Saturday, September 17, 2011

At UN on Libya, As Khatib Resigns, TNC Wins Credential, Dabbashi No Vote Hope Dashed, SADC Deferral Rejected

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, September 16 -- The UN was loudly abuzz with Libya on Friday morning, while more quietly former mediator Al Khatib submitted a letter of resignation, sources told Inner City Press.

The General Assembly met on giving Libya's seat to the Transitional National Council, over the objection of Venezuela and other members of the Grupo ALBA. As the meeting began, Inner City Press asked TNC representative Ibrahim Dabbashi about ALBA calling a vote. "I hope not," Dabbashi said, going into the GA.

Moment later, Cuba's Permanent Representative said that NATO violated Resolution 1973 and Cuba does not recognize the TNC, product of "foreign intervention." Bolivia echoed the sentiment, noting "racism" in developments under the TNC.

Nicaragua's representative said her country "threw off the yoke of Somoza," but here NATO violated Resolution 1973 pushing for regime change "in the guise of protecting civilians."

Angola then pointed out that the rules require that requests for credentials be made by heads of state, heads of government or foreign minister, and ask who had made the request here? The new President of the General Assembly, from Qatar, said there should be two speakers on each side of this and a vote.

The Egyptian Permanent Representative, the same one who represented Mubarak, spoke in favor of the TNC. Zambia seconded Angola's motion; Gabon went on the other side.

When the vote was called, Angola's motion to defer lost with 22 in favor (including not only the ALBAs but also Indonesia, Congo and others), 107 against, and 12 abstentions. St. Vincent and the Grenadine spoke afterward, saying it abstained and that it and its sub-region have not recognized the TNC.

Then the TNC was given the credential, with 114 in favor, 15 abstentions and 17 against including the DRC and Equatorial Guinea, whose golden glasses Permanent Representative spoke afterward.

The Security Council scheduled a 3 pm meeting to vote on creating the UN Support Mission to Libya, modifying the arms embargo - but keeping the no fly zone in place. South African Permanent Representative Baso Sangqu told Inner City Press there are still problems -- not enough to protect African migrants, for example. But other Ambassadors said it was all systems go.

And, Inner City Press learned, former mediator Al Khatib has submitted a letter of resignation, after being frozen out. We'll have more on this.