By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Maxwell book
BBC - Honduras - CIA Trial book - NY Mag
UN GATE, Nov 14 – While the UN fails on Ukraine and its Secretary General Antonio Guterres covers up for China's genocide against the Uighurs and UN rapists from Karim Elkorany to UN Peacekeepers in the Central African Republic, DRC and Haiti, the UN Correspondents Association is getting ready to party, for the big money.
The fig leaf for the shakedown are awarded - given to themselves. While in previous years they at least picked winners from the wider world, this year's two top prizes go to its own less than 200 members, including the top prize to an Italian who previously grabbed Inner City Press' phone while it was reporting outside the shindig, and threw it, breaking it. Video here.
Francesco Semprini, La Stampa - a censor as UNCA's prize winner. Who made the selection? Two friends, amici: Valeria Robecco (UNCA President) and Giampaolo Pioli (Awards Chairman) - cronies. Were they recused? We'll have more on this, and the others.
For a garish bash in Manhattan's Financial District in December, blocks from where the Hudson River meets the harbor, UNCA members are each being offered one ticket at the "special discounted price" of $100.
Bribers like Ng Lap Seng, a previous UNCA benefactor then indicted for a fake UN convention center in Macau, will pay much more.
Meanwhile this group UNCA has refused since July 2021 to answer this polite letter from pro bono law firm Quinn Emanuel, about Guterres' ongoing ban on Inner City Press which asked him about the Ng case, and the Patrick Ho / CEFC China Energy bribery case which leads directly to Guterres, through the Lisbon-based Gulbenkian Foundation. It's more accurately called the UN Censorship Alliance.
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