Saturday, February 2, 2013

UN Whistleblower Bolkovac Calls for Accountability, Ladsous Lax on TCCs?

By Matthew Russell Lee

  When UN whistleblower Kathryn Bolkovac came to the UN on Friday, her book signing and Q&A session was in the UN bookstore. But it too was packed. Photo here. Bolkovac did not pull any punches, saying that high UN leadership must be held accountable "and fired."

  Many of the abuses, not only sexual but in Rwanda and Srebrenica, happened under Kofi Annan, and they have continued under Ban Ki-moon, in Haiti and the Congo.

  The UN's claim of zero tolerance is misleading, as the UN does not require Troop Contributing Countries to prosecute those it repatriates, and does not report to the public the outcome or even the nationality of the accused.

  Inner City Press asked Bolkovac if she believes that the Department of Peacekeeping Operations, now under its fourth Frenchman in a row Herve Ladsous, should require TCC to have baseline whistleblower protections in place.

  Yes, she said, citing a long time proposal by Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont, the Civilial Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act. This hasn't been enacted, she said, due to spurious claims by the CIA.

  But what excuse does the UN have? #LADSOUS2013. Watch the initial beta YouTube video, and watch this site.