Saturday, September 11, 2021

Man Charged With Sex Abuse At Bronx School Is Freed on $1M Bond, Can Return to Carolinas


By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon
BBC - Guardian UK - Honduras - ESPN

SDNY COURTROOM Exclusive, Sept 9 – In the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York on September 9, a detention hearing was held by Magistrate Judge Steward D. Aaron on a former Bronx school teacher charges with sexual abusing girls from ten to thirteen years old.

   Jesus Concepcion was arrested on August 7 in the Western District of North Carolina on a then-sealed indictment. In the month since, Concepcion has retained his own New York defense lawyer, affiliated at least in the docket with a private investigation firm.

 The indictment says Concepcion "a/k/a Mr. C singled out the Minor Victims for personal attention, he gave them money, clothing, jewelry and other gifts, and he provided them with alcohol... inducing several of the Minor Victims to engage in sexual activity with him."

 But no press release was put out about this case.

 Judge Aaron returned from a session with Pre Trial Services and said he would release Conception on a $1,000,000 bond, with travel restricted to SDNY, EDNY and Carolina.

This case is US v. Concepcion, 21-cr-479 (Preska / Aaron).


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