Friday, July 26, 2024

UN Fat Cat Vanshelboim Has Citi Stock and Ukraine Property & Now Aug 9 UNDT Hearing

By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon

UN GATE, July 20 – In the United Nations under Antonio Guterres, there is nothing but failure and excuses and fundraising on crises like Ukraine, Burma, Haiti and Cameroon. 

There is impunity for sexual abuse by peacekeepers and UN staff like Juan Carlos Cunillera, just "along for the ride" during the UN sex-in-the-van exposed by Inner City Press. 

But now as we looked at and asked about Guterres' omission of his links to UN briber CEFC China Energy, leading to him banning the Press (and Melissa Fleming continuing the ban, not even answering a law firm's pro bono letter), on April 17, 2022 we published on other officials - including long time UNOPS operative Vitaly Vanshelboim (whom Inner City Press covered in connection with UNOPS gag orders before being banned from UN by corrupt Guterres.)

We noted  that Vanshelboim's skeeze in the S3i scam of UNOPS's Grete Faremo.

  Weeks later the NYT, silent on most of Guterres' and his cronies' corruption, has come to the UNOPS story. Fine. But while they note for example that a long time member of the UN Correspondents Association Gloria Starr Kins played a role in hooking up the fraud, they don't mention UNCA nor the NYT correspondents' membership in it and their role in banning the Press. That the NYT, so active on some beats, is generally little more than a cheerleader at the UN is a travesty. Watch this site - and Vanshelboim, here:

Two (2) residential properties, Ukraine
Two (2) residential properties, jointly owned, USA
Annuity, ING, USA
Investment fund, Citi Bank, USA
Investment fund, Danske Invest, jointly owned, Denmark

Jump cut to July 2024, the UNDT: "The Applicant, a former staff member of the United Nations Office for Project Services (“UNOPS”), contests the decision to impose on him the disciplinary measures of dismissal and a fine of twelve months’ net base salary. He also contests the decision to recover from him the amount of USD63,626,806 and to withhold the release of the PF.4 form (“separation notification”) to the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund (“UNJSPF”) until such indebtedness is fully recovered... the hearing on the merits will be held virtually on 12 and 13 August 2024 via Microsoft Teams. 9. The Tribunal will provide a link in its calendar of hearings for the public to follow these proceedings remotely." But the UNDT has repeatedly banned the Press. That is how corrupt today's UN is.

  We'll have more on this.


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