By Matthew Russell Lee, Exclusive
UNITED NATIONS, November 12 -- After the Security Council met Tuesday on the African Union's draft resolution for the UN Security Council to defer the International Criminal Court's Kenya proceedings for a year, Rwanda's Ambassador Gasana said the resolution will be put to the vote "this week."
Another Security Council member told Inner City Press it would be Friday, rejecting the argument that the issue could instead be referred to the ICC's Assembly of State Parties -- "we're not members!"
They're in a tough spot, the argument continued, having to disrespect Africa while "using" it.
Inner City Press put this question to November's Council president Liu Jieyi, who replied that China is not a member of the ICC and is only considering this in terms of the draft Security Council resolution.
Western Ambassadors leaving didn't speak. US Ambassador Power left at 5:14 pm, saying goodbye but offering no comment.
The mood going in was more jocular. French Ambassador Araud bantered with a scribe who name-dropped about Iran, then disappeared. During most of the meeting, the stakeout consisted of media from South Africa and Benin, then Al Jazeera. Western wires and one "TV" belatedly showed up -- then tried to ask all the questions.
An hour and a half, the spin that emerged that was "one member" inside had suggested not putting the draft resolution to a vote, to not "humiliate" the African Union ministers who came, offering instead "a paper" which would refer to the Assembly of State Parties meeting.
But earlier one of the African sponsors of the draft said this was the last chance, they were going to put it to the vote later this week. They knew the vote count. So what could this offer, called condescending, change?
Inner City Press on Monday asked Kenya's Permanent Representative Macharia Kamau about the timing. Thursday or Friday, he replied. "It's sad," he told Inner City Press exclusively, "it's a very simple issue, the Security Council would lose nothing. They'd grant the request of forty nine [heads of state or] the whole of Africa, and be back here in twelve months." He said there might be headlines for one day after such a deferral, calling it "knee jerk."
He contrasted it, "if we'd come here asking for war, or to send a 'war lord' to The Hague, there'd be consensus."
Macharia Kamau paused and said, "The Security Council is not a destination for solutions." He said others would realize that too, whenever they had an issue before the Council.
So the Council will meet in consultations this afternoon; there may a vote later in the week. Watch this site.
The Security Council,
PP1: Recalling the Statements of its President dated 6 February 2008 (S/PRST/2008/4) and 13 May 2013 (S/PRST/2013/5),
PP2: Reaffirming its strong commitment to the maintenance of international peace and security and recalling the need to fight impunity and to hold accountable all perpetrators of the 2007-2008 post-election violence in Kenya,
PP3: Acknowledging the reforms undertaken by the Government of Kenya, in accordance with the 2008 National Accord and Reconciliation Process and the Constitution of Kenya of 2010, particularly in the administration of justice, security and governance, fighting impunity, as well as the measures taken by the Government towards resettling of the internally displaced persons, providing reparations to the victims who suffered losses in the post-election violence, investigation and prosecution of post-election violence crimes, operationalization of the Witness Protection Agency, promotion and restoration of justice, peace, stability, national cohestion and national reconciliation and reintegration in Kenya,
PP4: Considering the decision of 21 March 2010 of the International Criminal Court (“the Court”) authorising the Prosecutor to commence investigations propio motu into the situation in the Republic of Kenya, in relation to the post-election violence of 2007-2008 and under Article 15 of the Rome Statute of the Court, to which Kenya is a State party,
PP5: Noting with appreciation the cooperation that the Government of Kenya and all the indictees have extended to the Court for the past five years,
PP6: Further noting that Mr Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta and Mr William Samoei Ruto were, in March 2013, democratically elected President and Deputy President of the Republic of Kenya, respectively,
PP7: Taking into consideration that the Court commenced the trial in the case against the latter on 10 September 2013, while the trial in the case against the former is scheduled to commence on 12 November 2013,
PP8: Stressing that the proceedings initiated against the President and the Deputy President of the Republic of Kenya is distracting and preventing them from fully discharging their responsibilities and extensive duties, as elaborated upon in the relevant provisions of the Kenyan Constitution.
PP9: Reiterating its deep concern that the increasing violence perpetrated by armed groups, the number of which is growing in several regions and sub-regions of Africa, continues to pose a serious threat to international peace and security, and recalling that terrorist violence negatively impact the efforts by African States to promote social and economic development, and undermines global stability and prosperity in Africa,
PP10: Commending the Government of Kenya for its contribution to the restoration of peace and security in the Horn of Africa and Eastern Africa, including Somalia, and for the action it has taken to fight against terrorism at national, regional and international levels,
PP11: Expressing deep concern over the current terrorist threat against Kenya and other countries of the Horn of Africa and Eastern Africa, and reiterating its determination to combat all forms of terrorism, in accordance with its responsibilities under the Charter of the United Nations,
PP12: Recalling its press statement of 21 September 2013 condemning the terrorist attack at the Westgate Shopping Mall in Nairobi and expressing its solidarity with the people and Government of Kenya at this difficult time,
PP13: Acknowledging that the ordinary extensive duties of Mr Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta and Mr William Samoei Ruto, as President and Deputy President of Kenya, are compounded by both the recent terrorist attacks and the persisting threat to the national security, and considering the decisive role of Kenya, under their leadership, as frontline state in the fight against terrorism.
PP14: Considering article 16 of the Rome Statute of the Court under which no investigation or prosecution may be commenced or proceeded with for a period of 12 months after the Security Council, in a resolution adopted under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, has requested the Court to that effect;
PP15: Taking note of the letter dated 21 October 2013 from the Government of Kenya to the United Nations to the President of the Security Council, requesting the deferral of the investigation and prosecution against the President and Deputy President of Kenya, in accordance with article 16 of the Rome Statute of the Court and pursuant to Decision Ext/Assembly/AU/Dec.1(Oct.2013) dated 12 October 2013 of the Extraordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union,
PP16: Mindful of its primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security under the Charter of the United Nations,
PP17: Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,
- Requests the International Criminal Court to defer the investigation and prosecution against President Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta and Deputy President William Samoei Ruto for a period of 12 months, in accordance with article 16 of the Rome Statute of the Court,
- Invites the Secretary General and the Court to report to the Security Council, within two months of the adoption of this resolution, on action taken on its implementation,
- Decides that Member States shall take no action inconsistent with paragraph 1 and with their international obligations,
- Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.