Friday, October 11, 2024

US Soldier Pled Guilty to Helping ISIS Then Asked for 40 Years But Gets 14 Years in SDNY


By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, Oct 11 –  Cole James Bridges was arraigned on charges of helping or trying to help ISIS while in the US Army. 

   U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Lewis J. Liman held the arraignment and initial conference. Inner City Press covered it.

  Bridges, also known as Cole Gonzalez according to the complaint, pleaded not guilty through counsel.

The complaint says he searched for "badass jihadi" and put a photo of himself in a dish-dash on social media. He also proposed a propaganda video, though he did not write the script.

On June 14, 2024 Bridge in a white skull cap pled guilty to Counts 1 and 2, with a sentencing set for November 2. At the end, Judge Liman asked the Marshals if they could allow him to greet / say goodbye to his father, in the courtroom.

After much delay, Judge Liman on September 26, 2024 denied any further delay, reiterating sentencing for October 11.

On October 4, the US Attorney's Office wrote in asking for a 40 year sentence.

On October 11, Inner City Press attended and live tweeted the sentencing, thread here. Two soldiers spoke, and the defendant's father and a defense expert. Bridges spoke and asked for the maximum. After a break, Judge Liman sentenced him to 14 years.

More details, beyond the thread, on X for Subscribers here and Substack here.

The case is US v. Bridges, 21-cr-65 (Liman)


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UMB Bank Application for Heartland Hit on Disparties Now Info Withheld So FOIA Request

by Matthew R. Lee, Patreon Substack

SOUTH BRONX / SDNYOct 11 – When First Republic Bank failed / was given to JP Morgan Chase, a small list of other regional banks came into focus as in danger. Among them was UMB - a bank whose lending Inner City Press and Fair Finance Watch had been scrutinizing, and now challenge.

  UMB is asking its regulators to allow it to expand, buying Denver-based Heartland. The application, Fair Finance Watch on June 21 formally told the Fed, should not be approved.   In 2022, the most recent year for which Federal data is available, UMB Bank, N.A. made over 2000 mortgage loans to whites, and only 117 loans to African Americans.

 For every denial to an African American, it made only 2.02 loans. But for whites, for every denial it made 3.45 loans. It should be referred to DOJ.    

There is litigation, there is also this, reported at the time of Silicon Valley Bank's failure: "UMB Bank, a regional bank headquartered in Kansas City, Missouri, and with branches across the Midwest, Southwest, and Western United States, has total assets of $38 billion and deposits totaling $32 billion, according to the FDIC. However, only 16% of deposits fall under the $250,000 FDIC insurance threshold, leaving 74.11% (equivalent to $28.36 billion) vulnerable to potential losses."   

Why would regulators even consider approving its expansion? On June 21, Fair Finance Watch filed a formal Community Reinvestment Act challenge to UMB's application to the Federal Reserve, adding state by state data:

  UMB Bank in 2022 in Missouri made 842 mortgage loans to whites, and only 76 loans to African Americans. Meanwhile it denied 41 applications from African Americans, and only 257 from whites.

    UMB Bank in Colorado - in which it seeks to expand - in 2022 made 378 mortgage loans to whites, and only 13 loans to African Americans. Meanwhile it denied six applications from African Americans, and only 107 from whites.

   UMB Bank in 2022 in Texas made 78 mortgage loans to whites, and only six loans to African Americans. Meanwhile it denied two applications from African Americans, and only 27 from whites.   

  These disparities cry out for a referral to DOJ, and public hearings on, and denial of, UMB's major expansion application.

On October 11 UMB's outside counsel Davis Polk sent the Fed a response but withheld branch closing, subsidiary, fintech and crypto information from Fair Finance Watch - so Inner City Press cc-ed them on a FOIA request for:

This is a formal FOIA request for the withheld exhibits to UMB's October 11 submission to the Federal Reserve in connection with its protested application to acquire Heartland Financial, in particular "Confidential" Exhibits A and B, including about fintech and branch closings and all activities engaged in by corporate subsidiaries. This is presumptively public; if any is withheld, all reasonably segregable portions should be provided.

UMB recites and responds: 1. Provide a description of the activities conducted by the following UMB subsidiaries: a. UMBCDC, Inc., Kansas City, Missouri; b. UMB Financial Services, Inc., Kansas City, Missouri; c. UMB Management Equity Holdings Inc., Kansas City, Missouri; d. UMB Merchant LLC, Kansas City, Missouri; and e. UMB Asset Management, LLC, Kansas City, Missouri The requested information is included in AIR Confidential Exhibit A. Convenience and Needs 2. Provide an update on UMB Bank’s branch consolidation analysis and confirm whether any of the branches listed in Public Exhibit 3 of the Additional Information Response, dated August 5, 2024 (“August AI Response”) would be consolidated, following consummation of the proposed transaction. The requested information is included in AIR Confidential Exhibit B.  Discuss any plans to engage in crypto-asset-related activities or fintech partnerships. The requested information is included in AIR Confidential Exhibit A.   

Again, this is both important for the public to know and is presumptively public; if any is withheld, all reasonably segregable portions should be provided.

Watch this site.


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Sean Combs Bail Appeal Sent to 3 Judge Panel But Release Pending Argument Is Denied

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, Oct 11 – At 4:30 pm on September 16 Inner City Press was told by its SDNY source to expect "the big one" - Sean Combs - the next day in the courtroom here.

At 10:30 pm, from SDNY News, this: "USA Damian Williams: Earlier this evening, federal agents arrested Sean Combs, based on a sealed indictment filed by the SDNY.  We expect to move to unseal the indictment in the morning and will have more to say at that time."

At US Attorney Damian Williams' press conference Inner City Press asked if his office would be seeking detention - Yes, he said. Detention memo on Patreon here.

In the run-up to the 2:30 pm hearing Combs' counsel file a bail proposal, with $50 million bond - filing on Patreon here.

[Inner City Press published book / audio book Diddy Do It? on Sept 20 on Amazon here]

On September 30, Combs' lawyers filed a notice of appeal of detention to the 2d Circuit.

On October 3, Combs' SDNY criminal case was re-assigned: "Case as to Sean Combs REASSIGNED to Judge Arun Subramanian. Judge Andrew L. Carter, Jr no longer assigned to the case."

On October 9 after 5 pm, Combs' lawyer submitted a request for "a gag order" - Motion on Patreon here

On October 10, Inner City Press live tweeted - trial was set for May 5, 2025 and Judge Subramanian told the parties to draft an order against leaks. Thread here.

On October 11 the Second Circuit sent Combs' bail appeal to a three-judge panel but denied release pending their consideration - order on Patreon here.

More on X for Subscribers here & Substack here

The case is USA v. Combs, 1:24-cr-542 (Subramanian)


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Feedback: Editorial [at]

After SBF Got 25 Years Salame Got 90 Months Surrender Delay Denied So Prison Starts Today

by Matthew Russell Lee

SDNY COURTHOUSE, Oct 11 – On the US v Sam Bankman-Fried trial, hours after the guilty verdict, a book was published: "Crypto Criminal: The Conviction of Sam Bankman-Fried: As live tweeted and investigated from inside the SDNY courthouse by Matthew Russell Lee," audio/book here.

  On March 28, 2024, Inner City Press live tweeted his sentencing, to 25 years.

On May 28 Salame was "sentenced to 90 months."

On August 21, Salame filed that "the Government used the plea negotiations to threaten Salame’s domestic partner and the mother of his child, Michelle Bond." Full filing on Patreon here.

 On August 22, after Inner City Press published a curtain raiser on Michelle Bond being presented in SDNY Mag court, it happened, from the thread.

On October 9, Salame filed a redacted letter seeking surrender delay until December 7, citing the "injuries sustained on or about June 29" and noting that "the Government opposes this request." Letter and extra on Patreon here

On October 10 the US Attorney's Office filed its opposition including "He attended a court conference on September 12, 2024, at which he appeared physically recovered and was more than capable of answering the Court’s questions with no signs of drooling or slurred speech." Letter on Patreon here.

Judge Kaplan this in denying Salame's request, adding in his questions about Salame's veracity. Salame took to LinkedIn, then noted on X he was surprised people still use LinkedIn.

More on X for Subscribers here, Substack here

This case is US v. Bond, 24-cr-494 (Daniels)

We'll have more on this.


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Feedback: Editorial [at]

Tornado Cash Roman Storm Bid to Link 3500 with Advice of Counsel Is Denied in SDNY

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, Oct 10 – Roman Storm is charged using his cryptocurrency mixed Tornado Cash to help launder money for North Korea's hackers in the Lazarus Group.

On September 6, 2023 he was arraigned before U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Judge Katherine Polk Failla. Inner City Press was there - thread:

Cash helped North Korea's hackers Lazarus Group...There will be discovery from GitHub 

On December 5, Judge Failla docketed the trial schedule: "SCHEDULING ORDER as to Roman Storm, Roman Semenov. It is hereby ORDERED that the following trial schedule will be in effect: Trial will be set to begin on September 23, 2024, at 9:00 a.m." Full scheduling order on Patreon here

On March 29, 2024, Storm through counsel submitted motions to suppress and to compel discovery, including into MLATs with The Netherlands, and FinCEN and OFAC communications. Memo/motion on Patreon here

On July 5, a court holiday, Storm's lawyer filed an opposed request for a delay into 2025 of the trial: "We write on behalf of our client Roman Storm to respectfully request that the Court grant a continuance of the trial date from September 23, 2024 to late January or February 2025." Letter on Patreon here.

The US on July 9 filed opposition - just as in the Samouri Wallet case a letter from Senator Lummis and Wyden that cites theTornado Cash case, letter now on Patreon, with Samouri story, here.

On July 12, Judge Failla did delay the trial, but not as far as Storm requested: "trial in this matter is scheduled to begin on 12/2/2024 at 9:00 a.m."

On September 26, Judge Failla denied Storm's motions, from the thread:

SDNY Judge Failla is about to start reading out (long) decision on motions to compel and dismiss. Spoiler alert: she is denying both. Judge: The pre-trial discovery is government by Rule 16...

Brady did not create a Constitutional right to discovery. Mr. Storm's request are too speculative, saying "may," "may" and "may." He does not connect the dots.

Judge Failla continues: I reject the void for vagueness argument... Courts should be cautious when assessing vagueness arguments. Consider US v. Howtar (sp)

 Judge Failla: Mr. Storm was arguing that that statutory definition of financial transaction is vague. I reject that. The court finds that the statute gave Mr. Storm adequate notice. He marketed Tornado Cash as a way to conceal, he had notice is was illegal

Judge Failla: So, the motions are denied. I think that is all I need to do today. We have a trial date

On October 10, a hearing Inner City Press covered, from the thread:

oral argument on prosecutors' motion to compel pre-trial disclosuresJudge Katherine Failla: When will the government be producing 3500 material? Assistant US Attorney Nathan Rehn: We have been trying to reach a global agreement on pre-trial disclosures. Judge: Is there a world in which you would not disclose until after testimony?

AUSA: We would hope not- Judge: Mr. Rehn, we're here because you haven't worked that out. It is possible I could propose a schedule for 3500 production? AUSA: There is precedent that the government cannot be ordered to go faster than the statute Judge: I know that

 Roman Storm's lawyer: If they delay on the 3500 material, we'll want more time to make advice of counsel disclosure. Judge: I am uncoupling those two issues. Before ruling, I spoke with other SDNY Judges including, about the Eisenberg trial, with Judge Subramanian

 Judge: I have considered Judge Kaplan's ruling on Bankman-Fried... Last minute tricks, at least they didn't for Bankman-Fried. We'll do Daubert hearings in November in the same week as the final pre-trial conference. We are adjourned.

The case is US v. Storm, et al., 23-cr-430 (Failla)


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After NYCHA Bribery Take Down First Trial of Joy Harris Has $500 Payments at Wald Houses

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, Oct 10 – For days Inner City Press had heard from its sources there would be a "takedown" on February 6, each SDNY Magistrate Judge would handle seven to 10 defendants.

Arrests happen at 6 am. So at 5:55 am Inner City Press tweeted it, first to X subscribers with the spoiler alert: the expectation was that each of the current or former NYCHA employees would be released on bond the same day.  

And then hours later at 9:39 am the prosecutors announced it. Media rushed around reporting it.  Inner City Press had it first, and after discretely waiting, published it first. Then this thread of presentments, here

On September 16, NYCHA defendant Charles Starks moved to dismiss, noting that the indictment provided "almost no detail on... the timing" - and citing the Supreme Court's Snyder v. US decision.

On October 9, NYCHA defendant Joy Harris was on trial, the first trial. On the stand was an immunized witness, Mr. Singh, who said he twice paid bribed to Joy Harris. He described her saying, I need something; Judge Lewis A. Kaplan said for the record, rubbing his index finger and thumb together.

Payments were made in the trash compactor room of the Taft Houses on East 114 Street in East Harlem.

On cross-examination it emerged that the second payment was after Joy Harris signed the certificate of service allowing the witness' company DK Bangla to be paid. Might that be a gratuity, under current precedent? Judge Kaplan admonished the defense lawyer to hold for closing arguments.

On October 10 another contractor was on the witness stand, who said he paid Joy Harris in increments of $500 for jobs such as installation of rolling metal gates, including at the [Lillian] Wald Houses on the Lower East Side. Another CJA defense lawyer was in the gallery; another NYCHA defendant, Starks, has filed a motion to dismiss citing the Supreme Court's Snyder decision.

Watch this site.

A case is US v. Starks, 24-cr-126 (Rochon)

The trial is USA v. Harris, 1:24-cr-00207 (Kaplan)

 Watch this site - and these feeds: X and  X for subscribers.

And Substack here


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Feedback: Editorial [at]

Sean Combs Gets May 2025 Trial Date and Draft Gag Order against Leaks amid Bail Appeal

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, Oct 10 – At 4:30 pm on September 16 Inner City Press was told by its SDNY source to expect "the big one" - Sean Combs - the next day in the courtroom here.

At 10:30 pm, from SDNY News, this: "USA Damian Williams: Earlier this evening, federal agents arrested Sean Combs, based on a sealed indictment filed by the SDNY.  We expect to move to unseal the indictment in the morning and will have more to say at that time."

At US Attorney Damian Williams' press conference Inner City Press asked if his office would be seeking detention - Yes, he said. Detention memo on Patreon here.

In the run-up to the 2:30 pm hearing Combs' counsel file a bail proposal, with $50 million bond - filing on Patreon here.

[Inner City Press published book / audio book Diddy Do It? on Sept 20 on Amazon here]

On September 30, Combs' lawyers filed a notice of appeal of detention to the 2d Circuit.

On October 3, Combs' SDNY criminal case was re-assigned: "Case as to Sean Combs REASSIGNED to Judge Arun Subramanian. Judge Andrew L. Carter, Jr no longer assigned to the case."

On October 9 after 5 pm, Combs' lawyer submitted a request for "a gag order prohibiting government personnel from disclosing any evidence or investigative material related to this case to any member of the media." Motion on Patreon here

On October 10, Inner City Press live tweeted - trial was set for May 5, 2025 and Judge Subramanian told the parties to draft an order against leaks. Thread here.

More on X for Subscribers here & Substack here

The case is USA v. Combs, 1:24-cr-542 (Subramanian)


Your support means a lot. As little as $5 a month helps keep us going and grants you access to exclusive bonus material on our Patreon page. Click here to become a patron.


Feedback: Editorial [at]

In Corrupt UN World of Guterres ITU Lawfare Exposed by Inner City Press Taken up in Geneva

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

UN GATE, Oct 10 – How corrupt is the UN-world system under Antonio Guterres, who bans the Press which investigates? Today's example is from the ITU, the International Telecommunication Union, whose whistleblowers have, like others, reached out to banned Inner City Press:

"Lawfare in the ITU / Pattern of Abuse of Authority by the ITU Secretary-General (Doreen Bogdan-Martin or DBM) / Cover-up of complaints or investigations against her, despite being "founded" or "substantiated" 

  There was an Anonymous Complaint against DBM.... It was sent to a number of Missions in Geneva and has been circulating amongst them.  One of the Missions shared it with DBM, who then had to go through the "ceremony" of having it assessed.

After publication of the above, "the news article by Inner City Press caused waves during ITU Council Working Group (CWG) meeting held October 7-9 in Geneva.     Many following the CWG didn’t expect a Delegate to raise the mysterious cases against the Secretary-General, referencing the Inner City Press article.  The Delegate brought up the 'noise and innuendo outside the ITU,' and referred to the anonymous complaint sent to Missions and reports published online. Requesting that this be added to the Council’s agenda, he noted that the anonymous letter and the Lawfare article, from a 'reputable or irreputable outlet,' require Council’s attention because they concern ITU’s reputation and leadership.    

The next day, another Delegate highlighted the lack of transparency on 'the issue' and requested that the CWG be 'properly' informed without delay.     What does the assessment report reveal?  What does the legal opinion say?  Do these say 'unfounded', and how many cases are there?  Will Member States ever get the truth, or will these documents remain shrouded from their very own eyes?

We'll have more, including the complaint, on this.


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Feedback: Editorial [at]