach's DPI Propaganda on Cholera

By Matthew Russell Lee
UNITED NATIONS, July 2 --  When the UN of Ban Ki-moon is asked about bringing cholera to Haiti, the answer is usually, “Our position remains unchanged” -- that is, immunity.  Now it's reported that may change. But when Inner City Press asked on June 1, Ban's spokesman again said, our position has not changed. Video hereUN transcript here and below. 
Now one of Ban's two least accountable Under Secretaries General, Herve Ladsous, has appeared in Haiti -- but took only three questions, none of them on cholera. The UN's Department of Public Informaition under USG Cristina Gallach pumped out a propaganda video about cholera which did not even mention that the UN brought the disease, and has refused to pay any reparations to families who lost their bread winner, their schooling, their homes. This is impunity. 
Ladsous on the run - right out of DPKO, we're hearing...
On June 29, 158 members of the U.S. Congress wrote to Secretary of State John Kerry asking that he and the State Department make the UN answer for bringing cholera to Haiti, including with reparations to victims. 
On June 30, Inner City Press asked Ban's spokesman Stephane Dujarric for Ban's response to the letter, video hereUN transcript here: 
Inner City Press: I'm sure you've seen this.  158 members of the US Congress have written to the State Department urging them to have the UN be accountable, including paying reparations for having brought cholera to Haiti.  It's a pretty large number of congresspeople, and I'm wondering what is the… what's the response to it?

Spokesman:  Obviously, we've seen… we… you know, we've seen those reports.  I think the UN's commitment to helping Haiti, helping the people of Haiti overcome the many challenges that they have remains the same, especially on issues of water and sanitation.  We have worked tirelessly in an effort to raise funds to address these issues, and we will continue to do so.

Inner City Press:  Right.  But the… they've obviously seen those presentations.  The word “reparation” is the one that they're using in terms of people who lost homes, education.  Is there any thinking by the UN to try to address that?

Spokesman:  We're trying to do as much as we can to address the very challenging sanitation situation in Haiti.
The letter, hereis sponsored by Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) and Rep. Mia Love (R-UT) and includes 11 other Republicans; half of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs (HCFA) i.e. 22 of its 44 members, including six Republicans; ten of the 14 members of HCFA's Western Hemisphere Subcommittee, four Republicans and six Democrats; and four of the eight members of HCFA’s Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations ("Global Health") Subcommittee, two from each party. Republican HCFA signatories include former HCFA chair Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, current Global Health Subcommittee Chair Christopher Smith, and Representatives Daniel Donovan, Michael McCaul, Steve Chabot, and Lee Zeldin. The 16 HCFA Democrats include the respective ranking members of the HCFA itself, Rep. Eliot Engel, and of its Western Hemisphere and Global Health Subcommittees respectively, Representatives Albio Sires, and Karen Bass. We'll have more on this.
From the UN's June 1 transcript:
Inner City Press: I'm sure you've seen The Guardian piece about Mr.… Deputy Secretary-General [Jan] Eliasson's letter about cholera in Haiti.  And it's being portrayed as a possible breakthrough or change in position.  I wanted to know if, in fact, it is, as the letter apparently says that the prom… that the promise of resources could be fine-tuned or expanded as needed.  And I wanted to know whether this involves any consideration of paying compensation to the families who had a breadwinner or other family member killed by the cholera.

Spokesman:  What is… the UN's position on the legal claims has not changed.  What has also… always been the case is the UN's determination to help the people of Haiti with the cholera outbreak and with the impact of the cholera outbreak.  I think the Secretary-General, if you look back to the statements that he made when he was in Haiti, expressed clearly the will and his commitment to help the people of Haiti.  That also involves donors stepping up and funding the necessary projects that are needed to deal with the outbreak.  The UN on the ground has already made… has already worked clearly in that… to that effect, providing assistance to national sanitation campaigns, ensuring that certain villages are free of open defecation, and also bring whatever support they can.

Question:  The piece is saying this represents a change in position.  Are you saying that it's not… there's no change in position?

Spokesman:  Well, I think… I'm telling you our position.  Obviously, journalists are free to interpret it one way or another.

Inner City Press:  What was the impact of five Special Rapporteurs writing to the Secretary-General and saying that the UN's reputation is being injured by not offering compensation?

Spokesman:  I think we clearly hear what the Special Rapporteurs are [saying].  The respect for human rights remains at the centre of what we do and how we try to act every day.

Inner City Press:  And just one related question, maybe you'll have it or you can get it.  What's happening with the Kosovo… it was said that it was recommended that the mission pay for lead-poisoned children?

Spokesman:  I have no update on that.  
The UN in Kosovo left Roma children lead poisoned by putting there in a refugee camp by an old mine. In that horrendous case - video here - the UN is now said to be considering compensation. Why not in Haiti? On May 16, Inner City Press asked Ban Ki-moon's deputy spokesperson Farhan Haq, UN transcript here
Inner City Press: On Kosovo, since it's in the Council today, I wanted to ask whether it was said in April that Zahir Tanin had raised to the UN Headquarters this idea of paying compensation for the Roma children that were living in a camp over… and got lead poisoning.  Now that it's mid-May, what… what… one, can you confirm how this was raised?  And what is the process at the UN to decide whether to pay this compensation or not?

Deputy Spokesman:  I believe that process is still under way.  I don't have anything to add to what Stéphane said about this several weeks back.  But, as you know, that there was a panel that made its recommendations, which are being evaluated, and we're trying to follow up.

Question:  And how is that… I guess… many people don't understand it.  How is this process different than the one on Haiti?  Like, was a panel set up by the UN to decide whether to even consider compensation or what's the difference?

Deputy Spokesman:  They're completely different circumstances.  They have had different bodies looking into them.  They have had different ways of looking at it.  You'll have seen what we've had to say about Haiti.  It's a separate matter. 

We'll have more on this. For now, NYT of May 14 here.