Friday, June 28, 2019

In SDNY Murky Mag Court Cynthia Jordan Pleads Guilty To Wire Fraud But Overtime Also Used

By Matthew Russell Lee, Exclusive Patreon
SDNY COURTHOUSE, June 26 – While many even most cases in the Magistrates Court of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York are sealed, on June 27before Magistrate Judge Robert Lehrburger a defendant pled guilty to wire fraud for embezzlement and the case number was given: 19-mj-2954.
  Cynthia Jordan, now 61, was arrested in March for stealing from the Wall Street firm in which she worked in the accounting department, to the tune of $688,142. Only $73,000 of this was by wire transfers, it emerged in the Mag Court with Inner City Press the only media present. There were also 59 false overtime payments, 111 paychecks and other hard copy checks. But it's all under wire fraud. The maximum sentence in 20 years in prison but there is a plea agreement, with the sentencing set for October 3. Inner City Press will continuing to follow this and other Mag Court cases.   u
    On June 25 Magistrate Judge Lehrburgerordered detained a defendant named Martinez charged with 33 kilograms of cocaine, a first name - Eliot - and a case number were provided: 19-mj-5950.

  But by 5 pm, even after Judge Lehrburger had detained Mr. Martinez and set a July 8 hearing, PACER said "Cannot find case 19-mj-5950." So Inner City Press reports: Judge Lehrburger said he did not find a risk of flight, but given the heavy weight of coke, and that Martinez violated the terms of his probation in New Jersey, he would be detained. This came four hours after an appearance before Judge Castel of a defendant accused of offenses against children, a defendant who unlike Martinez was allowed free on bond, to his mother's house in Freehold, New Jersey...