Sunday, June 9, 2019

Exclusive: UN of Guterres Raids Office of Senior Budget Official Wilson Seizing Evidence Of UN Wrong Doing

By Matthew Russell Lee, Exclusive CJR PFT

UNITED NATIONS GATE, June 9 – A senior UN staff member who even UN judges described as trying to clean up the corruption in the Organization had his office raided and computer search and seized by what has become the retaliation team of Secretary General Antonio Guterres.     

Inner City Press received this sample plea from UN staff, anonymous for fear of yet more retalation by Guterres: 

"From: [ ] 
Date: Sun, Jun 9, 2019 at 1:17 AM 
Subject: info 
To: Matthew.Lee [at] 

I write you inform to you about Tony Wilson, Director in UN Management. Wilson complained to the big bosses about retaliation after he made reports to Investigations. He won at UN court but gave up when he got sick and not been at work since. Last week his desk was raided by Investigations. Bosses told all staff that all his equipment and files were taken, in a meeting, and the Wilson is investigated. We hear he is suspended.  This is the response by bosses. Staff are scared of reporting anything."

     It is to this low that Antonio Guterres has brought the UN. Tellingly, in terms of the need for outside intervention, investigation and prosecution of Guterres and his UN, Wilson whom he raided and seized evidence from to cover it up has been the Chief, Financial Policy and Internal Controls at the D-1 level with the Office of Programme Planning, Finance and Budget. That position has information of the expanding corruption by Guterres and his UN. 

Here's from just one of the UN internal justice system decisions involving Wilson: 

"Following a series of CMD’s at which the issues in the cases were discussed, it appeared to the Tribunal that the ongoing litigation between the parties may not necessarily be in the best interest of the individual staff member or the Organization. In particular, the Tribunal noted that an unusual feature of these cases was that the Applicant was not seeking financial recompense but was taking a principled approach to highlight what he regarded as individual and systemic failures to uphold the high standards set by art. 101.3 of the Charter of the United Nations, which provides:   

'The paramount consideration in the employment of the staff and in the determination of the conditions of service shall be the necessity of securing the highest standards of efficiency, competence, and integrity. Due regard shall be paid to the importance of recruiting the staff on as wide a geographical basis as possible.'

 "Although the Applicant was concerned and distressed by the manner in which he had been treated, he made it plain that he was keen to explore, in a constructive manner, a resolution of his complaints but also had in mind the ancillary benefit to other staff members if the issues of principle that he had raised were properly addressed."   

Then Guterres' response to was to have Wilson's office raided and evidence seized. There needs to be an outside investigation and accountability. Watch this site.