Sunday, July 7, 2019

On Cameroon Now Africa Forum Says It Will Convene Dialogue While UNSG Guterres Covers For Biya

By Matthew Russell Lee, Video
UNITED NATIONS GATE, July 7 – After the UN Security Council held belated "Arriaformula" session about Cameroon on May 13, an informal one with no outcome on which even co-sponsors Germany and the UK refused to answer Press questions, hypocrisy and cover up of the UN's failure remain evident. Video by banned Inner City Press here.
  Ireland is a wanna-be member of the Security Council, and it is already bowing cravenly before Paul Biya's goverment looking for a vote, like Guterres, see below.
  Now this from the Africa Forum: "Africa Forum to Convene a Symposium on Cameroon  In this regard it has had the privilege to convey some of its views and suggestions to His Excellency President Paul Biya of Cameroon  PRETORIA, South Africa, July 7, 2019/ -- One of the principal tasks of the Africa Forum ("the Forum") of former African Heads of State and Government and other African leaders is to support the African Union as it works to guide our Continent to achieve the Objectives detailed in the Constitutive Act.  In this context the Forum has done its best to follow the evolving but troubling situation in the Republic of Cameroon.  In this regard it has had the privilege to convey some of its views and suggestions to His Excellency President Paul Biya of Cameroon. The Forum looks forward to further contact with President Biya on this matter.  In the meantime the Forum has thought it very necessary that it should take all necessary steps further to inform itself about the situation in the Republic of Cameroon in as comprehensive a manner as possible.  To achieve this objective the Forum will therefore act to convene a Symposium on Cameroon to be held possibly in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia or any other African country which will agree with the Forum to provide a venue for the Symposium.  The Forum will therefore take steps without delay to contact a broad spectrum of the people of Cameroon and invite these to attend what the Forum intends must be an inclusive and open dialogue.  The Forum is convinced that the Symposium will help greatly to empower it the better to assist the Government and people of Cameroon as they work to address the challenges facing this sister African country.  Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Africa Forum.     Chairman Joaquim Alberto Chissano Former President Republic of Mozambique  Deputy Chair Nicephore Soglo Former President Republic of Benin.  7th Floor, Metro Park Building, 351 Cnr Schoeman and Prinsloo Street, Pretoria P.O Box 6541,Pretoria 0001 Republic of South Africa." We'll have more on this.
On Ireland: "A special envoy of the government of Ireland was on June 24 at the Ministry of External Relations to present the candidacy of his country.  The Minister Delegate to the Minister of External Relations in charge of Cooperation with the Commonwealth, Felix Mbayu on June 24, 2019 received in audience the special envoy of the government of Ireland, Ambassador Kenneth Thompson during which both personalities discussed on deepening cooperation ties and he presented Ireland's interest in becoming a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. Ambassador Kenneth Thompson was accompanied to the audience by the Ambassador, Head of European Union Delegation to Cameroon, Hans-Peter Schadeck. Speaking to reporters after the audience, Thompson said the reason he was in Cameroon and at the Ministry of External Relations was because Ireland is looking for a sit as a non-permanent member of the Security Council of the United Nations for the years 2021 and 2022. "But this campaign that we are running for the Security Council is important for us also as a way of getting Ireland better known in the world. It is true in Cameroon and in Francophone Africa, Ireland is not well known but we are working to improve these relations. We are very anxious that we are being seen as good partners of countries like Cameroon in the United Nations. " he stated. The special envoy noted that he listened to the very effective statement by the Minister Delegate on the problems that Cameroon is facing and on Cameroon's perspective towards the United Nations. "Cameroon of course has always been a strong defender of the multilateral system like Ireland and we will expect that if we are elected to the Security Council, we will be listening very carefully to the concerns of the government of Cameroon during that time and we will do everything that we can to make sure the that views of all the member States of the United Nations are reflected in any debate. We will always maintain an open dialogue," Thompson stated. While appreciating the model adopted by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) towards the promotion of certain values, trying to find human solutions to issues, taking into account differences in the society and upholding the values of peace, the special envoy equally stated that bilateral relations between both countries will be considerably improved."  Shameful.
   Belgium is a member of the Security Council,and heard what was said in the UNSC on May 13. Even the sanitized Lowcock and handpicked NGO version was troubling. But on May 25, "friends of Cameroon in Belgium joined officials of the Cameroon's embassy in celebrating the 47th edition of the National Day. The day was celebrated in Belgium on May 25, 2019 with a garden party organized at the courtyard of the residence of Cameroon's Ambassador to Belgium Daniel Evina who said this year's theme of the National Day was carefully chosen by the Head of State with emphasis on unity and living together within the present context where these virtues are seriously threatened especially in the North West and South West Regions of our great Fatherland. "This clearly shows that peace, unity in diversity and living together constitute cardinal values constantly preached by the Head of State, Paul Biya, the architect of our national unity and a leading peace crusader. Despite the security threats, our country has continued to follow its determination towards emergence in 2035," he stated. During the garden party, images on the touristic potentials of Cameroon, ongoing and accomplished projects were being projected on a giant screen with the Ambassador promising at the end to constantly make available verifiable and authentic information on the evolution of situations in Cameroon. The guests on their departure from the ceremony were each handed sachets of Cameroon coffee as well as the last four special editions of 'Jeune Afrique Economique' Magazines. Three of these magazines have President Paul Biya at their cover pages with information therein elaborately on an improved image of Cameroon." Wow. We'll have more on this.
The May 13 meeting ended without any outcome, after Paul Biya's longtime Ambassador Tommo Monthe lashed out at social media as UNSG Antonio Guterres does. Monthe told Inner City Press, as it asked about Biya cutting the Internet in the Anglophone zones, that Inner City Press could get thrown out of the UN. And it was, by Guterres, now 369 days and counting.
 (Inner City Press went and began interested at the Ambazonia / Southern Cameroonsdemonstration in the 47th Street park, in the rain, video here.)