Saturday, January 21, 2012

On Syria, New UN Draft Amid Question of 3 Week Lull, Low Level on Nigeria Unrest

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, January 16 -- Before the UN Security Council met on Monday morning, French Ambassador Gerald Araud was asked about his foreign minister Alain Juppe "decrying" the Council for lack of action on Syria. Would France be submitted a draft resolution in the place of the Russian draft, on which not even consultations have been held this year?

Araud replied that it would be meaningless to introduce a new draft if it would only be vetoed; he said that "momentum" is needed in the Security Council.

As the Council's meeting, about West Africa, began in the chamber a spokesman emerged and told Inner City Press that "one delegation" had asked to discuss Syria afterwards, specifically the dormant Russian draft.

That delegation, it is now clear, was not France. Rather, a German spokesman came out afterwards and said that when his country -- which was represented Monday by Deputy Permanent Representative Miguel Berger -- raised the issue, the Russians responded that they had circulated a new draft 45 minutes ago.

Many in the Council were unaware. The Russians said they had sent the new draft to "the experts," that is at a level lower than DPR Berger (and the US representative in the Council on Monday, see below.)

In the first consultations on Syria since December 27, the Council members' expert at now scheduled to meet on January 17 at 3 pm. Watch this site.

Footnote: As some of the few correspondents outside the Security Council on Monday commented on the "low level" at which most Council members "including the US" were represented for the West Africa and then Syria consultations, Inner City Press asked two US Mission spokesmen in writing about their level of representation, including on the West Africa topics of Boko Haram and the fuel subsidy protests in Nigeria.

(Inner City Press asked UNOWA envoy Said Djinnit about #OccupyNigeria; he said it is "economic" and not in his mandate.)

Two hours later when the meetings ended there had been no response from the US Mission.

US Mission quiet on MLK Day Jan 16, but SC in action (c) MRLee

Yes, it is the Martin Luther King's day holiday. But the UN is open, and the Security Council meeting, including on Syria. Press - Mission relations are a two way street, at least when the UN is open. South Sudan questions remain outstanding - watch this site.