Tuesday, February 18, 2014

On Sri Lanka, UN Slow Read-Out, No Follow-Up, Ban Disturbed by N. Korea

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, February 18, updated below -- On Sri Lanka, this UN says one thing and then does another -- or does nothing at all. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon met with Sri Lankan Youth and Skills Development Minister Dullas Alahapperuma and Ambassador Palitha Kohona on February 18. 

 Inner City Press attended the photo op, as sole independent media, then asked Ban's top two spokespeople "for a read-out of the Secretary General's 3:30 pm meeting with Sri Lanka minister Dullas Alahapperuma, and Permanent Representative Kohona, or for an explanation of why not, given that it was a MALU-announced photo op."
But by the end of the day, there was no read-out. So, see video here and embedded below.

Inner City Press: I wanted to know whether the Secretariat has seen this report out of a human rights group in Australia, essentially saying that during the Sri Lanka event, in the final stages of the conflict, that there was a destruction and concealment of mass graves and also that its been… on a list of countries in which mass atrocities are still quite possible. I wanted to know, given the Secretariat’s interest in 2009 and this Rights Up Front project, what’s the response to this new study?
Acting Deputy Spokesperson Haq: We’ve made it clear that there needs to be more done to get at the heart of what happened in Sri Lanka. You’ve seen what the Secretary-General’s reports on the situation have said and it’s clear that there continues to be a need for all the facts to be learned and for there to be a study of whether there’s any wrongdoing that’s occurred in the course of the final phases of the Sri Lankan conflict. The Secretary-General has said that repeatedly and we continue to hold by that.
Inner City Press: An international process? Just one follow-up, because it’s been a number of years now: Is a national process still credible or should it be done in Geneva?
Acting Deputy Spokesperson Haq: Ultimately, it’s up to different Member States to determine whether there will be an international process. We have presented information to them and we’ve made clear what we believe is the need for accountability and we rely on the Member States’ judgment to follow through.
So the claim is that Ban wants facts and accountability. Did either come up in his meeting with the Sri Lankan minister and ambassador?
Twelve days after Inner City Press asked about the detailed report on Sri Lanka, there's still no UN Secretariat comment. But on February 18, Ban Ki-moon through spokesperson Martin Nesirky said he is "deeply disturbed" by... North Korea.
  On February 12, Tamils protested across from the UN, chanting, "Shame on you, Ban Ki-moon," watched over by a Sinhalese UN Security officer who asked a photographer, member of the Free UN Coalition for Access, for his photographs of the protest. But still no read-out. Watch this site.
Update: after publication of this article, after 8 pm this was sent out - no mention of accountability:
The Secretary-General met today with H.E. Mr. Dullas Alahapperuma, Minister for Youth Affairs and Skills Development of Sri Lanka.
The Secretary-General and the Minister discussed the importance of advancing the global agenda for and on behalf of youth, and the importance of youth participation in efforts to tackle major global challenges, including unemployment. The Secretary-General drew particular attention to the role of the youth in peace, reconciliation and ending violence.
They also discussed the upcoming World Conference on Youth, to be held in May in Colombo, and its potential contribution to the Post-2015 Development Agenda.

Talk about undercutting the move toward accountability being attempted in Geneva in March. Watch this site.