Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
Monday, November 28, 2022
Friday, November 25, 2022
Qatar Bans Filming Of Migrant Workers It Kills Now US Ties England Setting Up Iran Showdown as Guterres Lies
By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Maxwell book
CIA Trial book - NY Mag FIFA Song I, II
UN GATE, Nov 25 – For the FIFA World Cup that Qatar paid bribes to get, it issued restrictions on the media that go to cover it, including that journalists will not be allowed to film or photograph in "residential properties, private businesses and industrial zones."
Reporting on the deaths of migrant workers is not permitted.
When the Cup began on Nov 20, Qatar was listless against Ecuador, and its "fans" left early. On Nov 19, England blew out Iran as the Netherlands did Senegal. But the US was tied by Wales - and UN Sec-Gen Antonio Guterres slipped in, even more quiet than his visit to China's Genocide Games at the beginning of the year. He said nothing, and the UN Correspondents he lets into "his" briefing asked nothing.
On November 22 Inner City Press asked Guterres' spokespeople Farhan Haq, Stephane Dujarric and Melissa Fleming: "Nov 22-1: AGAIN, On human rights-challenged FIFA World Cup in Qatar, when did SG Guterres decide to go? Why so little put out publicly? Since SG said nothing, was the trip paid for by him personally? If not, how much did it cost?"
No answer at all. In Doha, after another nil nil tie between Morocco and Croatia, Japan upset Germany 2-1. Spain laid a 7-0 licking on Costa Rica (which to its relative credit replied to Inner City Press), then Canada of censoring Bob Rae was beaten by Belgium which bragged about Devils amid Qatar's corruption.
On November 24 - Thanksgiving Day in the US - after another nil nil between Uruguay and South Korea, Ghana put up more fight against the Portuguese than they do against Guterres at the UN. Thread - and Song II (Twitter) YouTube
On November 25, after corrupt Qatar was eliminated with a 3-1 loss to Senegal, Ecuador tied the Netherlands at 1 and Wales fell 2-0 to Iran, the US dominated England but could not find a way to score. It will come down to the next game against Iran: win and in? While Guterres keeps the Press out of the UN, & USUN does nothing. 2 tweets
Now in USA ENG Weah is down - his father the president of Liberia has taken the month off to go to #Qatar2020 which UNSG Antonio Guterres silently snuck in 'n out of; UN Spokesperson has refused Inner City Press' written questions on that & Liberia census delay
With USA Eng into minute 79 tied 0-0, a Qatar 2022 haiku from Inner City Press:
Blood-soaked hosts lose two
As referee bribes fall through-
But own Guterres.
Qatar also bans filming in “restricted areas where filming requires prior permission” and at “any site with signage or security advising of no photography/videography."
Some who are criticizing these restrictions, however, say nothing when the United Nations does the same. Consider the reasons given by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres' spokesman Stephane Dujarric for having Inner City Press roughed up and banned from the UN, for three years and counting, from CJR:
"access is not a right, it’s a privilege,” Dujarric says. “None of this is happening now because of what he writes.” Dujarric says that Lee is often critical of fellow journalists; walking the halls in the evenings, he’ll live-stream running commentary criticizing other reporters. Not long ago, encountering a crew from Al Jazeera—which Lee believes has misled viewers about its connection to the Qatari government—Dujarric says that Lee Periscoped while shouting, “Fuck you!” repeatedly. (Lee says he was complaining that Dujarric had given the Al Jazeera crew a private interview, and excluded him.) “He creates an atmosphere of incivility within our working environment,” Dujarric says."
So Inner City Press is banned by MALU's Melissa Fleming because it filmed on the fourth (media) floor, and for what it said? Or for criticizing his and Guterres' relations with Qatar's Al Jazeera, which got the exclusive to Guterres' two stolen UNSG elections?
We'll have more on this.
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Feedback: Editorial [at]
Prosperity Bank Faces CRA Challenge to Lone Star State Bank and FirstCapital Bank in Texas
By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Maxwell book
BBC - Honduras - CIA Trial book - NY Mag
FEDERAL COURT / S Bronx, Nov 25 – Whether or not the U.S. Community Reinvestment Act will be again enforced under this Administration and its regulators including under the incoming divided Congress is an open question.
Now Fair Finance Watch with Inner City Press on the FOIA has filed comments with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation against the applications by Prosperity Bank in Texas:
November 25, 2022
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Attn: Chairman Martin J. Gruenberg Dallas Kristie K. Elmquist, Regional Director Julie V. Banfield, Deputy Regional Director Chris Finnegan, Assistant Regional Director (Consumer Protection) 1601 Bryan Street, 38th Floor Dallas, Texas 75201-4586
Re: Comment on Applications by Prosperity Bank, El Campo, Texas to acquire Lone Star Bank of West Texas and FirstCapital Bank of Texas, N.A.
Dear Chairman Gruenberg, Regional Director Elmquist, Ass't Regional Director Finnegan and others at the FDIC: This is a request for all information in the possession of the FDIC about, and a timely comment on, the Applications of Prosperity Bank, El Campo, Texas to acquire Lone Star Bank of West Texas and FirstCapital Bank of Texas, N.A. which appear on the FDIC website under "Applications In Process Subject to the CRA Report" with an initial comment periods running through December 16. This comment is timely.
The applicant Prosperity Bank in 2021 in Texas based on its disparate marketing made 5453 mortgage loans to whites -- while making only 188 loans to African Americans. Meanwhile it denied fully 94 applications from African Americans, versus only 1186 from whites. This is far out of keeping with the demographics, and others lenders, in Texas in particularly in Prosperity Bank's CRA assessment areas - this is outrageous.
The applicant Prosperity Bank in 2021 in Oklahoma based on its disparate marketing made 320 mortgage loans to whites -- while making only 38 loans to African Americans. This is far out of keeping with the demographics, and others lenders, in Oklahoma in particularly in Prosperity Bank's CRA assessment areas - this is outrageous.
Beyond these disparities, there is the question of possible service reductions. Already, for the record, consider this: "I was with Prosperity Bank in Cleveland, Texas and my I was with Prosperity Bank in Cleveland, Texas and my account was scammed and I lost 2 of my Social Security checks and the cash I had in the bNK. tHEY PAID MY BILLS IN NOVEMBER AND NOW THEY SAY i HAVE TO PAY THEM $1013 after they didn't protect my account and I lost over $2,828 and had nothing to live on. I paid on a plan with Noeton Security and they got my debit card number and took all my money and the bank says I gave Noeton permission to get American Express gift cards. What can I do about this? Yes I did speak with the manager of Prosperity Bank in Cleveland, Texas.... The bank says they will turn me in for collection and the BBB and I will never be able to open another bank account
Inner City Press is requesting an extension of the public comment period, public / virtual evidentiary hearings and that, on the current record, the applications not be approved
FFW and Inner City Press have been deeply concerned about the rush by the FDIC to rubber-stamp smaller mergers by these sized redliners. This has been killing the Community Reinvestment Act and we timely request public hearings. The comment period should be extended; evidentiary hearings should be held; and on the current record, the application should not be approved. Very Truly Yours, Matthew Lee, Esq. Executive Director Inner City Press/Fair Finance Watch
Watch this site.
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Feedback: Editorial [at]
Man Faces Bifurcated Trial for Armed Robberies in The Bronx Then as Felon with Gun
By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Maxwell book
BBC - Honduras - CIA Trial book - NY Mag
SDNY COURTHOUSE, Nov 24 – Justin Hampton faces trial on November 28 - or two trials, with the jury to be informed of the final count only after it deliberates on the first four. Inner City Press has been covering the case and the counts and will report on the trial(s).
Counts 1 through 4 involve armed robberies in The Bronx (a pizzeria on Bruckner Boulevard and a dollar store in Soundview) as well as Brooklyn and Queens. Count 5 is being a felon in possession.
On November 23, 2022, U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Judge John P. Cronan ruled that "on November 28 the Court will commence trial on Counts One though Four without notifying the jury that there is a fifth count. Once the first phase of the trial concludes... the Court will inform the jury of the existence of Court Five and proceed with a trial as to that final count."
Inner City Press will report on it.
The case is US v. Hampton, 21-cr-766 (Cronan)
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Feedback: Editorial [at]
In Slip and Fall Fraud Trial of Dowd Dispute About Scope of Cross of Witness 12 and Gun
By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Maxwell book
BBC - Honduras - CIA Trial book - NY Mag
SDNY COURTHOUSE, Nov 25 – Andrew Dowd faces trial on November 28, on charges springing from a slip and fall fraud scheme. Inner City Press has been covering the case and will report on the trial.
On November 25, 2022, U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Judge Sidney H. Stein received an argument to limit cross-examination of a government Witness-12, consistent with limitations he imposed in US v. Bryan Duncan, another case covered by Inner City Press.
The government wrote, "The Court should preclude cross-examination on the limited fact that Witness-12's 2021 conviction involved the attempted possession of a firearm because it is ... high prejudicial and risks inflaming the jury, consistent with the ruling of the Court in US v. Bryan Duncan, 18-cr-289 (SHW). Watch this site.
The case is US v. Constantine, et al., 21-cr-530 (Stein).
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Feedback: Editorial [at]
Lakeland Bank Redlined in NJ and NY Now Set to Cash Out to Provident, Lawsuits Filed
By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Maxwell book
BBC - Honduras - CIA Trial book - NY Mag
SOUTH BRONX, Nov 23 – It is said the fair lending is being taken more seriously. Or is it being gamed more?
Take the example of Lakeland Bank. In New York State in 2021, it made 27 mortgage loans to whites, and NONE to African Americans, Fair Finance Watch has found.
In New Jersey, it made 19 loans to African Americans - but 1224 to whites. It is redlining. That week the Justice Department announced a $13.2 million fair lending settlement with Lakeland.
But it was a game - in the same week, Landland announced it would apply to be bought by Provident Bank with $1.3 billion - that's billion - and its CEO Thomas Shara Jr. would stay on as executive vice chairman. Call it impunity.
In fact, it would appear that the Federal government is in on it, with the merger and the minimal fine being coordinated, a sort of pre-approval of the merger despite the Community Reinvestment Act. It shouldn't be, and all parties should be required to make full disclosure.
Before the FDIC's comment period's set closing on December 1, and Federal Reserve on December 15, two separate shareholders' lawsuits were filed in SDNY against Lakeland Bancorp and its directors Thomas J. Sahra, Mary Ann Deacon, Bruce D. Bohuny, Brian Flynn, Mark J. Fredericks, Briang Gragnolati, James E. Hanson II, Janeth C. Hendershot, Lawrence R. Inserra, Jr., Robert E. McCracken, Robert Micholson, III, and Robert F. Mangano. We'll have more on this.
Inner City Press on the FOIA - watch this site.
Your support means a lot. As little as $5 a month helps keep us going and grants you access to exclusive bonus material on our Patreon page. Click here to become a patron.

Feedback: Editorial [at]
Qatar Bans Filming Of Migrant Workers It Kills Now Ghana Tried Comeback on Portuegese Unlike at UN
By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Maxwell book
CIA Trial book - NY Mag FIFA Song I, II
UN GATE, Nov 24 – For the FIFA World Cup that Qatar paid bribes to get, it issued restrictions on the media that go to cover it, including that journalists will not be allowed to film or photograph in "residential properties, private businesses and industrial zones."
Reporting on the deaths of migrant workers is not permitted.
When the Cup began on Nov 20, Qatar was listless against Ecuador, and its "fans" left early. On Nov 19, England blew out Iran as the Netherlands did Senegal. But the US was tied by Wales - and UN Sec-Gen Antonio Guterres slipped in, even more quiet than his visit to China's Genocide Games at the beginning of the year. He said nothing, and the UN Correspondents he lets into "his" briefing asked nothing.
On November 22 Inner City Press asked Guterres' spokespeople Farhan Haq, Stephane Dujarric and Melissa Fleming: "Nov 22-1: AGAIN, On human rights-challenged FIFA World Cup in Qatar, when did SG Guterres decide to go? Why so little put out publicly? Since SG said nothing, was the trip paid for by him personally? If not, how much did it cost?"
No answer at all. In Doha, after another nil nil tie between Morocco and Croatia, Japan upset Germany 2-1. Spain laid a 7-0 licking on Costa Rica (which to its relative credit replied to Inner City Press), then Canada of censoring Bob Rae was beaten by Belgium which bragged about Devils amid Qatar's corruption.
On November 24 - Thanksgiving Day in the US - after another nil nil between Uruguay and South Korea, Ghana put up more fight against the Portuguese than they do against Guterres at the UN. Thread - and Song II (Twitter) YouTube
Game on: Portugal dominating, but Ghana almost scored on counter-attack. GhanaUN has banned Press as UN Security Council president but it's mostly that they mimic Fat Tony Guterres, hides his money from Gulbenkian here
Doha deception: Fake fall by Cristiano Ronaldo for a cheap penalty - not unlike how Guterres stole 2d term as UNSG, having all opponents banned and their candidacy documents thrown in the garbage, not circulated, here
FIFAasCorruptAsUN Comeback! Ghana scores a real goal to tie Porgugal at 1 - the way UNSG Guterres avoids from Anglophones by only meeting about #Cameroon with Paul Biya's decrepit cronies, here
The Empire Strikes Back: almost (?) off-sides, Portugal re-grabs the lead like Big Tony Guterres grabs fois gras, or bans all his critics and whistleblowers from the UN. GhanaUN still has 9 minutes and whatever FIFA's arbitrary arbiters give
With Cristiano Ronaldo already on the bench with a 3-1 lead, like Guterres went to Qatar and didn't bother to say anything, now Ghana shows heard and closes it to 3-2. Wish @GhanaUN would stand up to Fat Tony
Qatar also bans filming in “restricted areas where filming requires prior permission” and at “any site with signage or security advising of no photography/videography."
Some who are criticizing these restrictions, however, say nothing when the United Nations does the same. Consider the reasons given by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres' spokesman Stephane Dujarric for having Inner City Press roughed up and banned from the UN, for three years and counting, from CJR:
"access is not a right, it’s a privilege,” Dujarric says. “None of this is happening now because of what he writes.” Dujarric says that Lee is often critical of fellow journalists; walking the halls in the evenings, he’ll live-stream running commentary criticizing other reporters. Not long ago, encountering a crew from Al Jazeera—which Lee believes has misled viewers about its connection to the Qatari government—Dujarric says that Lee Periscoped while shouting, “Fuck you!” repeatedly. (Lee says he was complaining that Dujarric had given the Al Jazeera crew a private interview, and excluded him.) “He creates an atmosphere of incivility within our working environment,” Dujarric says."
So Inner City Press is banned by MALU's Melissa Fleming because it filmed on the fourth (media) floor, and for what it said? Or for criticizing his and Guterres' relations with Qatar's Al Jazeera, which got the exclusive to Guterres' two stolen UNSG elections?
We'll have more on this.
Your support means a lot. As little as $5 a month helps keep us going and grants you access to exclusive bonus material on our Patreon page. Click here to become a patron.

Feedback: Editorial [at]