Saturday, February 2, 2013

As UK Defense Minister Hammond Says Only One Israeli Strike in Syria, Gaze on Barak & TIME

By Matthew Russell Lee
UNITED NATIONS, February 2 -- At the UN waiting continues for Syria's and / or the Security Council's response to Israeli's air strikes of early January 30 - now said to be multiple and US approved.

 But at the Munich Security Conference UK Defence Minister Phil Hammond was tweet-quoted that "as far as UK knows, there was just 1 target of Israel air strikes in Syria, anti aircraft missiles, no WMD link."

  This came from the Guardian's diplomatic editor, who said it was from Hammond himself, and was "oven-fresh."

   Of course, this is the same Phil Hammond who the day before the Israeli air strikes said that Mali is predominantly Christians. At the UN, Inner City Press asked the UK Mission's spokesperson Iona Thomas, who confirmed that Hammond "misspoke."

 And this time? Wags wonder if Hammond is inept or aspirational.

  Then the search was on to ferret out how in this case the UK (or just Hammond) knows what he knows.

  Haaretz' diplomat correspondent chimed in that Hammond was on Ehud Barak's schedule, and opined that Barak was probably Hammond's source on strikes (if not religion).
  But how to explain, then, TIME's report sourced to "a Western intelligence official" that Israel hit more targets than Syria admitted, and that according to "officials" the US has given the green light to more Israeli strikes? Watch this site.