By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Maxwell book
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SDNY COURTHOUSE, Sept 15 – In the US v. Trevor Milton of Nikola trial, after "Nikola Insider" Paul Lackey quoted Milton that "I don't give a sh*t about the environment," ex Nikola designer Brendan Babiarz described Milton tweeting mere sketches of a pick-up truck at Elon Musk, implying it had been built. This came after still-Nikola witness Elizabeth Fretheim. Inner City Press was there. Thread and below.
At night on September 15 the US Attorney filed a letter that may portend a less than full trial day on September 16, something Judge Ramos is adverse to. It starts: " the Government stated that it expected to call tomorrow, following the conclusion of Brendan Babiarz’s testimony, Dale Prows and, if Mr. Prows’ testimony concludes prior to the end of the day, Mark Russell. The Government learned late this afternoon" - full letter on Patreon here.
Next witness: Brendan Babiarz. AUSA Roos: Did you work at Nikola? Babiarz: Yes, from 2017. As a designer.
AUSA Roos: Here's an email you sent to Mr. Milton. When did you hear next about the pick-up truck? Babiarz: Trevor tweeted out the sketches I'd sent him.
Babiarz: Trevor tweeted it at Elon Musk . I was surprised. We had not done any real work on the pick-up truck. AUSA: It was just sketches? Babiarz: Yes.
AUSA Roos: Now in the press release about the pick-up truck, for those of us who ride the subway to work, where did these numbers come from?
Babiarz: I have no idea. AUSA: Read this tweet. Babiarz: He tweeted at #Tesla Charts that "the specs are dead on."
AUSA: Here Milton says he has been working on this pick-up for years. Was tech from the semi-truck put into the pick-up?
Milton's lawyer Torrey Young: Objection! Foundation!
Judge Ramos: Overruled.
AUSA: Had he been working on it?
Babiarz: Only through my sketches
AUSA: Please show the witness this exhibit. Do you recognize this email? Babiarz: Yes. It's an email to Trevor Milton, I'm copied. March 30, 2020.
[Now break is called. Milton stands chatting with his lawyer Marc Mukasey.]
They're back. AUSA Roos: Did there come a time when Trevor Milton made an announcement about the unveiling of the Badger pick-up truck? Babiartz: Yes. He tweeted it, calling NikolaWorld now BadgerWorld.
AUSA: Here, you text that you hoped Nikola going public would make Trevor more methodical but I guess not, right?
Babiartz: Yes. And my colleague answered that Trevor "needs his next fix."
Inner City Press coverage will continue.
The case is US v. Milton, 21-cr-478 (Ramos)
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