Saturday, May 5, 2012

As Ban Belatedly Speaks From Myanmar, It's Promise of UN Money, on Jazz Day

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, April 30 -- After the Myanmar silence of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon was blamed by his deputy spokesman on limited Burmese "infrastructure," belatedly a read-out of Ban's meetings with the Thein Sein government was issued.

  In it, Ban expresses his commitment to work with the Government including "UN technical assistance and help to mobilize financial support for Myanmar's first population and housing census in 2014."

  So who would pay? It's reported that 
"in the two years leading up to the data-collection period, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) will be assisting in surveyor training and drafting survey documents. UNFPA's country representative Mohamed Abdel-Ahad called it an especially steep challenge due to the amount of time elapsed since the last census...Abdel-Ahad said workers expect to carry out the census in April, 2014. The United Nations is expected to at least partially cover the estimated $53-million cost."

The Thein Sein government, even as it denies voting rights to and shoots at the Kachin, is being lavished with debt forgiveness and other funds. Still Ban's buying friendship, and nice quotes, with UN money. What's new?

[One thing's new on April 30 at the UN: Jazz Day, video here.]