Wednesday, July 3, 2019

As Guterres Kills UN With Corruption and Cameroon Censorship Hits 1 Year Time To #DumpGuterres

By Matthew Russell Lee, CJR PFT CEFC Video
UNITED NATIONS GATE, July 3 – Antonio Guterres is killing the UN, including with his failure in Cameroon and elsewhere and his lawless censorship of Press, now at 365 days, a full year. He's put the UN in the Press Freedom Tracker, here. And so on 3 July 2019, this video.
  In Guterres' UN there has been entirely unaddressed bribery, including offers of weapons for oil by UN non governmental organization China Energy Fund Committee of Ye Jianming which Guterres refuses to even audit - while roughing up and banning the Press which asks him about it. On December 21 after Guterres and his spokesman had not answered a single one of Inner City Press' 35 written questions during the week and Guterres prepared  to take off on another 11 day trip to Lisbon, still-banned Inner City Press reported and shows that Guterres has essentially killed off the UN's already weak public financial disclosure system. Guterres' own most recent online disclosure is from 2016, here, and it omits for example his listed role through 2018 in the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Now this, which we report exclusively - the China Energy Fund Committee, implicated in the UN bribery conviction of Patrick Ho, has been linked to Guterres' Gulbenkian, see photos hereand for first example here: "Partex Oil and Gas (Holdings) Corporation will be sold to the CEFC China Energy group, confirmed António Costa Silva, the chairman of the oil company of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, speaking to Portuguese daily newspaper Público.

Costa Silva said the “complex negotiation is underway” and added “I think there is a great possibility of it coming to fruition,” and the newspaper reported said that this deal could be worth 500 million euros.

“It is a large Chinese conglomerate that started in refining, terminals, logistics, recently started exploration and production in the Middle East, Russia, and chose Partex as a kind of platform for investments in the first segment,” said the chairman of Partex." So this is a direct conflict of interest by Guterres: he has been on the board of Gulbenkian, which made a sale to CEFC which Guterres now refuses to audit. (Inner City Press asked in January 2018, here, before Guterres had it roughed up and banned; it asked again after the verdict on 5 December 2018, here). Guterres' wife, too, is linked to Gulbenkian, here. This is called corruption. That the new disclosures should have already been filed in shown for example by the case of Michel Sidibe, on whose promotion of sexual harassment in UNAID Guterres never acted, standing by as donor revolt alone led Sidibe to offer to leave in mid 2019. Sidibe's most recent filing, which goes all the way back to 2016 given Guterres' cover-up culture, lists a mortgage in the US but does not list or disclose any property in the US. Photo here. This makes no sense. There's property in Mali and France. We'll have more on this. Consider also Guterres' Cameroon and Central Africa envoy Francois Lounceny Fall. His last disclosure was signed in November 2017, and included three properties in Guinea, at at least one of which he was just a landlord, banking in Togo with shares in Ecobank Transnational Incorporated. Photo here. Where is the November 2018? Not filed or put online as of December 2018. A fish rots from the head. Inner City Press has repeatedly asked Guterres and his spokesmen Stephane Dujarric and Farhan Haq, "When will the public financial disclosures, in past years already online by this time, be made available?" For four days in a row, December 17 - 20, they did not answer a single written question from Inner City Press including about Cameroon and Togo, despite the promise to 
UN Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression David Kaye by Guterres' Global Communicator Alison Smale(who has no online financial disclosure and has yet to follow up on saying she would take under advisement the total ban on Press she is responsible for, video here). We have noted that Guterres' spouse Catarina Marques de Almeida Vaz Pinto has been Executive Coordinator of the Gulbenkian Programme for Creativity and Artistic Creation / Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. There is still no answer to Inner City Press' detailed written questions about the business links in Africa and elsewhere of Guterres' son Pedro Guimarães e Melo De Oliveira Guterres. Guterres and these named individuals have taken the UN to a new low of corruption. We will have more on this. Guterres refusal to initiate any audit, as even Ban Ki-moon did after the indictment of Ng Lap Seng for also bribing UN President of the General Assembly John Ashe, has allowed not only CEFC but another Ye Jianming NGO, known by names including the China Academy of Culture and the China Cultural Institute, to remain in the UN. In a 22 August 2017 press release, soon before the arrest and indictment of CEFC's Patrick Ho, this entity bragged: "Recommended by the UN NGO Committee of 19 countries, the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) conducted its final review in New York in July 2017 and officially approved the granting of the Chinese Cultural Council to the UN Economic and Social Council in August. status". This is the first non-governmental organization approved by the United Nations to promote the "special consultative status" of Chinese culture. It is a high priority for Chinese culture and an affirmation of the work of the Chinese Cultural Institute created by China Huaxin. This marks the establishment of a formal cooperative relationship between the two sides, providing a new stage for the Chinese Cultural Institute to further carry out international cooperation and exchanges and to tell the Chinese story.
Since its establishment, the Chinese Cultural Institute, under the leadership of Chairman Ye Jianming and under the leadership of all directors, has implemented the "One Body and Two Wings" work principle proposed by President Xu Jialu with the purpose of "promoting the culture of Chinese culture and harmonious world." This is the same Ye Jianming who used UN accredited CEFC to bribe PGA Sam Kutesa, and to offer weapons for oil and a stake in the Chad Cameroon pipeline to Idriss Deby. Guterres refusal to audit, and his and his spokesman's refusal to even answer questions, make clear how corrupt the UN has become and that both should go.
On 1 December 2018, before seven UN bribery guilty verdicts against Patrick Ho of China Energy Fund Committee, Inner City Press reported that Jeffrey Sachs, a long time UN (part time) official, was on a CEFC-UN Advisory Board, and tweeted the photograph, here.  On December 15 Sachs denied it, saying it is absurd. Really? Pressed, Sachs said "I attended an annual luncheon on two occasions (1 per year) hosted by the Chinese Gov for UN Ambassadors, which CEPC apparently catered.  I once went to a HK reception Mr. Ho was present.  That's it." Really? China Energy Fund Committee was more than a caterer. And this denial shows more clearly than ever why an audit of with whom CEFC has dealt with at and through the UN is necessary, and how irresponsible or worse Guterres is being. On December 17 Inner City Press in writing asked Guterres and his spokesman Stephane Dujarric, "December 17-7: On CEFC in the wake of the US v Ho verdicts, this is a request that the SG confirm and act on the other UN officials depicted as advisers to CEFC and its UN program - including Jeffrey Sachs, who has over the weekend online denied any such role, stating he may have attended a lunch “catered” by CEFC. Since this denial shows the absolute need for an audit at least like the previous SG did of Ng Lap Seng's groups, please state why the SG has not even begun such an audit." Five hours later, Dujarric had not answer this or any other question from banned Inner City Press. And those he allowed in "his" briefing room did not ask. Inner City Press has published the CEFC document listing Sachs' role, here on Scribed, here for download on Patreon.
It also lists UN officials including Warren Sach, as well as Mr. José Manuel Viegas (Portugal) Secretary-General of the International Transport Forum (ITF) at the OECD; Mr. Sun Xiansheng (China) Secretary-General of the International Energy Forum (IEF); Ms. Marie-José Nadeau (Canada) Chair of the World Energy Council; Mr. Thanin Pa-Em (Thailand) Deputy Secretary-General at the Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board; Mr. Zhang Guobao (China) Former Director of China’s National Energy Administration; Mr. Christopher Martenson (USA) Economic Researcher, Writer and Trend Forecaster; Dr. Ken Koyama (Japan) Chief Economist and Managing Director at the Institute of Energy Economics in Japan (IEEJ); Dr. Christoph Frei (Switzerland); Dr. Milica Bajiæ-Brkoviæ (Serbia) Former President of ISOCARP, Member of the Executive Committee of International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP); Dr. José Goldemberg (Brazil); Mr. Mark Fulton (UK) Founding Partner of Energy Transition Advisors Pty Ltd; Dr. Nawal Al-Hosany (UAE) Director of Sustainability at Masdar City; Dr. Leena Srivastava (India) Honorary Executive Director at The Energy and Resources Institute; Mr. John Hofmeister (USA) Founder & Chief Executive of Citizens for Affordable Energy, Former President of Shell Oil Company and, yes, Dr. Jeffrey Sachs (USA) Director of The Earth Institute, Special Advisor to UN SG. We'll have more on this - and on the role of  current UN Development Program Executive Director Achim Steiner. See photos here, from a CEFC brochure which they have tried to cover up.
Three years ago Macau based businessman Ng Lap Seng was arrested and charged with bribing UN General Assembly President Josh Ashe and others, though Sun Kian Ip Foundation and other groups still in the UN. Ng was convicted of multiple violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and money laundering. But the issue of faux NGO purchase of the UN hasn't gone away. In fact, a second UN bribery case ended this week in the US District Court for the Southern District of New York with seven guilty verdicts.
In this second case, Patrick Ho was found guilty of seven of eight counts of FCPA and month laundering. (He was only not guilty on money laundering in Chad - where the bribe was not through any US bank but in cash, $2 million in a gift box). The evidence showed that the NGO he ran, China Energy Fund Committee, used its ongoing UN consultative status to pay bribes to Ugandan foreign minister - and Ashe's successor as President of the UN General Assembly -- Sam Kutesa. He was working with precedessor Vuk Jeremicwhile Jeremic was UN PGA. CEFC even offered weapons, tanks and drones, to Chad's long time president Idriss Deby for oil blocks or a stake in the Chad Cameroon pipeline. (Inner City Press published documents here.)
The night of the verdict I asked UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres what he will do to clean up the UN, where he has left CEFC without any audit, still in consultative status with the UN. On his way from his Mercedes to a glitzy fundraiser including George and Amal Clooney, Guterres refused to answer. The next day when asked by another journalist why Guterres had refused to answer banned Inner City Press' question, his spokesman Stephane Dujarric claimed that the UN has “cooperated” with the prosecution. But the bribery group remains in the UN, unaudited.
Why has the case of US versus Ho, and now the guilty verdicts, garnered relatively so little interest, with the corruption of the UN exposed by it scarcely mentioned all? SG Guterres is hoping it goes away. In terms of corruption, he did not disclose and refuses to answer on the African business links of his son Pedro Guimarães e Melo De Oliveira Guterres. He refuses to answer how much he spends in public funds flying to his home in Lisbon at least sixteen times sofar as SG. 
   So CEFC remains an accredited non governmental organization with the UN's Economic and Social Council, while investigative Inner City Press for which I have been covering the case has been dis-accredited by and ousted from the UN, put on a list of those permanently banned without notice, due process or appeal.