Friday, June 28, 2024

US Indicted Epoch Times CFO Guan for Money Laundering Now Says Seized 50 Devices

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, June 21 – Amid the US v. Miles Guo trial, prosecutors from the Southern District of New York on June 3 announced they are charging "WEIDONG GUAN, a/k/a 'Bill Guan,' the Chief Financial Officer of a multinational media company headquartered in New York City with participating in a transnational scheme to launder at least approximately $67 million of illegally obtained funds to benefit himself and the media company.  GUAN was arrested yesterday morning and will be presented this afternoon before U.S. Magistrate Judge Stewart D. Aaron."

  The media company is Epoch Times. And before Judge Aaron in the SDNY Magistrates Court, which Inner City Press closely covers, unlike in the Guo and Wang case, a bail deal was reached:

"$3,000,000 personal recognizance bond; To be secured by $250,000 cash; To be co-signed by three financially responsible persons (Not employees of media company or related entities); (Status Conference set for 6/21/2024 at 10:30 AM before Judge Victor Marrero.)     

  Inner City Press went to cover the conference on June 21. The prosecutors told Judge Marrero they seized 50 devices and are imaging them. The Federal Defender said "Mr. Guan may be retaining counsel." So Judge Marrero set the next conference for September 20.

 Then the prosecutors asked for a trial date, which was put back to March 2025. Inner City Press will stay on it.

  The case is US v. Guan, 24-cr-322 (Marrero / Aaron)


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