Saturday, November 4, 2023

Bankman-Fried Had Amnesia 140 Times on the Stand US Says in SDNY Trial Closing

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, Nov 1 – For US v Sam Bankman-Fried, after more than a day of jury selection, late morning on October 4 the twelve and six alternate were selected. Inner City Press live tweeted the voir dire here and more below

On Nov 1, AUSA Nick Roos delivered the prosecution's summation, including this thread:

AUSA Roos: The core dispute here is whether the defendant knew that taking the money was wrong. He knew. He did it anyway. He thought he was smarter, and could walk his way out of it. Today, with you, that ends.

AUSA Roos: Did you notice how he evaded, with the layout of Alameda in an Airbnb, or why he chose the Miami Heat Arena to name? But how was he on cross examination? He couldn't remember a single detail. It was uncomfortable. 140 times...

 AUSA Roos: He asked for terms to be defined, terms he had already used. He tried to tell a story to exclude himself from the fraud. That was a lie. Over three days he took the stand and he lied. You'd have to ignore all the evidence

 AUSA: Before FTX there was Alameda. [Chart fail] Judge Kaplan: Is it not on the screen? AUSA: They don't have it in the middle row. [It's a chart of Alameda, signed by SBF]

[Tech snafu continues. Closings, it seems, will definitely go into tomorrow....During the lull, Bankman-Fried is sitting slumped at the defense table, seemingly-glumly typing on his laptop]

 Judge Kaplan: Alright, let's get the jury back in the box.

AUSA Sassoon: And maybe ask them not to touch... Jury entering!

Judge Kaplan: It went down again? Get into the jury box, folks.

Judge Kaplan (to jurors) The panel that may be the cause of the problem is in the back corner of the jury box. Please stay away from there. We're having Alternate juror 1 moved where Alternate 4 was. We'll get a single big screen if needed. OK, roll with it

AUSA Roos: The defendant WAS Alameda. 90% owner. It took out loans to do crypto trading. Then the defendant started FTX and started getting customer money. He thought this was a new source of money for Alameda. Caroline Ellison told you so

  More on Substack here

 Inner City Press live tweeted the voir dire and now, more on Substack here
and all on Patreon here


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