Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Crashed NYC Copter Linked To Dubious UN Ambassador From San Marino Who Paid UN Correspondents Like Ng Lap Seng and John Ashe

By Matthew Russell Lee, CJR Letter PFTracker

UNITED NATIONS GATE, June 10 – After a helicopter owned by dubious San Marino representative to the UN Daniele Bodini crashed on the roof of Manhattan's AXA Equitable building, Mayor Bill de Blasio said, "There’s something mysterious here." Yeah - the connection to the UN's spreading corruption. "The 19-year-old helicopter was linked to a real estate company founded by Italian-born investor Daniele Bodini, according to FAA records. The company referred an inquiry to a lawyer. A message was left with the attorney seeking comment." Daniele Bodini, pictured here with corrupt (and also deceased) UN President of the General Assembly John Ashe, threw money around the UN, including at its UN Correspondents Association, which arranged for Ashe-briber Ng Lap Seng to get a photograph for money with the UN Secretary General.
Before Inner City Press was roughed up by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres' Security on June 22 and July 3, 2018 and banned since then, it insistently asked for disclosure of how many of Guterres' publicly funded trips took him through his real home, Lisbon. The questions are not been answered by Spokesman Stephane Dujarric, who on 2 November 2018 simply bicycled away as Inner City Press asked about Guterres' failure in Cameroon and attempt to get even Park East Synagogue to oust Inner City Press from covering his October 31 speech about tolerance.  
On Saturday 27 April 2019 with Guterres still on his way back from two craven speeches in China praising the Belt and Road Initiative through which UN briber CEFC China Energy tried to buy the Partex oil company from the Gulbenkian Foundation which made undisclosed payments to Guterres, in front of the $15 million mansion where Guterres lives when in New York, alone with servants, there was a luxury car, see below.
  On 4 June 2019, Guterres as if joking about his own corruption told the Fifth Committee, in which he made a shameful deal with then chair Cameroon to stay silent on mass killing for a few procedural favors, claimed he did "ask if I could sell the residence. I am not joking. It is a true story. I discovered that I couldn’t, because the residence can only be sold to the United States of America when we close the doors in New York. Obviously, it is not something that is not, hopefully, going to happen." Tweeted video here. First, why not? 
 But second, those who "cover" (for) the UN reported Guterres' words at face value, simply accepting his statement that the mansion could not be sold in any circumstances. But when donor intentions become outmoded, as here with a single man lives only a few days a month in a mansion he claims he wants to sell, the intentions can be reformed. Cy pres.
   Third, Boutros Boutros Galli wrote in his book that the building was given by Arthur Houghton through the United Nations Association of the USA. See here. If this group which claims to care so much about the UN cannot act to allow it to be sold, what of their claims to care for the UN?

  Incidentally, even cursory research -- the UN refuses to answer any of Inner City Press' questions except infrequently about the many UN rapes - finds reports that Houghton tried to jack up the value of his tax deduction by selling One Sutton Place North, the house on the corner, to make a high valuation. Fraud ad initio - as with the UN.  We'll have more on this. For now, this June 8 Periscope video.